What is a Quant & Quant Trading| Quant Books | Inside the Black Box | Chapter 1

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A video series based on the book Inside The Black Box: A Simple Guide To Quantitative And High Frequency Trading by Rishi K. Narang. A must read for all quants

0:00 - Intro Quote
0:06 - Discretionary Investment Idea
0:32 - Analogy to car building
0:57 - A discretionary idea is systematized
2:13 - Who are Quants and where are they found?
3:22 - Type of Quant Roles and their responsibilities
5:08 - General Day in a Quant Fund
6:00 - Discretionary vs Quantitative Performance - RenTech
7:54 - Book Recommendation for Quants on Renaissance Technologies
8:13 - Free Excel List of Firms/Funds Link

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#quantitativefinance #quantitativetrading #quanttrading #hedgefund #blackbox #systematictrading #internship #interview #interviewtips
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