Cytomegalovirus (CMV)

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Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is the most common viral infection that infants are born with in the United States. It causes more long-term health problems and childhood deaths than Down Syndrome, fetal alcohol syndrome, and neural tube defects.
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Found out that my blood is O negative and CMV Negative. Have been donating as often as possible. Now I understand why!


In 2015, my husband and I found out we were expecting our second child with a due date of February 3, 2016. When we went to our 20-week ultrasound appointment the tech immediately noticed something was not right and went to get the doctor. The doctor came in and told us our baby had lots of fluid around his heart, which is common with babies who have down syndrome. We were in shock but perfectly okay with that. We quickly had to make some decisions as to where to go for further testing. In the area where I live there were 3 maternal fetal medicine physicians all between 1-2 hours away. We decided and went the next morning for further testing. The doctor we chose was adamant that our baby’s health concerns were far worse than down syndrome. The doctor was thinking more along the lines of Trisomy 13 or severe chromosome deficiencies. The doctor told us the fluid around the brain, heart, and lungs were severe and that our baby’s condition would be incompatible with life. We were devastated. The doctor pressured us to have a medical abortion. We expressed that abortion was against our beliefs and that was not an option. They performed an amniocentesis and sent it off for testing. My husband and I went to church that night and prayed for our unborn son and that God would heal him...


That last line should have read.. "CMV can kill your baby." It killed my baby at 18wks.


My son passed away before he was 5 he also was diagnosed with toxoplasmosis.


I lost my first child to this at 6 months. He was deaf, blind, microcephalic, cerebral palsy. He had a tough life😞it is awful and I never even knew I was sick.


Pregnant women may wanna consider wearing masks around large groups.


My son is 9 months and is prfoundly deaf due to cmv. I found out he was infected 24 hours after his birth. Worst experience of my entire life. I still go through the depressing moments. I say to myself its my fault. I could have prevented it but i never new or heard of cmv before. I was in shock. My son is everything he is my inspiration despite whAt cmv took from us. I live in miami btw


How is it common and I had never heard about it?


I had some labs done for type-matching to be a bone marrow donor for my brother. I'm a perfect match, but I was told just today that I have CMV. I've never even heard of this. I'm wondering if this is why my son was born at 22 weeks 5 days, has cerebral palsy, and is profoundly deaf. I was always just told that I had an infection in my amniotic fluid. I've been prone to cold sores all my life. If I just look at one, I get one. How have so many people overlooked this issue I have when it's so common??


What about cmv in adult male and females? Especially after an organ transplant ?. please change the title to add ( for pregnant women)


I'm infected of CMV, so far no side effects, so far. It's not serious like hearing loss but still I feel bad about it.


I m 12 week pregnant now. Cmv test report igg is positive but igM negative . Have any risk in pregnancy or delivery time?


Can cmv and toxoplasmosis reactivate years later in the mother's body and cause digestive and urinary problems. After my hysterectomy I developed chronic digestive problems and interstitial cystitis. Are these problems related to a reactivation?


There is now a blood test developed in Israel that can tell if mother transferred cmv to fetus


I am CMV negative. I give blood and it only goes to babies to help them. I never knew that I was negative until I gave blood and they made a big deal how my blood will only go to small children and babies.


My phlebotomist taking my platelets today didn't know what CMV was. I've tried to explain it to other people and expecting mothers (including my sister) and 99% don't seem to care (or think I'm crazy for talking about it). I'm O neg and CMV neg. Blood banks don't seem to be organized very well in general.


My son died of CMV we tried vitamin c therapy but after 2 weeks his immunity was to weak.


Please help me..😭😭😭😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏🙏cmv pastive..hsv pastive....samebady help me please... please pre me...


I don’t believe it comes from kids am adult has it and then I get passed to the kids just like the cold soars they get passed on my a parents mistake.
