This TikTok “Prophet” Needs to Stop

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Why do I do this to myself?

TikTok prophet and charismatic Christian preacher Gabriel Storm makes some distressing content about LGBT issues, mental health, and demons. Here I engage in spiritual warfare to attack the kingdom of god!!!


Non-sectarian Biblical Studies Courses by Dr. Bart Ehrman (affiliate link):


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7:53 - Had to clarify the analogy here. While magnets and electrical charges behave similarly (eg. Opposites attract), permanent magnets are not composed of magnetic charges. Instead "North" and "South" are the ends ("poles") of a magnetic dipole. We have no evidence of "magnetic charges" (ie. Magnetic Monopoles) and so calling the ends of a magnet "charged" is incorrect.
Electrical charges do exist (and easy to observe in the form of static electricity), and can accumulate, giving an object a "net charge". This is usually introduced as electrons (which we say have a charge of -1) being attracted to protons (with charcge of +1) in an atomic nucleus. Both electrons and protons are examples of "electric monopoles". Apologies for the pedantry!


I thought I had a demon once. Turned out to be gas. Thanks Jesus!


Mfw I fumbled explaining magnets. 🤦‍♂️ Magnetism has poles, electricity has charges.


Christians have been saying "Jesus is coming back soon" for as long as Christianity has existed.


So if a musician dresses in dark clothes for performance art it’s actual demons but when he dresses in a black hoodie and pretends to be a demon for tik tok it’s fine. Got it.


I wish depression was just an invisible dude that came randomly to mess up my life. That would be so much easier to deal with.


"Be like Jesus" If I remember correctly, Jesus was all about being accepting of others and encouraging self responsibility.


Spent so much of my life thinking my intense social anxiety was a spiritual problem. I saw so much growth once I stepped away from the faith and got actual clinical help.


As a Nigerian I appreciate your understanding of the origins of afrobeats. Maybe it's time to explore the evolution of the colonial remnants of religion, especially Christianity, in Nigeria. It's been such a huddle to overcome. Certain demographics are so religious that they genuinely believe there is no need for political change cause prayer conquers all. It's tough to watch as an agnostic Nigerian. There aren't very many of us lol.


I hate it when demons come inside me 😩


I hope this sillier-than-usual video is to your liking. I put my entire soul into my last one and I'm still waiting for it to grow back


"Come out in Jesus name!"
Jesus, I'm bi.


I remember seeing a comment, where someone unironically said "yes, demons definitely exist, my husband gets possessed by one every time he drinks alcohol".


As a nonbinary person, Legion would have been great if I thought about it before I changed my name to what it is now.


As a Nigerian, when I saw the demonisation of Rema.
I wasn’t even suprised. They have always demonised us.

Our hair, culture, skin, religion, style, music, religion e.t.c

We are so heavily colonised, we don’t even know our roots, selves anymore.

But I see change in the younger generation. Little by little.❤

Growing up I was told in church that depression was a sign you weren't saved, that it meant you were just "lukewarm" and a "Sunday Christian, " that real Christians didn't get depressed. I spiraled into zealotry because I was so afraid I would go to Hell. By age 15 I was cheering for terrorists who bombed gay bars and abortion clinics, and accusing my parents and pastor of being too lukewarm. I was still depressed. By age 18 I had left the church and realized that no, depression wasn't some sign I was going to hell. That it was okay to not be okay. That terrorism was wrong. And that I was queer AF.


omg, that "pray the depression away" skit was cringe beyond belief.


Oh man, it’s as funny as it is sad and frustrating. What’s so frustrating is when the prophets aren’t even biblically literate. Just shows how much the average christian who follows them doesn’t know their bible. Good show!


It's funny that he says anxiety is caused by sin and a lack of faith because Evangelical Guilt was a major contributing factor to my anxiety


As an autistic person with generalized anxiety disorder raised in an evangelical homeschooled household that didn't believe in anxiety disorders or autism, this is HIGHLY disturbing to me. I thought something was horribly wrong with me that was causing constant demonic attacks until I moved our of my parents house, and didn't actually get assessed and diagnosed so I could start getting help until I was 32 years old (this year, actually). Even I can't accurately calculate the extent of the damage to my life that caused, and sometime I'm honestly surprised I survived to adulthood.

On a related note, I want to thank you for your part in my journey. You were one of the first people who presented alternative perspectives to me that didn't come with the hostility that made me feel hated for what I was taught to believe, and I don't know where I would be if I hadn't found your content. The work you do in fighting dangerous disinformation with logic and respect made a real difference to me, and I'm sure it does for others as well. I just wanted you to know that.
