You Don't Have to Pay Debt Collectors?! - INFURIATING Money Advice on TikTok!

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You Don't Have to Pay Debt Collectors?! - INFURIATING Money Advice on TikTok!

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I’m living proof they will NOT come after you for medical debt that has gone to collections.


I've fought a debt collector. In some contracts. This is true. I've fought a cable company. And I was not in the wrong. No one is paying a bill when never received an invoice. But in most cases. You have a contract with a company and depending on state. Once a debt is sold. The debt is considered paid. It depends on what the payment is for. But when it comes to cars and what not. It's different


its called Contract LAW and most Americans know nothing about it


That’s like these people who think they can’t arrested if they tell the cops they’re a ‘Sovereign Citizen.’ It’s asinine.


I know some one who bought a brand new off the lot dodge and got it taken because he quit his job right after he tried fighter the collector, and now I just get non stop calls from like so many different band and collectors he has over 100k in debt after 4 years. Not including his friends and family.


I dunno about other debt collections, but with medical bills, that's exactly how that works. Once a debt collector calls you, it means they now own your debt. You don't have to give them shit. They can try to sue for garnishes, but that only works if you don't actually go to court to fight it, which debt collectors know MOST people WON'T fight it.


I’ve had debt collectors but for very small minor things when I was young.


There's cases where the debt collectors dont have all the appropriate paperwork and things they nees to actually come after you, so if you dispute it. Sometimes, key word here, they will have to drop the debt. But that usually takes a long time and in that time your credit is going down


Legally, debt collectors have to be licensed for the collection process in your state. They can't just buy a debt and collect on it. Most debt is bought by collectors not licensed in your state. If they're sending you collections papers, contact an attorney and have them prove they're licensed and eligible to collect on that debt.

They can't report the debt that they can't collect on to credit unions, and in many cases they'll just keep sending it to someone else until they get it to someone that can enforce the debt.

But, definitely don't let some scummy collections agency try to garnish your wages when they legally can't collect the debt.


letting my debit go the the debit collector was the best decision i ever made. they were by far the easiest ones in the system to work with. we set up an easy payment plan and they didn't require us to give them all our information about our investments, a year of pay stubs and a year of bank statements.


Debt guy is actually right but it’s not what you should do. They can’t garnish your wages.


He’s actually not lying. I fought and argued with a debt collector before over something I knew I owed but chose to fight. Let’s just say I don’t owe them anymore and not a cent was paid


Dude, even the code states that a consumer can refuse to pay. He's talking about a credit report. Just because the debt is removed, it doesn't mean that they're not obligated.


Amex doesn’t sell their debts to third party collectors btw


Can you imagine this country in 25 years.. Yikes!


What about buying your own debt as an LLC for pennies on the dollar and never collecting on yourself or the others collected 😂


As a person who used to be a debt collector, and has a fiancé who is a supervisor at a financing company (he helps manage the open accounts) you absolutely do not HAVE to pay your debts. You do however, have to accept any consequences that may come from that. Garnished wages, credit dips, etc. I don’t understand what people don’t get 😂


CLEARLY you havent heard of credmaxxing from sam hyde


He would be right if he said 999, 1000 is 1 dollar over the limit . If u own 999 of under you don't have to pay


He is actually right cause once it’s goes for collections, the debt is already settled….. they have insurance on that debt.
