Best F2P Legendary Investment ORDER for NEW PLAYERS! Rise of Kingdoms 2024

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Best F2P Legendary Investment ORDER for NEW PLAYERS! Rise of Kingdoms 2024
🌟 SECOND CHANNEL - @omni_tv

Omniarch is an Associate Creator of the Rise of Kingdoms Sponsored Creator Program.

Rise of Kingdoms is a Real-time Strategy game released on Mobile and PC devices. In Rise of Kingdoms, players choose a civilization, join a kingdom, and play alongside alliance mates to become the strongest they can be. Rise of Kingdoms battles happen in real time on the map. Anyone can join or leave a battle at any time, allowing true RTS gameplay. In Rise of Kingdoms, fight alongside your alliance to take control of a vast kingdom. Clash with other players and use superior tactics to emerge victorious in this MMORPG strategy battle royale. Rise to the top and you and your civilization will be written down in your kingdom’s history! #RiseOfKingdoms #RoK #MobileGames

NEW players should check out my video "Rise of Kingdoms BEGINNERS Guide 2024! Rise of Kingdoms Tips - Best Commanders & Civilization in ROK"

BEST Crystal Tech ORDER for F2P & Low Spenders in Rise Of Kingdoms

The EASIEST WAY to Get 5515 or 5155 in Rise of Kingdoms

Is Richard STILL GOOD in Rise of Kingdoms? BEST Commander Pairs & Talents 2024

0:00 IMPORTANT Disclaimer!
4:15 Richard vs Yi Seong-gye...
7:35 BEST KvK 1 Armies
10:46 About Alexander the Great...
15:16 1st END GAME Investment
18:52 Cavalry or Archers Next?
20:00 KvK 3 - Archer Route
23:21 KvK 3 - Cavalry Route
28:53 4th Army Investments

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As a German i wish there were more German Commanders since we only have Constance, 2x Herman and Frederick. Greetings from KD 3294


If you are planning to be an archer main, the kvk3 wheel is days after kl opens, so you won't be able to battle with them


I think they have to add a Japanese commander. We barely have any and even those that are in the game are trash, garbage, like Ishida, Kusunoki, Takeda (nowadays) and Honda. So we definitely need more, someone like Miyamoto Musashi or Hattori Hanzo!


I think for kvk 3. When the wheel of fortune arrives you are able to click on change then the three (excuse me) five icons of the troop types appear giving you a chance to choose what to main and have i as the kvk3 battles start. Its not fair for archers to wait a month untill KL.


You can make a video talking about starting as archer, cavalry and infantry mains too. YouTubers don’t make videos about going all in on one troop type. I know it’s not the best option but a lot of people plays all in on one troop type and nobody talks about that.

Thanks for your videos bro, nice work


Liu/Alex is the real deal!! I've been using Liu 5511 and Alex 5551 together with a moderate gear set and still got 3:1, 2:1 basically all the time against t5s (but do consider that I'm talking about kp, not sev wounds)


Agree with order just alot of players already has ysg and alex to some point. Best advice to F2p, Ysg if not finished b4 kvk1 then stop. Alex go expertise. Then hit Herman to 5551. Keep other heads and use Hearts Desire event to get heads for Nevsky, Scipio P and Boudica that has recently been added to the shop use gems if you want to lol, add Alex that u expertise to get extra Sovereign Key for more pulls and Guan as the 5th pick in the event no1 better to choose. From there you on your own for who you go next with your remaining heads as there Wheel of Fortune arrives but probably would be Nevsky and then either Zhu or Lui also depending what you got for Scipio and Boudica P, she not bad but Zhu better.. Nevsky can run Mahmed np.. Thing is f2p basically only support so yea be realistic about your role in openfield by buffing and debuffing with that said i think Aoe debuffing is best way to contribute to the goal ❤


For those who wants to be main archers, definitely YSG is worth it. Hermann YSG is really good for open field.

And then you can do Liang and another commander for 2nd pair.


For dueling, HUO has the clear advantage over Nevsky . You would do Huo/Nev not the other way around. So I give him the slight edge .


*me watching this as a very low spender that just maxed nevsky as my first expertised SOC commander hoping I didn’t just waste my investment*


Baibars 5511 does 750 damage to 3 targets. 1000 Damage to 5 targets only applies after he is expertised, but he is still fantastic.


YOU MADE ME PLAY JUST A YEAR AGO, QUIT DUE TO REAL LIFE GRINDING. And now.. Most probably ready to play again and hopefully with my knowledge before and the content you're giving and sparta will help me a lot. For sure, there are still no investment "order" vid as of the recent.


I saved all my heads as a F2P and I didn’t regard it. You can do a lot with the stuff you get for free. Try to be patient. Kvk 1 and 2 aren’t this important. Just focus on developing your base.


KvK 1 i ran Bjorn/Sun and EJ/CM 100% f2p and i was destroying spenders running Cavs with double my power


Love the evergreen content you're putting out at the moment. Looks a lot of hard work but I'm enjoying it!🎉


My only goal for kvk1 is to be top 20 honor. I am low-mid spender and will have expertise minamoto. Should I expertise ysg? If I do so I will also have the ability to run 2 cav marches (mina+ysg, baibars+aethel)


Omni, for late game I have tested it and it’s pretty good. Alexander and Prime Scipio is a great open field march. Maybe could you test it aswell?


I recently migrated to kvk2 and lots of ppl are asking me questions and usually I say go watch Omniarch!

It’s amazing I’ve been telling ppl with expertised YSG to go for Herman P 5551 and use him with YSG until they get ZL 5511 u made the same recommendation!

Also regarding Nevsky vs Huo … I did a lot of testing using the same equipments and armaments. When we r winning the murderball and fighting on territory my Huo/Joan traded better than Nevsky/Joan. When fighting outside territory and being pushed back, my Nevsky/Joan performed better than Huo/Joan. It’s not a huge difference tbh but Huo needs more micro managing so I still prefer Nevsky/Joan


Even if i don't have Leu, I think I could still tank with Alex/Richard or Richard/Alex right? if I have them leveled up enough and have decent gear that is
