American Reacts to Australian Emu War - OverSimplified

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Thank you for watching me, a humble American, react to Emu War - OverSimplified. This was a really greatly produced video and very interesting! Thanks for subscribing!
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We can laugh at the "happy arvo!" greetings, but we simply cannot tolerate "eeemoo" any more than you might tolerate a buld oogle (or bald eagle). It's an "eem-you". 😂


Australians are going to know you as the "happy arvo" American on youtube. We affectionately laugh at you but your effort to be informed about Australia and Australians makes you very welcome here whenever you do come down.


Ok, let’s do something NOT related to pronunciation!

The feather hat fixation comes from the branch of the army called Light Horse. Traditionally they wore (and still wear) an emu plume in their slouch hats. Australia’s Light Horse were featured in films such as Gallipoli, The Light Horsemen, 40, 000 Horsemen to name a few. The 4th LH Brigade’s Charge at Beersheba is one of their most famous actions, especially the march preceding it.

Also, emu plumes were well-used in women’s hats, so any source of supply would be welcomed!


Emu's (Pronounced Emm-You) was picked for the coat of arms with the Kangaroo as they physical cannot walk backwards, meaning Australia is always moving forwards.


As an Australian, that was hilarious.
Like the Tasmanian Tiger, the emu was hunted to extinction in Tasmania and two dwarf species also suffered the same fate.
On mainland Australia the emu population is actually higher than it was prior to European settlement.
Current estimates put emu numbers across the country at between 500, 000 and 900, 000. The emu was the first bird species that was verified as producing genetically identical twins.
The emu holds the land speed record for birds travelling at 31 miles (50 km) per hour.
Emus breed during the cooler months with the parents staying together for about 5 months. Females lay from 5 to 15 eggs and once the incubation process begins the male becomes aggressive driving away any other emus including his mate. The eggs hatch after about 55 days and during this time the male guards the eggs and will not leave them. The young emus will stay with their father for about 6 months and will be fully grown at 1 year. At 20 months they are fully mature and can breed.
Emu farming is carried out with the products being skin, feathers, meat and oil. Infertile eggs are sometimes 'blown' and used for carving. Despite being a bird, emu meat is considered 'red' meat due to its PH value and colour.


Apparently they sent old machine guns (thus the jamming) and the military actually took their 'defeat' well (thus the jokes about praising the Emus), but as an aussie I still find this hilarious.


I really love how much you are learning about Aus from scratch. It's great to see and super entertaining :)


We must teach you how to pronounce emu…you crack me up The way you say our iconic bird😂😂😂😂😂


Mel Gibson was born in the states he just grew up in Australia


I came here for emus and "Happy arvo". I was not disappointed...


The Emu Plume 

Slouch hats worn by members of the Armoured Corps are adorned with Emu plumes, a tradition that originated with the Queensland Mounted Infantry during the great shearers’ strike in Queensland in 1891. During this time, the Queensland Mounted Infantry were called out, as soldiers to aid the Civil Power.


Exports of Emu's to the USA took place some years ago because Americans thought they would be a source of low fat, lean meat, this venture did not take off and farmers let a lot go wild, One US park ranger tried to "intercept one" upon having an unfortunate encounter with the birds feet, he was heard to say "Geez they sure can kick".


It’s pronounced Eem-you, and no it isn’t an accent thing, the person in the video you watched pronounced it correctly.


Hilarious Ryan! I have seen the real footage of the Emu War but not this version. Thanks to whoever suggested this particular piece of tongue in cheek fun.


This video is hilarious - shows we can laugh at ourselves too 🤣🤣🤣


I came to the comments to see how many people wanted to say:
‘Duuuudddde you are saying Emu WRONG!!!’


Mel Gibson is an American - emigrated to australia with family as a child and returned back to america after becoming famous with aussie movies as an adult


I’ve never heard of this before, but this was hilarious to watch.


Thanks Ryan, I did not know about this piece of history. Thanks very interesting.


Another great reaction.

I have a small block of land about two hours west of Brisbane and when it's really dry these evil Emus come into town in search of our children ... ummm, I mean, in search of water and food. I'm happy to have a tub of water outside in my yard for them should they need it, however, I do get a little annoyed when they pick at my vegie garden. But, in the scheme of things, they are great providers too. I now have a cupboard full of feather hats, because I heard somewhere they are popular.
