Bank of Punjab home loan calculator and Documents Details in Urdu | Bank of Punjab loan scheme

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Asalamu alaikum My dear friends today I am going to tell you about Bank of Punjab loan details, in this video I am going to tell you about home loan calculator and documents details in urdu. Because many of our friends don’t know how to apply for loan from bank of Punjab and they are unable to apply for home loan from bank of Punjab. Bank of Punjab provides you several loan scheme like apna ghar home loan, mera Pakistan mera ghar home loan , home loan for overseas Pakistanis and low cost housing finance.
If you want to know about the monthly installment plan and if you want to get loan from bop and you don’t know about the documents so after watching this video you will be very well aware which type of documents can be provided for the loan.
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Olli k party Kiya Milt's ha joht bol k


Bhai jb loan leny jaty hai tw bank waly kahty hai k hum loan ni dety


bahi. yah. nhi dtye. lone. bank .walo. say Allah. mafi. dye


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