Who is God? (Full Episode) | The Story of God with Morgan Freeman

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Morgan Freeman begins a quest to discover who God is and how he, she or they have evolved over human history

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About The Story of God with Morgan Freeman:
Academy Award winner Morgan Freeman explores the meaning of life, God, and many big questions in between in an effort to understand how religion has evolved and shaped society. A different divine subject is covered in each hourlong episode, titles of which include "Creation," "The Devil Inside," "Afterlife," "Apocalypse," and "Who Is God?" To explore these topics, host and narrator Freeman visits nearly 20 cities in seven countries to see some of the world's greatest religious sites, among them Jerusalem's Wailing Wall, India's Bodhi Tree, Mayan temples in Guatemala, and the pyramids of Egypt, and he immerses himself in religious experiences and rituals. "In some places I found answers, and others led to more questions. The constant through it all is that we're all looking to be part of something bigger than us. If there's one thing I've learned, it's that we certainly are," Freeman says.

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Who is God? (Full Episode) | The Story of God with Morgan Freeman

National Geographic
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I really appreciate the fact that Mr. Freeman is absolutely respectful of all religions.


To everyone who is reading this, you’re beautiful and an amazing person. Please exercise frequently and eat more fruits/veggies. I wish you all good health, great success, and everlasting


I could listen to him endlessly, captivating me without getting bored or tired.


27:49 "You cannot imagine God. God is beyond imagination. Whatever you would imagine with our human minds, God would be different from it." Wow, very powerful. This episode was great. I have the other episodes of this series saved and look forward to watching them all.


I love Morgan Freeman's respectful humility. ❤ God bless him.🙏


A deep love, respect and humility permeates through every aspect of this documentary. I love this series. 💛


Morgan Freeman is an excellent portrayal of a spiritual leader. 'The God in me is who I strive to be' powerful words..


Morgan Freeman, one of the greatest human being still living on our society, I hope he live another hundred years, god bless you Mr Freeman.


Morgan Freeman you are a kind soul! I love how you embrace each person from other walks of life, cultures, countries …. You genuinely show how all humans should treat one another despite our differences or where we come from. You were the best person for this job. I loved watching all these videos. I can listen to you talk allday sir!


Morgan Freeman was the perfect personality to do this series. His overall respect to the subject and seriousness made it authentic. If I were a non believer then I would have changed my mind following this performance. That's what I believe. Well done.


I had to wait till grade 12 t hear comparative religion as a study existed. This wonderful essay on the similairities and differences of each belief system is very educational, and inspirational. Thank you Mr. Freeman. Truly you are one that frees our spirit to soar in unity and with respect for each individual.


Idk why but the Navajo ritual brought me to tears. Absolutely wonderful documentary and you could not have gotten someone better to do it than Morgan Freeman


Morgan is making a big difference in the world by showing that a Christian believer is capable of listening to others


God brought me to this video to listen to Morgan Freeman. This has made me smile. I love happy endings. The God in you, Morgan Freeman, makes you who we see and hear. & we smile at that wonderfulness of God.


I seen and spoke to my higher self (God) when I was 3 years old. It woke me up out from my sleep and kept my mom and baby brother asleep. It was a beautiful purple skin, wearing A LOT of gold and surrounded my beautiful shiny gold fish (not goldfish) but GOLD fish. They were floating in the air and all around God. God spoke to me with its eyes. Not with words verbally.. and in its presence, I felt the most love I’ve ever felt, even to this day. I remember this day like it just happened 2 seconds ago. And this is what drives me in life. That image of God and the words we’ve exchanged telepathically.


Love this gentleman, a legend “Morgan Freemen”


Wow! The Navajo ritual was gorgeous!
I love how Morgan looks for new angles on how we can find God and grow to be closer to the Source. We all have so much to learn from each other. May the Source keep all of you. 🖤🖤


I love you Morgan! You taught me my ABC’s back on the Show Electric Company and you are still teaching me


You just got to love him! He's so kind and sweet to everyone regardless of what they believe in, of who they are and what they do... I just wish everyone was like that!❤️🥰


A truly natural actor, he makes acting so simple, but full of feel, heart pure Mr Morgan👌❤️
