Robotag Demo

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Diigo Tag Hierarchy Enforcer prototype
Proof of concept utility for enforcing user customizable tag hierarchy on a social bookmarking service Diigo data. This makes the tag-based datastorage more easily searchable and allows faster tagging by automated tag expansion.
Eg. bookmark with tags `flask` gets tagged `python`, `web` and `programming` automatically.
Multiplatform free but not open source Yed Graph Editor is used for generating hierarchy schema in graphml-format that is readed by Python NetworkX library. NetworkX then compares exported user bookmark json-file to a given graphml-schema and updates missing tags accordingly.
Proof of concept utility for enforcing user customizable tag hierarchy on a social bookmarking service Diigo data. This makes the tag-based datastorage more easily searchable and allows faster tagging by automated tag expansion.
Eg. bookmark with tags `flask` gets tagged `python`, `web` and `programming` automatically.
Multiplatform free but not open source Yed Graph Editor is used for generating hierarchy schema in graphml-format that is readed by Python NetworkX library. NetworkX then compares exported user bookmark json-file to a given graphml-schema and updates missing tags accordingly.