Dean W. Zimmerman - How Does God Relate to Time? (Part 2)

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What is the relationship between God and time? Does God exist in time, being everlasting, without beginning or end? Or does God exist outside of time, on a wholly different plane from human existence? Did God create in time? Or did God create with time. If so, then did God create time? Time is a deep probe of the essence of God.

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At 1:50 " God sits outside of it and regards the whole as a whole..." This is really close to an experience of mine around 2000, I fell out in the Spirit while getting on the Choir platform for a church service. I started hearing all kinds of songs in other languages echoing in and out, almost vibrating like and just when I thought I would surly die, I came back to where I was and two people were holding me up. I asked if they heard it, they looked at me funny and said, " Heard what?". I came out of this experience learning that there is no time signature in Heaven, time is like a fluid substance in God's Eternal Realm which is a dimension outside of all other dimensions. Ps. 115:3


God created this universe. Our time began with that moment of creation. So as God said he was here before time and he will be here for all time.


Does anyone else feel time is whizzing faster every year?


Forces fallow shortest path of least resistance, so time is an optimized structure. Fields extend in all directions, making any direction appear open and possible, except directions of change are result of energy gradient equilibrium. Problem is, why are those spheres of potential moving and interactiong in a first place, obviously once upon a time there was a great disturbance under heaven.


This discussion was better in part one before the acid kicked in.


Better question: how does the tooth fairy relate to dentistry?! 😂


weird that you ask a 69 year old(!!!!) who looks about 23 about time


l'univers n'est pas la création du nôtre donc le temps dépend de la période de création ce n'est pas une constante cosmologique mais a varié selon la création. L'univers dans son ensemble a été crée pendant des milliards de milliards d'années puis notre univers fût crée pour nous ou nous pour lui autrement dit pour une vie sur terre donc le temps est selon la période d'état de l'univers et l'endroit. Même le temps a été predeterminé puisque toute particule a un temps personnelle de vie de comportement


Dean is essentially saying what the nuns told me in Catholic grade school. "God always was, and always will be, end of story." It's a bullshit argument that avoids the really challenging existential questions.


Too many edgy teenage atheists in here


So sad to see a bright guy like this just lost in a mythological world. He could just as easily have been fantasizing about what is Zeus really like? Does he really experience an orgasm when he's impregnating the nymphs.


Ignorance ➙ superstition ➙ tradition (oral and written) ➙ myth ➙ religion ➙ brainwashing ➙ slavery (physical and mental)

These are untrue: angels, demons, devils, gods, goddesses, saviors, God. Whether there is God or not, however, is unimportant; *why* we believe in God or not is important. 💕 ☮ 🌎


Time is nothing more than the human perception of movement and memory.
Also, to say the a god exists outside of time is a contradiction in terms since the definition of "exists" is defined by time.


This is such a weak defense of academic stupidity, "This shows that I am a philosopher and not a theologian". "theologians" could make the converse claim in defense of their own academic ineptitude. Both should be fully conversant in all matters relating to their respective academic disciplines or, by definition they are not engaged in academic disciplines but mere pub philosophy, therefore, such people are not adequately educated. Then why are such people qualified or credentialed?
