the real best way to play the war within.

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Please watch the above videos before making any judgments on anyone! This video is my opinion and my advocation to slow down and smell the Peacebloom all around WoW for me.

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WoW is an RPG at heart. I wish more people would try to play it like one instead of “beating” it.


The best WoW guide ever tbh. You totally echo my feelings. Big hugs.


This vídeo is like an oasis in the middle of a desert. Good job.


Hear, hear! I came to this enlightened position about 12 years ago. I have been playing just shy of 20 years. I am now 67 and I don't do much of anything that isn't fun or at least my preference. You are on the right path to enjoying your life on a higher level. Pun intended 😂 I remember the days of consumption and forgetting that the words game and fun were meant for each other. Here is a secret, sometimes I just go fishing, not cause I need the food or gold. Just to enjoy the scenery. Thanks for sharing.❤


How dare you!! How dare you encourage people to have fun!!


Bravo. Starting from beginning following "expansions in order" thread on reddit. My epic journey begins today.


Spoke right into my nostalgic heart. The feelings i had about playing wow as a teenager suddenly emerged again.

Thank you for this video!


The older I get the more I feel a pressure to use my time at peak efficiency, and this has been so corrosive in my gaming and hobbies… Not only multiplayer games, but I find myself practically speed running Zelda games and then wondering why I don’t feel the magic I once used to! Glad to have realized this. I too will be playing for fun, at a relaxed pace, and rejecting that feeling of “falling behind” every time it rears its ugly head. Thanks for the video!


Finally, someone with common sense. Thank you! Tier lists only mean something in the top 1%, but those angry Demon Hunters don't understand that when they kick my Survival Hunter for not being the correct spec. If you play the spec you love long enough, you can easily outperform flavor of the month players. Imo tierlists are just horrible clickbait because no one seems to know how to properly interpret the data.


This! Youtube needed this video. My algorithm is flooded with, "What class should you play and what class you should avoid" like who tf cares...I want my vanilla days back. F*** meta.


The meta is for SUPER HIGH KEYS or hyper cutting edge mythic. You can do anything and EVERYTHING with any class/spec. Play how you want!


Randomly watched a few of these videos today and they're just so charmingly wholesome. They all basically boil down to:
"Hey you"
"Yeah you. Do you remember fun?"
"Like this. Remember this? This used to be fun, right?"
"Oh yeah! I DO remember that. And it WAS fun!...Man, when was the last time I did a fun?"
"You should do more fun".
"You're right. I should do more fun 😃"


100% agree with this! Ever since I changed my way of thinking and ignored all the min-maxing meta I started having fun with WoW!


Wow has never been more "rewarding" for casual play, and for me a lot of the complaints people have are simply self made prisons.
I play a lot, but have a very casual approach and prioritize enjoyment, and I feel greatly rewarded.
I remember back in vanilla, grinding rocks to finally afford myself one epic mount, personally Im glad those days are over.
A friend of mine would spend all his game time during a week to get buffs for raid night, thats just never been appealing to me.
Wow was even born out of the desire to have a more casual/less punishing systems than the MMOs at the time
Like how the creators mentioned not liking losing EXP for dying.

Even so, there are still those "hard" rewards, out of reach of the "mere casual"; so theres something there for everyone I think.


(Saw the length of my rant, so I added a TL;DR at the end of the comment.)

Honestly, some people love to go down the meta route. For them that is fun, and I have nothing but respect for it. But what I want to do is be a big old Ret Pala bitch baby and enjoy myself while I find out how to make it as a spec work for the content that I am personally aiming for. Instead of min maxing by going down the route of choosing a specific spec for the maximum amount of damage as an example, I want to min max by finding out all of the little ways that I can push to be the best that I can in the spec that I want to play. I like the class fantasy of being a big ol' light show, and that is all there is to it.

Otherwise, in terms of content, I personally adore the idea of delves. The fact that the rewards that they give can reach all the way to Heroic Raids is absolutely insane, and I love the fact that they will probably serve as a way to challenge yourself solo as with the mage tower back in Legion, because some people, such as yours truly, simply just don't have enough time to commit to group content on a long-term basis. I want to challenge myself and strive to be a better player, whilst not completely falling behind, and delves are a chance for me to do exactly so. It gives players more choice in terms of the content that they want to do as Mythic+ did all the way back in Legion and has done ever since. I'm excited to have some fun in my own very special way in this very special game that we all share, even if it might not be the best experience always.

(TL;DR: I'm pretty goddamn excited to have some fun in the new expansion, y'all.)


This is how I have played wow for a long time now, I chase account unlocks and transmogs and only go into harder raids if its because theres a cosmetic I really desire, not allowing myself to get caught up in the gear grind which will have a catch up mechanic in 2 months.


This is how I play too. For FUN. I don’t rush to the end, I enjoy the story. I don’t try to figure out all the systems, I naturally learn them as I come across them. I don’t immediately grab professions just so that I’m not “behind” when I reach end game and need to craft to beat a RAID as fast as possible. I may not even RAID, I may just do delves and solo queue dungeons. I’ll be interested to see what content you release. Subscribed…


G O D that intro bit hurts my soul. It's exactly some of the stuff that really messed me up, because I wanted to find not what was *the best* but what was *for me*. Nobody talks about it like that!


absolutely, i did the grind and meta chasing in shadowlands and grew very bored and fatigued of it all, i've come back now after missing an expansion and a major lifestyle change with my daughter being born and i haven't looked anything up, i've just played the way i wanted to and i've had so much fun playing that i didn't think was in the game anymore, looking forward to what the future of the expansion brings


Yeah, bro, you're so right! I'm going to do the same. Great video 😁
