Solow Growth Model | #cuetpgeconomics #indianeconomicservices #ugcneteconomics #rbigradeb

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We have created a playlist for the course " Economic Growth and Business Cycles" . It includes Solow Growth Model and Romer Model

Slow Growth Model

2.Solow Growth Model | Part 2 | Production function | Intensive form of Production function | 2 |
3. Solow Growth Model | Part 3 | Capital Accumulation Equation | 3 |
4. Solow Growth Model | Part 4 | Key Equation of Solow Model | 4 |
5.Solow Growth Model | Part 5 | Solow Diagram | Capital Deepening | Capital Widening | 5 |
6.Solow Growth Model | Part 6 | Comparative Statics |Derivation of steady state level of k and y | 6 |
7. Solow Growth Model | Part 7 | Transition Dynamics in Solow Model | 7 |
8.Solow Growth Model with Technological Progress | Part 1 | 8 |
9. Solow Growth Model with Technological Progress | Part 2 | 9 |
10.Solow Growth Model with Technological Progress | Part 3 | Growth Effects | Level Effects | 10 |
11. Convergence and Solow Growth Model | Part 1 | Meaning | 11 |
12. Convergence and Solow Growth Model | Part 2 | Diagram | Predictions| 12 |

Romer Model
Introduction to Romer Model of Economic Growth | Part 1|
Difference between Romer Model and Solow Model | Technological Change equation | Part 2 |
The Romer Economy | Final Goods Sector | Part 3 |
The Romer Economy | Intermediate Goods Sector | Part 4
The Romer Economy | Intermediate Goods Sector (Continued) | Part 5 |
The Romer Economy |The Research Sector | Part 6 |
The Romer Model Equation | Balanced Growth Path Equation | Part 7|
The Romer Model of Endogenous Growth | The Romer Model Equation |Special Cases | Part 8 |
The Romer Model Equation | Comparative Statics | Part 9 |

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We have made few playlists, we hope these are useful to you


This is useful for those who are preparing

1) Basics of MA Economics Entrance Exam (DSE/ISI/JNU/IGIDR/MSE)
2) Semester 4 Exam, Economics H
3) UGC Net Economics
4) Indian Economic Services
5) IAS Economics Optional


For any course related query please call 9999886629

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