L5 Conjugate of Matrix, Transpose of Conjugate & Unitory Matrix| Engineering Mathematics
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This course is about basic engineering mathematics that is the fundamental and essential part of all engineering subjects. These lectures contain all concepts related to linear Matrix algebra.
Introduction of Matrices,
Various types of matrices ,
Properties of Matrix Multiplication ,
Adjoint of a square matrix,
Property of Adjoint matrix
Inverse of a matrix
Elementary Transformations
To compute the inverse of a matrix from elementary matrices (Gauss Jordan method)
The Inverse of a Symmetric Matrix
Rank of a matrix
Normal Form (Canomical Form)
Rank of Matrix by triangular form
Solution of simultaneous equations
Types of Linear Equations Consistency of asystem of Linear equations
Eigen Values
Cayley Hamilton Theorem
Eigen Vectors
Introduction of Matrices,
Various types of matrices ,
Properties of Matrix Multiplication ,
Adjoint of a square matrix,
Property of Adjoint matrix
Inverse of a matrix
Elementary Transformations
To compute the inverse of a matrix from elementary matrices (Gauss Jordan method)
The Inverse of a Symmetric Matrix
Rank of a matrix
Normal Form (Canomical Form)
Rank of Matrix by triangular form
Solution of simultaneous equations
Types of Linear Equations Consistency of asystem of Linear equations
Eigen Values
Cayley Hamilton Theorem
Eigen Vectors