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Cartoon Network show
Lamput is an Indian animated television series of shorts created by Vaibhav Kumaresh and produced by Vaibhav Studios for Cartoon Network Asia, consisting of 15 seconds micro shorts that were extended to 2 minutes for the second season. It airs on Cartoon Network (India). Season 3 is currently in production which consists of 5 minutes and 2 minutes episodes. Season 3 airs on Cartoon Network in APAC, EMEA and LATAM. Lamput has also started airing on Boomerang later this year.
A little orange flapjack octopus named Lamput who espaced 2 Labs named Fat Doc And Slim Doc, they are trying to catch Lamput. The Show is a talking gibberish.
Lamput: Lamput is the title character of the show. He's an orange gooey creature that escaped from the Docs' laboratory.
Specs: Specs, also known as Fat Doc, is the fat scientist who tries to catch Lamput.
Skinny: Skinny, also known as Slim Doc, is the slim scientist who also tries to catch Lamput.
Mr. Mustache: He's a fit, healthy and powerful man who sometimes beats the docs up.
Doctor: He's a pink colored doctor who sometimes check Lamput and the docs.
White Lady: She is Skinny’s crush
The Boss: skinny and spec docs boss
___________________________________________________________________________created by aarush and Vaibhav studios______________________________________________________
Cartoon Network show
Lamput is an Indian animated television series of shorts created by Vaibhav Kumaresh and produced by Vaibhav Studios for Cartoon Network Asia, consisting of 15 seconds micro shorts that were extended to 2 minutes for the second season. It airs on Cartoon Network (India). Season 3 is currently in production which consists of 5 minutes and 2 minutes episodes. Season 3 airs on Cartoon Network in APAC, EMEA and LATAM. Lamput has also started airing on Boomerang later this year.
A little orange flapjack octopus named Lamput who espaced 2 Labs named Fat Doc And Slim Doc, they are trying to catch Lamput. The Show is a talking gibberish.
Lamput: Lamput is the title character of the show. He's an orange gooey creature that escaped from the Docs' laboratory.
Specs: Specs, also known as Fat Doc, is the fat scientist who tries to catch Lamput.
Skinny: Skinny, also known as Slim Doc, is the slim scientist who also tries to catch Lamput.
Mr. Mustache: He's a fit, healthy and powerful man who sometimes beats the docs up.
Doctor: He's a pink colored doctor who sometimes check Lamput and the docs.
White Lady: She is Skinny’s crush
The Boss: skinny and spec docs boss
___________________________________________________________________________created by aarush and Vaibhav studios______________________________________________________