Επίσημη πρώτη για τη νέα αυτοβιογραφία του πρίγκιπα Χάρι | Κεντρικό δελτίο ειδήσεων | OPEN TV

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Στο στόχαστρο του πρίγκιπα Χάρι και η Ελισάβετ.

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He's clearly not over his mother's deceitful death.
Im With him all the way..especially if it wasn't an accident..how can you expect a young child to react on the sudden loss and then his mother is replaced by a step mum who was cruel enough to continue the affair and broke his mother's marriage ..he's got alot of resement and money can't hide the truth..yes it's painful to announce it across the world..but if it was cold murder...he will be a hero...Dodies father clearly on all his interviews said that it was murder..so just maybe all this stuff is relevant and needs too be told to the world..


η καμιλα εμεινε εκπληκτη γιατι? δεν ηξερε οτι ο Καρολος ηταν παντρεμενος οσο ζουσε η Νταιανα?
