Muslim QUESTIONS Christianity... Then LEAVES ISLAM FOR CHRIST | Sam Shamoun

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Muslim QUESTIONS Christianity... Then LEAVES ISLAM FOR CHRIST | Sam Shamoun

Islam denies Jesus' divinity and reduces Him to a mere prophet, while Christianity reveals Him as the eternal Son of God, sharing divine glory with the Father, thus offering salvation. The Quran falsely claims Jesus is not divine, misleading Muslims away from the truth. Muslims, leave this deceitful religion and embrace Jesus Christ, your Lord of Lords, and the Way, the Truth, and the Life!

If you need more information or details, check out the entire livestream video link below (if provided). Also, read the irrefutable article links and sources that discuss this (if provided). Islam has no ground to stand.

Don't believe me? Ask your Imam about this topic, including videos articles, and sources (if included), and see how he answers. He may deny it unjustly or attempt to harmonize it. If you seek the truth, you will find Jesus Christ, the Lord of Lords and King of Kings!

Full Livestream:

Relevant Articles/Sources:

Quran/Hadith Verses:

Quran 4:157 - Denies the crucifixion and divinity of Jesus, claiming he was not killed or crucified.

Quran 5:72-73 - Rejects the divinity of Jesus and the concept of the Trinity, declaring belief in it as blasphemy.

Quran 9:30 - Claims Christians are misguided for calling Jesus the Son of God.


Sahih Bukhari 4:55:654 - States that Jesus will return to break the cross and kill pigs, signifying a rejection of Christian symbols and beliefs.
Bible Verses (NKJV):

John 17:3-5 - Jesus speaks about sharing the divine glory with the Father before the world existed, affirming His divinity.

Hebrews 1:8-12 - Describes Jesus as God, eternal, and the Creator, distinguishing Him from creation.

John 1:1-3 - Affirms the eternal existence and divinity of Jesus as the Word, who was with God and is God.

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Рекомендации по теме

Islam denies Jesus' divinity and reduces Him to a mere prophet, while Christianity reveals Him as the eternal Son of God, sharing divine glory with the Father, thus offering salvation. The Quran falsely claims Jesus is not divine, misleading Muslims away from the truth. Muslims, leave this deceitful religion and embrace Jesus Christ, your Lord of Lords, and the Way, the Truth, and the Life!

If you need more information or details, check out the entire livestream video link below (if provided). Also, read the irrefutable article links and sources that discuss this (if provided). Islam has no ground to stand.

Don't believe me? Ask your Imam about this topic, including videos articles, and sources (if included), and see how he answers. He may deny it unjustly or attempt to harmonize it. If you seek the truth, you will find Jesus Christ, the Lord of Lords and King of Kings!

Full Livestream:

Relevant Articles/Sources:

Quran/Hadith Verses:

Quran 4:157 - Denies the crucifixion and divinity of Jesus, claiming he was not killed or crucified.

Quran 5:72-73 - Rejects the divinity of Jesus and the concept of the Trinity, declaring belief in it as blasphemy.

Quran 9:30 - Claims Christians are misguided for calling Jesus the Son of God.


Sahih Bukhari 4:55:654 - States that Jesus will return to break the cross and kill pigs, signifying a rejection of Christian symbols and beliefs.
Bible Verses (NKJV):

John 17:3-5 - Jesus speaks about sharing the divine glory with the Father before the world existed, affirming His divinity.

Hebrews 1:8-12 - Describes Jesus as God, eternal, and the Creator, distinguishing Him from creation.

John 1:1-3 - Affirms the eternal existence and divinity of Jesus as the Word, who was with God and is God.


I just love when Muslims are willing to learn instead of insulting.


I was a muslim and i always think that christian people are wrong and lost but when i open my eyes and i start to learn about christianity i understand why muslim people always try to make christianity look like it’s something evil they’re trying to hide the truth and sadly a lot of people falls into Islam lies i was one of them but Jesus saved me
Thank you sam you’re a legend
Christ is Lord ❤️✝️


Hello, I am a Turk living in Istanbul and whose family is entirely Muslim.I was in search for a long time and did research on religions for a certain period of time and tested myself on this subject.Frankly, I was afraid of leaving Islam, both socially and doctrinally, but I also sympathized with Christianity.And my friend, after watching a few of your videos and seeing Muslims being vulnerable to you and the word of God, I started to feel closer and after this video I decided to become a Christian.I bear witness that Jesus is God, He was crucified and rose again. He is the Word. Father, son and holy spirit are one and one.Now I can't wait to go to a church and get baptized, thank you. God bless you.🙂✝


Brother, you made me cry for your conversion. You are welcome


Another soul saved. May God continue to bless Sam and his ministry.


First time i am seeing him crying....
Praise and honor to God


I have never somebody met with that unbelievable knowledge of the Bible and Quran. Even than so much knowledge of Greek, Arabic, English and maybe other languages. Dear Brother Sam, may the Lord Jesus bless you.


The angels rejoice for every soul that is saved! Cried watching his confession. Praise God!


I was crying with Sam at the end. Good job to our ex-muslim brother who found the truth in Jesus Christ. Thank you Sam for guiding a lost soul to the path to Jesus.


This brought me to tears..I am a Baptist praise God because my mother raised me in the church. My father is Muslim and I tried to bring him to Jesus when I was very young but I didnt know the answer to many of his questions so he laughed at me.. since then I was intimidated to talk to him about the Bible. Now that I am older I feel the Holy Spirit is calling me to bring the Gospel to him again. I came across these videos and it gives me hope that God will use me to bring my dad to Jesus. His heart is hardened but Gods word is mighty. Please pray for me and for his salvation ❤


Whenever muslims willing to learn ...they will get the true to Christ bro.
Tq Bro Sam .GBU


I literally found this channel 2 hours ago, I literally started reading the bible a few days ago, I want to educate on all the big 3 and videos like this is a massive help for me to understand the diffrences. I have yet to repent and asked to be saved but I'm preparing to do so. I hope everyone finds our lord jesus christ and lives a fufilling life. Hope everyone is having a great day and have many to come :)


Christ is lord. Christ protect this man.


We love you Sam. Keep growing in the power of Jesus Christ.


To hear a lost soul come home to the Lord is truly a joy to behold.


Wow, the Holy Spirit is really manifesting in this young brother. Very intelligent brother, may the wonderful hands of God be upon you all in Jesus Mighty name, Amen....
Great Sermon, we thank King Jesus for this our lovely brother. Brother you are blessed, you chose the right path bro. Just keep reading the Bible, and praying. God be with you bro Sam Sh.


Lord, I’m a worm and a wicked soul.
Please forgive me.


AMEN Lord Jesus Christ Almighty God living God bless Your precious beloved son Mr Shamon ❤


It will never get old, watching man search for truth. Only to find Jesus within it, and his perfection becoming apparent to all who sought with earnest hearts. God is truly good.

Blessed is the ministry of Sam. He leads the sheep who went astray, back to the fold. He walks in the footsteps of the teacher.
