W4 tax form | w-4 tax form. How to fill out w4 tax form . Step by step, walk-through of w4.

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W4 withholding instructions for Married filing jointly with dependents. w-4 withholding Married filing jointly . The W-4 in 2023 is almost the same as 2024.
How to fill out w4 tax form.
#w-4 #Katie_St_Ores #W4

Employee W-4 Withholding Certificate W4 - New Job
W4 | Employee's Withholding Certificate | IRS Tax Form W4.
Step by Step Walkthrough
How to fill out a W-4 form for Married filing Jointly

W4 Tax Form has 3 variations:
W4 single Tax Form - Single
W4 Head of Tax Form - Head of Household
W4 Married filing Jointly Tax Form - Married Filing Jointly
How to fill out W4 Employee Withholding Certificate. IRS tax form W-4 tax.
W4 Tax Estimator or IRS W-4 Form Estimator
W4 IRS tax Form W-4

W4 instructions for Married filing jointly.
Step by step walkthrough video log:
00:27 How to find Form W-4
0:45 IRS.gov IRS tax form W4
1:01 Current Version Form w4 in PDF
1:26 W-4 Employee's Withholding Certificate
1:38 Only steps 1 & 5 are required for W4
2:32 How to check your Tax filing Status
3:11 W4 multiple jobs
3:33 w4 two jobs with similar pay
4:01 W4 video with multiple jobs worksheet
5:03 Step 3 Claim Dependents on W-4
5:33 Step 4 Other Adjustments for W4
6:39 W4 Step 4 Other Adjustments
7:18 Step 5 Sign and Date W4 or it's not valid
7:34 Review of W4 Tax Form

Katie St Ores CFP has done a 'How To file a W4' video for each W-4 Form:
Employee's Withholding Certificate
How to fill out a W4 Form
How to fill out W4 single W-4
How to fill out a w4 Married Filing Jointly W-4
How to fill out a W-4 Head of Household W4
For W4 married filing separately, please watch How to fill out W4 single.
(W4 for Single is the same as W-4 for married filing separately)
Good luck and Thanks again...

Note: Please understand that these videos are for EDUCATIONAL purposes only and are very general.. All people and their financial situations are different. So it is important to consult your tax or financial professional.

Katie St Ores CFP®, ChFC®, EA, LTC
McMinnville, Oregon 97128
Tax preparer near me
• 97 Hours of Continuing Education each year to maintain Professional designations
• CFP® - Certified Financial Planner
• ChFC® - Chartered Financial Consultant
• EA - Enrolled Agent - Empowered by the U.S. Dept. of the Treasury
• Licensed Tax Consultant –Licensed by the State of Oregon
• Registered Investment Adviser- Oregon Div. of Financial Regulation
• Tax Accountant - Markusen & Schwing CPA's

2023, 2022, 2020, 2021 Women’s Initiative (WIN) CFP® Board
2023, 2022, 2021, 2019 Financial Women to Watch on YouTube

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This should be taught in 11th and/or in 12th grade in highschool. High School really doesn't prepare you for the real world.


The fact that so many people mess up their taxes or don't know how to do them on their own is a deliberate aspect of our system. They don't want us to know about any of this. I've fucked up many of my tax documents with several jobs from simply not knowing what or how to fill it out properly. how the hell is this not an required class in high school? it's despicable.


Shout out to the education system for not teaching this before we got our first jobs and were astonished to found out on your first check that "they took my money"


Your style of teaching is FANTASTIC. Nobody ever in my life has walked me through this form in such a straightforward manner. Nobody has ever even walked through this form in my presence ever and I am 35 years of age.

I find it peculiar how nobody really teaches these things along the way in adolescence onward. My own parents never even sat me down to demonstrate any of this.


This helped a lot, I'm 20 applying for my first ever real job (worked as a neighborhood swim team coach) and never had to fill one of these out before, it looked all so complicated until you explained that I only really needed to fill out 1 & 5 thank you so much!


Just got my first job and was struggling really hard to fill this out, thank you so much :')
I wish school or my parents taught me about this




was having a mental break down trying to figure out what i was suppose to do. i got a phone call from my first job and they told me i needed a w4. i was so lost thank you for this video


This is more useful then others out there who just explains but not showing how


Wow thank you so much for explaining this form. It always scares me to fill out this form. I have a better understanding through your video of how I need to fill it out. Also explaining what sections are required and optional is a BIG help. I thought all the sections needed to be filled out. Thank you Thank you!


Im glad i was brought into the world in a place where i can actually learn stuff like this before it truly matters. Im going into my sophomore year at 14 years old and my school hasn't yet taught us things like this which would be very important for the future. Hopefully that will change but the place i live in already goves me a head start to be able to succeed in life


Thank you fo this video! I've been an independent employee for years and tomorrow I start a in-house position! This helped tremendously!


Best simple video on youtube to explain w4


This is my 1st year doing taxes with United Way & it’s many ppl that have no clue😭

It’s sad the IRS won’t put anything out regardless this form‼️

I’m going to send this video to people to assist them💯


Thank you so much. You gave me the best detailed explanation vs. others I went to. You need to be teaching this to kids (and grown kids like myself).


Thanks for the w4 instructions. Can you show us how to calculate how much will come out of my check though?


🤩 wow! You have no idea how this video helped me this morning at my orientation when I was filling out the form! Thank you so much 😊


thanks, no wonder!! everything changed I did not know that, former employer they didnt tell me.. now tomorrow I start with new employer. I'm single but have a second job I work about 16 hours per month I'll just check the box.


@1:48 thank god I did it right,
I haven’t worked in a job that actually asked me to sign a w4 in a while. This really helped


We need an example of one filled out just sample numbers so we more or a better idea of what we are working with and what to specifically put down on the form please thank you. Or a quick cheat sheet.
