Look Guys, We Made Yu-Gi-Oh Much Worse!

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Reading and reacting to more of you guys' Yu-Gi-Oh hot takes! Do you agree or disagree with these?

#YuGiOh #HotTakes #Banlist
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⚡ Epic champions available only via my link and for new players
⌛ Hurry, Loki the Deceiver is a limited edition Champion, available by October 23rd by logging into RAID for 7 days


Yu-Gi-Oh's scarcity and rarity systems actively turn off players from moving from Master Duel to the physical game. You can make whatever deck you want online but if you want to play anything made beyond the past 2 years, it's near impossible to straight up acquire the cards let alone find cards at a reasonable price.


In response to the comment about paying LP for special summons, i still think that there should be no cost or limit to special summoning, however they should print more cards like Nibiru that can punish you for over-extending


It is true. "Well I just don't wanna play cards that deal with 2/3 of the card pool" is by far the worst argument against floodgates.


Yugioh would be fine without negates if they supported playstyles that didn't win so easily if not stopped.


I get the idea behind MR4 but the problem is Link Monsters. They're already ridiculously powerful and mandatory for 99% of decks now. The game would just become Link only if the other mechanics are crippled again. If you don't think that, look back to MR4 and look at how dead Pendulums are because of those rules.


The problem with all the “limit the amount of special summons” that a lot of people throw around it’s that it doesn’t nearly hit every single deck at the same power level. Example: Salamangreat/hero have to do a lot of special summons to generate small advantage synergies inside their archetype engines in order to do a competent board, while something like Kashtira could easily throw around 2 specials and be pretty much okay with the loop they can do. I know the difference in power is noticeable but it can be applied to other decks as well, like tenpai. In the other hand, limiting special summon is not even the solution by the mere existence of decks like flowandereeze whose whole identity is normal summoning like you are special summoning.


hot take: I strongly believe that a lot of the issues with generic boss monsters pigeonholing combo decks into very similar endboards, can be completely solved by making the completely generic boss monster, slightly less generic. I don't think borreload savage should require a rokket tuner monster, but it definitely should require a dragon tuner. that way savage would be not be any harder to summon in the rokket deck, or rokket adjacent decks (d-link), but for combo decks that stray further than that like mannadium, those decks would have to jump through some hoops or run certain engines in order to make savage. That could do a lot for endboard variety.


Heres a real hot take:
Bricking should be ENCOURAGED. One of my favorite things about master duel is the necessity to run a little bit of everything. Spot removal, floodgates, hand traps, etc. and there are hands where you brick because of drawing into all non engine. That should be a GOOD thing. The biggest issues with the game right now isnt even power level, its CONSISTENCY. It just feels like the top decks are incapable of bricking anymore which is a shame because the BEST games i have ever had were the ones where a sub optimal play was the best i had, and my opponent and i have to grind each other out. It goes back to what youre always saying about playing every game out.


We need more Yu-gi-oh! video games that have single player and exploration like they had in the old days. I loved the DS games in the 5D's era. Customizing your own character and getting to walk around Neo Domino while even getting to actually play speed duels with speed spells was great, I also had a lot of fun with the races you got to run on your duel runner.

I hate that the games Konami is running are free-to-play ones that require having to spend lots of cash or grind a long time to get cards you want.


It’s confirmed. Don’t blame Konami!

Blame Team APS. 😡


I hate when people complain about floodgates but then dismiss the argument of running back row removal due to diluting their deck too much, but at the same time are ok with half their deck being hand-traps and interruption and the other half linear combo. Then they complain about opening five hand traps and no starters….


Anyone asking for MR4 to come back to slopw the game down never saw what was happening in MR4 competitively and was just pissy they'd always lose to their friend's Frightfur deck that just pumped out multiple Fusions to kill them immediately or some other shit because that was when the game was flooded with FTKs and psudo FTKs like Gumblar ripping away your entire hand or Gouki Extra Linking you. Also Extra Linking was an awful mechanic that never should've existed, but if you hate dealing with cards like Bow of the Goddess, IP Masq and Accesscode Talker, MR4 would only make you see them 50 times more frequently than they're played now


"Floodgates good for game, people just don't run enough S/T removal" - Problem with this statement is that decks that only rely on floodgates will add a lot of engine to protect floodgates such us runick Hugin, Decisive Battle of Golgonda or Soleam cards so just drawing 1 or 2 removals won't fix that. Also they aren't running just 1 card you need to protect yourself from.
Another thing is that floodgates are never two sided. Nobody would put in Skill drain if that card would prevent them from playing the game. They would put cards that work fine and would only be bad for opponent, so it doesn't slow down anything, but only benefits those who play them

Takes with LP for summons or back to MR 4 is just bizzare. This would work if you would reset game and start from new ( even so it's usually so short sighted ) but with current game would just remove huge part of decks from the game, mostly non meta decks. MR4 was a mistake because it would now prevent any deck that only plays 1 mechanic that is not Link to not do much.

The take about kids getting loses in tournaments.. Honestly they shouldn't join tournaments first time they come with they anime decks. Play casual with people around, let them win sure, but in tournament this is unfair to people themselves if they would just let them win and lose their game because someone would get offended


Maybe it's a cultural thing, Konami doesn't listen, they're too arrogant, CEO/ Manager thinks it's okay to ignore the consumer but I'm done, this is a toxic game. Majority of products are for competitive play, and we've been waiting for a snake eyes hit for +1/2 a year? I had to leave this game, I love this game, but I don't care for competitive play, I don't like handtraps, 50% of decks being generic cards when they used to be traps is wrong. Games should take +5 turns not 3.


Please tone down the ding sound effect for future vids, it comes out like 10x the volume of everything else!


My hot take: Seeing all the comments here and elsewhere about how to "improve" Yugioh, I'm glad none of them are in charge at Konami, to be honest. Konami may not be perfect, but I'd damn sure take them over the armchair designers.


Every Extra Deck monster in an Archetype should require that archetype as material to summon it. Especially if they're clearly upgrades on an existing card, like Ruddy Rose Dragon and all the RDA upgrades. They should require Black Rose or RDA as a material.


The thing with floodgates and "run more backrow removal" is that most of the ones in the game are not searchable by most archetypes. Therefore, even if you're running them, the game is just a "draw the out" non-game. Your removal cards are either near the top of your deck or they may as well not be in the deck at all.
Konami would need to print a huge number of searchable removal options, which would mean that floodgate strategies become less used, meaning more dead cards in the deck - which creates terrible game feel, meaning people would run them less and floodgates would come right back over and over again. The end result is still sacky and annoying.


As a 5 year Ice Barrier player sincerely screw any ideas of a special summon limit.
