Writing Award Winning PowerShell Functions and Script Modules by Mike Robbins

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Learn to write award winning advanced functions and script modules in PowerShell using the industry’s best practices from a former winner of the advanced category in the scripting games without having to sift through 10 years’ worth of outdated content on the Internet.
Transitioning from writing PowerShell one-liners and basic scripts to creating reusable PowerShell tools with advanced functions and script modules can be a daunting task and with all the different ways that you’ll find on the Internet to accomplish the same task, it can definitely seem overwhelming. During this session, we’ll demystify many of the intricacies of toolmaking while demonstrating the best practices for using parameters, parameter validation, cmdlet binding, supports should process, pipeline input, error handling, module manifests, and custom formatting.
Who better to learn how to write PowerShell functions and script modules from than a former winner of the advanced category in the scripting games and a multiyear recipient of both Microsoft’s MVP and SAPIEN Technologies MVP award. During this session, I’ll share my secrets for writing PowerShell advanced functions along with the lessons I’ve learned from the hundreds of tips and tricks that I receive via code reviews by the 600,000+ readers of my blog site each year.
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This is awesome! I finally learned dot sourcing. Always a pleasure learning from Mike.


A lot of these principles and the information presented I already knew by reading the articles of the ScriptingGuy, Don Jones's books and the MVA Videos. There still was A LOT of new stuff that I've been aching for a long time and simply didn't know how to do it (simpler). For example the way to find out all Type Accelerators or using the Enumeration of Console Colors to be Validated in a function. This video fired up a bunch of synapses and I'm currently thinking of new script ideas. Thanks for uploading this and thank you to the presenter for showing this off!


Good stuff. Going apply regions, the color blind color changes, & more to my tools. The regions is priceless for code thats > 1000 lines.


I just love this guy Mike F Robbins a full of knowledge and amazingly talented. Watch out his blog to learn PowerShell in better way.


very nice vid, however please next time repeat the question because i can barely hear it.


Can I please have the link for the book powershell advanced functions


thank you for sharing thiS. Very helpful. Is this code available elsewhere to download?


Why do presenters almost always forget to repeat the questions asked? We can't hear the questions!! That should be basic knowledge.


Don't know why it's so hard to repeat the questions so we know what your are answering to, same problem with most of powershell.orgs stuff.. But nice presentation otherwise.


All these presenters have this habit they keep cracking jokes and irrelevant talks in between while presenting and towards the end when concepts are more complex they run like hell to win Olympics gold.


somewhere in 28:55 he said he doesn't like typing, he just copy and paste... that is the weirdest thing a programmer would say.
