Russia Has Spread Her Errors… Even to America!

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Russia will spread its errors! That is what Our Lady said at Fatima!

But what are the errors of Russia? The errors of Russia is communism, sometimes disguised by its variant name, socialism. Communism has different variants, like Nazism, but the end result is the same: the destruction of freedom ordered by GOD’s grace, Catholic civilization, oppression and death of millions, and the damnation of souls through a sinful, godless, atheistic culture enforced a totalitarian regime.

No Catholic can support socialism. No American can support socialism. We Catholic Americans have a special calling from Our Lord and Our Lady, to defend our beloved nation and the Catholic Church. Socialism has reached our borders. We must resist it for love of God, for Our Blessed Mother, and for America, land of our fathers.

How can Catholics defeat socialism? There are many things we should be doing, in temporal and in spiritual matters… but if the Lord does not build the house then we labor in vain! If we think we can do this by ourselves without help from Heaven, we are deluding ourselves and we will fail.

Everything Catholics do to defeat socialism must be rooted in Our Lady of Fatima’s message. God’s solution from heaven is Our Lady. We must consecrate ourselves to Our Lady. We must live our her message of prayer and penance she taught at Fatima, not just in word, but in action!

But this is no easy task. We cannot do it alone, and not without ongoing daily commitment to learn more about how we can learn more on how we can grow even closer to Our Blessed Mother, which leads us even closer to her Divine Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Watch the video to learn more: Russia Has Spread Her Errors… Even to America!

America Needs Fatima is a campaign to capture the heart and soul of America with the Message of Our Lady of Fatima. In 1917, Our Lady asked for prayer, penance and other measures to avoid chastisement of suffering, famines, and wars. She also promised that:

“Finally, my Immaculate Heart will triumph.”

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Yes and how sad we got it so wrong. All these years we thought we were OK and yet we were not! Now we are paying the price


We have had communism since FDR's "New Deal.". Everyone pray like never before and make the five first Saturdays 🙏


What a perfect summary. Thank you for this. Please pray for our families and loved ones who refuse to listen when we try to share Truth.


Thank you for providing this important information!


Dear Friends, May no adversity paralyze you. Be afraid neither of the world, nor of the future, nor of your weakness. The Lord has allowed you to live in this moment of history so that, by your Faith, His name will continue to Resound throughout the World. PBXVI 🙏
Tag- The Body of Christ is IT. Rise Up Ohh Men and Women of God and Defend Holy Mother Church 🙏 Viva Cristo Rey 🙏
