Surprising Number of F-35s Around Taiwan Strait; J-20 No Match, CCP Dares Not Act

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China has significantly boosted its research and manufacturing capabilities in aviation engines through the acquisition of Japan's high-precision machine tool company, MCM. The engines for the J-20 and J-16 have been fully domestically produced, while China has also accelerated the development of the J-35 stealth fighter.
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Apparently the CCP orders their jets from Temu


Even if the jets were on par, how about the pilots? I can't IMAGINE that Chinese training is on par with the West or Japan. From what I've seen of CCP doctrine, varying from orders, even for a victory, is 'frowned upon' (translate that as 'treasonable'). How can their pilots operate in a dogfight if all they've been taught is, 'do exactly this! No independent thought allowed!'?


Even if Chinese fighters were exactly equal to U.S. planes, China has very little experience using them. Virtually none since the Korean War. The U.S. has boatloads of experience to rely on in air combat that China can only WISH it had.


The 9 bases the U.S. in the Philippines will give the Chinese a headaches.


China is just wasting money. China will lose cause China has lots of Enemies😂😂😂


The CCPs j20 fighter would be blown out of the sky before they even knew the F35s were anywhere near them. The CCP knows this which is why they are so fearful of them.


J-20: When you get your 5th generation stealth fighters from Temu.


Look what Israel f35 f15 f16 jets can due in real life situations.. Case closed.


Chinese j-20's have no match against the f-35


Do you honestly think China has any jurisdiction over Taiwan.


The F35 has so many surprises. It's like a candy store in the air.


For every hour of flight, 45 hours of maintenance are required… Let that sink in for a second. 🤦

And think: This is their Top Shelf Chinesium!!!


I would place my money on the F-15EX Strike Eagle matched up with anything the Chinese have, because the F-15 can tract, and target a minimum of 24 independent targets from long ranges, Fire all of its missiles and keep those missiles on track to each of their individual targets before the Chinese would even know the F-15 was there. They would be hit by missiles while flying in formation and likely die or have to punch out before they even realized a threat was even in the vicinity, and this is a standard that the Original F-15 Eagle met in 1975 when it was given over to the Air Force And this is not even considering the highly advanced avionics and weapons of the much more advanced F-35 or even the F-22 either of which would mop the skies up with any Chinese fighter! China, just like the Soviets before them, have fallen prey to their own propaganda. And the fact that when faced with Western Fighter jets, the J-20 bugs out immediately because they know they are no match for western jets and not even close to Western Fighter Pilots, since the Chinese Pilots train of static targets on the ground, they have ZERO air to air fighter training whereas all American Pilots graduate from air to air combat school before they are even considered for active duty in a combat scenarios. On top of this, the US just released the MAKO hypersonic missile that can be carried by ALL of America's front line fighter jets from the F-16 all the way up to the F-35, and I bet it could be mounted on the reserve Phantom IIs still being used by the Air National Guard. There is no scenario where China will gain the upper hand over the USA, period. Then consider the ground-based assets in ground Zero in Taiwan, and the MANPADS made available to the Taiwanese, China would be in a world of hurt. The biggest problem with China's main Airforce assets to strike Taiwan are the J-7 and J-9s they have converted to drones filled with high explosives, but even then, a well prepared force would be ready to deal with those in no time and reserve their SAMs for the real manned aircraft China would be sending along with them. Beside that a well designed ground based radar would be able to tell the difference and deal with them accordingly.


Why are they so concerned about maintaining jets. Its not like they are coming back.


The way to survive as a Chinese fighter pilot, is to stay in bed, the moment you are warming the J-20 seat, your basically a sitting duck, minus well be wearing a bulls eye on your ride.


Israel is showing the world what the F35 can do. There is no defence against it... so far. This is due to pilot and maintenance superiority as well.


Short story:

There are a lot of bees with sharp stingers buzzing around that honey pot called Taiwan, will Winnie the Pooh go for it?


The United States not only invented but wrote the BOOKS on Air Superiority and Modern Combat Dogfighting. The average kill rate of an American Pilot/Aviator is 12:1.


Apparently the US have developed jets that can fly even backwards. This will be a real headache for the CCP if they have to add a reverse gear to their jets.


yeah.. J20's paper dragon haha. Winnie the Pooh is shaking his head
