RDR2 : How to get all the Arabian Horses? #rdr2 #gaming #arthurmorgan #rdo #rockstar

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Mod Credits

GTA 5 Graphics : Natural Vision

GTA 5 Trainer : Rampage

Outfit Details for Silverhand Jacket: 2077 gunslinger jacket, WhyEm's mod

Freecam Mod : Cinematic Camera 5.2

Outfit Details for Poncho: Man With No Name Outfit, from WhyEm's Mods

Trainer used : Rampage

Hanging people : TieYourLasso Hangman Edition


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"And players need to plan..."
Dutch: "Wait im coming."


The black one can also be gained from the random robbery encounter in Saint Denis. A man and his wife are being robbed, if you do nothing either the husband or wife is shot after the robbery, and the robber makes their getaway on horseback.

If you shoot the robber dead, on that same road will be the Black Arabian. You'll probably become wanted for horse robbery (stupid I know) but if you're quick with the getaway yourself (like I was) you can get it for FREE (even still, the $10-$20 fine is better than a THOUSAND that Saint Denis stable wants for the bastard.)

The EXACT location eludes me, but there's videos on the topic, ofc, AND if you know the exact spawn of the random encounter of leymone raiders setting fire to and graffiting the public building in Saint Denis, it's that exact same spot.

If you don't know where that is i don't blame you, the videos i referenced earlier would be the easiest way to go, for those red dead tweakers with ultimate game map knowledge, the Easiest way to get it is rest until evening at the saloon, wait until 11:30, make a save game, and do about three or four loops around the spawn block, it should be around 1am by then, and your chances of spawing the encounter go from slim to nil. Reload your save and repeat until you get the robbery encounter, free thousand dollar horse.


For me, getting the white arabian was easier on my horse, with the lasso.


Dont forget cerbius from the mission "horse flesh for Dinner" the glitch still works you have to pet the one you want it may show that the bonding went up but that is a lie then after doing that fail the mission by attacking clive or the other one. Press retry from last checkpoint then now you can bond with it at the first level bond a bit more just in case and finish the mission then once the cutscene in done you will see the temporary horse marker and get closer to call it and boom it is now yours and to put your saddle on it take to a stable immediately hope this helps


Who else restarts the red dead story and picks 1 horse to have for the whole game so when it dies at the end of the game with Arthur it’s just as sad as Arthur’s death


If you dont want a horse that will buck you off at first sight of a snake get a turkoman or missouri fox trotter


I got the black horse from the stable and used it all the way until the final chapter


I honestly like the white Arabian, it’s very nice and looks stunning and has good stats

the only issue I had trying to get this, it took me 2 hours..
yes 2 hours of calming the horse and for it to only keep running away.
I watched more videos and just realized I could lasso it, wasted 2 hours lol
overall I love the horse and it’s my favorite.


Literally got the white Arabian by accident in the snow, saved it, and it despawned when I loaded it up again. The pain I felt that day.


I had got the black one and watched it die during the main story line. I bought lost my shit bcuz I had 2 other Arabians in the stable but no longer had access to them bcuz you switch to John lol


Black arabian horse available for a saint dennis npc mission.


Black Arabian spawns in St Denis on the corner below the tailors shop at night. It will be ready saddled and WILL count as a theft if you choose to jump on and ride off. The Rose Grey is the only Arabian you can only collect via a stable purchase, which is the stables in Blackwater


There's a very easy black Arabian in Saint Denis

It is during one of the encounters at night around 12 a.m. to 2:00 a.m.

The horse belongs to one of the criminals during a mugging that you can intervene in. Or let it happen and steal the horse. Otherwise the criminals will write off on their horses and you will have to chase them down in order to get it


You can get the black arabian at night around 8 to 12 in the construction site parked next to a tree.
You can actually get multiple just steal it put it on a stable repeat it'll spawn another (only works if you didnt save the couple from a robber)


I got every Arabian in the game no joke💀💀💀


"the classic method of approaching carefully,
and then holding on for dear life"
ah yes, the classic method


so funny thing is that one day i finished a bounty in black water and hoped on a black horse (that i thought was my horse), turns out that i had stolen a black Arabian on accident. and i flipped because i looked up the odds of finding one on Accident.


I personally think that the worst of these, "Rare" horses is the Perlino Andalusian.


I struggled getting just the white one how tf you expect me to get the others 😭


In story mode arabian has black hooves but in online it has white
