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A lively discussion about speaking in tongues.
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I have never heard speaking in tounges done the way the scriptures say to do it. I believe it is a gift that does not exist anymore.


It's shocking that the church has been so deceived for long. But Daniel said it would be that way, too bad we trusted the wrong people. Deception is powerful.


I was reading a book recently and in it, it made this point; Satan pushes us in two directions. He pushes those who focus greatly on the Spirit to over emphasise His role into thinking we need to speak in tongues to be saved and so on. The other way he pushes us is deceiving us to think speaking in tongues and other gifts are no longer relevant at all (cessationism).

There needs to be a balance; we can not attribute things that are not of the Spirit and on the other hand we can not disconnect the Spirit from the Word.


I was baptized in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues when I was only 10 ten years old without anyone teaching or coaching me. Let me make one thing very clear!
NO one taught me to speak in tongues it was like a fountain that burst forth. I must emphasize tongues cannot be taught, it is a divine experience that I will forever treasure!


My grandmother was a devout christian, and she said she just started mumbling and making shit up so she wasnt left out at church and everyone just believed it. Noone ever noticed or questioned anything.


I remember once someone said tongues is from the devil. I never questioned it and accepted it wholeheartedly. Then came the day that someone I met in church, a new friend, prayed with me and she prayed in tongues! Truth is, I was freaked out and I never experienced anything like that.  I came to accept that some Christians pray in tongues and it isn't from the devil, but it was NOT for me. 

A couple of years later I prayed with her and asked the Lord for the Holy Spirit baptism and I was speaking in tongues!!  I had to battle with my fears that maybe it really is from the devil. However the more I read the Bible the more I began to understand HIS beautiful scriptures. 
PRAISE GOD because HIS word helped me realize speaking in tongues is a blessing and not a curse. Speaking in tongues is all about blind trust and having faith in him. If I ask my father for bread he will not give me a stone. If I ask my father for a fish he will not give me a snake. Matthew 7:9-10 
Receiving Jesus as our Lord and Savior is taking a step in blind faith. This is what the Kigdom of Heaven is all about trusting God!  Receiving the Holy Spirit baptism is about stepping in blind faith. Wasn't blind faith missing in the Garden of Eden? Trusting in the Lord beyond our understanding brings us closer to his presence, AMEN. 

But I do understand that not every Christian is going to want this deeper supernatural relationship with God. But to hear people say tongues is from the something very sad and heartbreaking. If only they could understand that it brings you closer to God, experiencing the supernatural power of HIS LOVE and even HIS WORD! 

We, who have Jesus, have the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is about us.... 

The Holy Spirit baptism is just taking another step into his Kingdom to serve and to WORK for HIM. 

It's almost like our relationship with God can be seen like a rainbow. Out of the seven colors there is one color always overlooked or

The Holy Spirit baptism and speaking in tongues is like the color indigo. It's just so different and therefore not important or worse it's seen as evil...something from the devil?! 

Didn't the Pharisees say that Jesus heals by the devil?! (Yikes) 
Mathew 9:34 

I found ultimate peace on this subject when I read the words from my Lord Jesus Christ. He said....And they shall speak with new 16:17 

If my Lord and Savior said it then what more do I need in order to believe that speaking with new tongues is part of the Kingdom of Heaven?! Can I not trust God's Son? What more would I need in order to believe that it's not from the devil?? Isn't it enough that God's Son said it?? 


I had a awful experience regarding tounges, went to a charsmatic church, was truly bullied into speaking gibberish I new it wasn't from God they said I didn't have enough faith: ( all it did wAs put me in despair, put me of church and I back slid really bad! I still don't speak in tounges which I believe is another language not gibberish, and I. Actually don't desire the gift of tounges, they truly put me of! I 100% know Jesus is the king of kings and is the Messiah :-) I. Happy with that!


Speaking in tongues can't be learned or taught, it is a spiritual gift. Comes from the Holy spirit naturally. 


I am a witness in the power of the Holy Ghost!! I'm a hand clapping, foot stomping, tongue talking Pentecostal and was NEVER taught. I was BLESSED by the Lord with his might presence.


I spoke in tongues in my teenage years and VERY CLEAR that no one coach me to do it. The words just came out of my mouth. It was supernaturally spoken (Meaning Holy Spirit will give you the utterance - coz as I said its not learned). That time was our retreat .


I was baptized by the spirit 4 years after I got saved. It was a beautiful experience I felt covered in love such as never before and then spoke in tongues. Ever since that time Everytime I speak in tongues I feel the presence of God. The testimony that this brother share tells me he was not baptized by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit baptism means being immersed in love. He was taught to say a few words which is not the baptism of the holy spirit nor speaking in tongues.


Speaking in tongues is the gift given by our Holy Father, brother!! Nothing more and nothing less!!  Even though  i am quite aware,  that, even the Devils   followers speak in tongues!!


I am so proud of you for exposing a false teaching that, for years, has done nothing but cause babel and fear among young people who couldn't understand what in the heck was going on with mature adults and figures that they looked up to all their lives.
Most are afraid to admit to the wrong doing of this most misunderstood practice.
Paul did his best to describe the different languages spoken during teaching and how it required an interpreter to teach in a different language.


Acts 19:2. The moment you believe, you are filled with the holy spirit. EPHESIANS 1:13 In Christ ye also trusted after ye heard the word of truth, the Gospel of your salvation, in Whom also after ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,


I have been in church my whole life, I am now 50. I walked away from church for a time because I always felt an emptiness inside me. Then I met an evangelist and missionary and it was not by accident this person came into my life. I visited her church and something began to move inside me and I went forward and me and this person prayed the prayer of salvation but unlike all the other times my heart began to stir. I felt light hearted and then the next sunday I went forward and this evangelist anointed my head with oil and laid hands on my head. I could feel fire but one that did not burn my head but stirred my sleeping soul to life! I had seen people speak in tongue and had scoffed at the idea and now I know why and that is because there are some who are false who claim to speak in tongues such as this man in the video, He did it under false pretenses and God can see that. But for me, no one taught me, and matter of fact I prayed and asked God to reveal the Holy Spirit thru me if in fact this was true and my heart with FAITH believing was honored..first I was in the Holy Spirits presence which lasted three more hours after church service was over...no words yet I was more like in awe and my whole being understood respect of our creator!! I was almost afraid to move and Papa was just watching me, letting me get used to Him in a quiet way. Then the next Sunday just a few words came to my lips. I did not understand and it was barely a whisper. Inside I smiled because I am not a person to give into false pretenses...If its fake I dont buy into it! Then the following Sunday the tongues started low again and I basically threw my hands up in worship to Him who chose to bless me and the whole service was in speaking in tongues and my body under the Holy Spirits control. Naturally I am an introvert, shy and dont like to be in front of people to even speak. I would even have trouble looking others in the eye. But not when I am in the Holy Spirits presence..Not at all. I am under His control and he uses me to edify Himself and uses me to pray on others behalf. No one taught me this, no one!! When I visited this church I was using a walker because of nerve damage to back and legs..After being in the Holy Spirits presence I have been off the walker and healing very well!! I feel very happy, and light hearted when I am with my Papa presence! I also had a terrible food addiction and in FAITH believing have been delivered of it and in one year have lost 37 lbs naturally!! I feel like Father God is building my confidence and He uses me to pray and make intersession (I think that is the word), Im still a baby Christian-two months: but anyway, He has already given me visions, and sometimes scripture rolls off my tongue and in my natural body I had trouble memorizing scripture, poor memory. And sometimes Papa prays thru me on others behalf. When I am speaking in tongues it is a powerful feeling and I feel confident. Sometimes on my own I have experienced trying to be powerful in my own ability and well it just dont happen that way, thats all I can say about that. Satan never edifies God, never. He doesnt heal and he condemns.. He tries to divide brethren and it appears so with this false testimony of this man who seems confused and by his own admission says he spoke what was in his own mind...it could be who he was under was false so he may have a bad experience. Tongues doesnt save you, Jesus did that..but it is a gift from God just as other gifts and we all dont have them all, some He gave prophets, disciples, teachers ect.. and I also know when God is at work in us it ticks satan off because he knows his time is very short. and since I have excepted christ and the gift of tongues he has been on me like white on rice lol..no kidding but Papa is building my confidence and faith more each day and greater is HE that is in ME than he that is in the world.. Speaking in tongues makes me feel special and I know on my own that can turn into pride if I let it. All the gifts are special so dont be discouraged if your gift is not tongues. I thank my Father God who created the heavens and earth, who is the beginning and the end, the alpha and omega!! Who gave His only Son to die in my place. And praise Him for all He has done and all He is GOING to do on my behalf and others...Actually there is a lot more to my testimony and if anyone wants to know I will be glad to share! God is good all the time, and all the time...God is good!! Blessings!!


the minister who told you to repeat after him in tongues was an idiot he knew nothing about the true Holy Spirit and the true gift of speaking in tongues he needs to get saved!


I also speak in tongues, it called Aramaic, my native language.
Arabic and English. 😉


When you put your experience above the Word of God, you are in idolatry.


The Gifts of Tongues, Prophecy, Healings, ... of the Holy Spirit are still operating and from God.
I honour You Holy Spirit🛐


