Cleaning Differences Between Otter Tivi And Otter Titi

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You must bathe an otter if you keep it as a pet. However, if the otter lives in the wild, it will wash better than you will with soap. Consider the lives of Tivi the pet otter in 2017 and Titi the wild otter in the mangrove forest in 2021. Merman Tiun must give up his city life to show you these authentic scenes. Water is essential for otters because they would die if they did not have it. That is why otters must bathe on a regular basis. Because wild Asian small-clawed otters bathe in brackish water frequently, their fur is very clean and fragrant. Asian Small-clawed otters do not bathe frequently; however, if they are pets, they will be very smelly, so they must bathe with soap on a regular basis to dissolve their characteristic odor. Making otters pets is a huge mistake on your part. Do not believe what you see on pet otter YouTube channels about otters; the truth is that these animals are very foul and aggressive if they live with humans and do not eat the right foods in the wild. Please subscribe to this YouTube channel if you want to support my mangrove otter conservation efforts.

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