Rhino 660 UTV Part 2 - NNKH

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This is Part 2 of "Buying a Rhino 660" and includes a mix of mods, fixes, and riding.


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This has been my favorite YouTube channel for awhile. Great to see other people out there who love working on things. Chris's advantage is he can film, narrate, and edit. Hoping we can see a personal garage and transition to full-time NNKH.


You deserve to have fun.
Never seen a hard working guy.
You literally do everything yourself so you deserve to Enjoy the labour.
Especially with family and fur babies


Gotta say man I've been following your channel for a little while now and i love your style and all the old revivals you do. The channel name fits the content perfectly, your not trying to be some one your not, not trying to make jokes that aren't funny, just straight to the point this is what I'm doing, this is how you do it and thx for watching lol.


I grew up in the country in Ohio, riding 4 wheelers dirtbikes, and my first vehicle was a 91 Jeep Wrangler. So I was always riding fields, woods, train tracks, crashing around in the snow, and I moved to Southern US, huge city, and I don't like it. I miss this kind of life and the freedom of it so bad. This video seriously took me back and brought me joy watching you because I know how much fun it really is. Be grateful you still have the opportunity to do things like this because when you lose it you miss it terribly


Great video. Reminds me of my days in Colorado Springs at the USAF Academy playing in the snow. Don't feel bad about playing and not working all the time. You have to stop and smell the Roses every once and a while. I have never had any regrets about taking time out to enjoy life it goes by so fast. You won't be saying, I wish I had gone there and experienced this or that. I enjoy watching You and Jen on your adventures.. Keep up the good work. Thanks. J.T. Beck


That things looks like so much fun! I always like how you show and explain the troubleshooting process as well as the fix. NNKH


Man, don't ever stop having fun and tearing it up. Half the fun is watching you have fun with the stuff you find and repair.


Man, if you checked out tomorrow, you could say you lived a full life! Don’t think Jen would’ve enjoyed that last ride. Keep up the great work/play, I can’t get enough!


Always amazing to see the methods you use to determine the source of an issue bud. Process of elimination. Learning with entertainment. The new education system. NNKH


Gotta love your content man. The battery disconnect is always a great deal, may be a better idea to even hide the disconnect so only you know where it is to start the machine, making it harder to steal. NNKH


I've found your video's by watching Andrew's channel and glad I have, I'm a backyard mechanic and enjoy watching your projects. I now live in Fl. but lived around Allentown, Pa. for years. Keep up the good work.


I know this video is old you do amazing work.let keep the channel moving


We got so much snow a few years ago. 44 “ in 24 hours . Even a sled would get stuck. No road traffic for 3 days till the loaders opened it up. I enjoy your Chanel, I started watching when you got the Grand Turino in Vegas. Gus is a cute dog. I have two – Dash hounds .


You are definitely living large and in charge my man. Don't worry about taking time for yourself. That's the whole point of doing what you do. Enjoy the fruits of your labor because you have definitely earned them. Live your life to the fullest for it is not a practice run. Keep that adrenaline pumping !


Chris - I have enjoyed watching your videos, you always amaze me how you can fix anything. You inspire me to get out in the garage and work on my project cars. Keep up the great content! PS - Jen is a great singer, would be awesome to hear more of you two playing/singing. NNKH


Made my wife walk home from the woods after I got my 94 Cherokee SE stuck while mildly aggressive wheelin'. Yeah, once. I did that once dude. Jen rocks, ya'll rock. High five !!


We have a Rhino 450 bought new when they first came out and it has had only minor issues (fuel sending unit, starter, fuel vent hose (mud daubers nest)), It goes anywhere any season on our 50 acres here in Southern Indiana. I buried my John Deere compact front tires to the front axles (its 4 wheel drive and was stuck solid) my wife used a heavy strap and the rhino iwith the diff engaged pulled me right out. Another time two dudes were picking up a heavy load of metal trash that was years old in a low swampy area near the woods they had a long trailer and a chevy dually and got stuck. She hooked up the rhino and drug them out. I was on the road driving a semi back from Texas. Really enjoyed your tips and tricks so this will be my winter project in the garage. Make the rhino great again ! Thanks.


Chris, Thanks for another High-Fidelity, Action-Packed Episode of NNKH. Be sure to buy Jen some of her favorite flowers for Valentine's Day. NNKH


The Tunes Cranked up and Chris is “Tearing the Place Down!


Chris, I really enjoy watching your videos (on both channels). You've got a great "any man" approach that makes your content very relatable while still remaining informative, entertaining and just fun to watch. Keep doing what you're doing man, it's awesome watching you progress! NNKH
