*NEW* FREE LEGENDARY Gun Skin REVEALED! (New Update) La Sous Terre Weapon Crate in COD Mobile!

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*NEW* FREE LEGENDARY Gun Skin REVEALED! (New Update) La Sous Terre Weapon Crate in COD Mobile!

In this video I show you the new Legendary La Sous Terre Weapon Crate that we can unlock for free in Rank Series 6 2024 as well as new information about the next Free Legendary LK24 Deathsun in CODM!💪🏼😏
If you like the video I would be happy about any support!💪🥰

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Рекомендации по теме

Are you excited about the free legendary LK24 Deathsun blueprint from the LST Crate?🥰🥵
(The LK24 skin in the video is a concept and doesn't represent the final look)
Thanks for 446k subs!!😊


I Wish there still a way I could claim the DRH from last year Elite mission.😔😔


already collected 6 tokens...just chilling right now


That lk24 needs a serious ads buff and bullet speed


it's not bad, I'd be happy if it was ak-47 or grau 5.56 (I don't use LK24 and I won't use it)


It looks sick, better than the drh skin by far imo. But damn February 2025 is so far away


Can’t wait to put my hands on this legendary


Started grinding for Lk24 diamond camo today😊


It’s going to very interesting how many players will unlock the lvl2 elite mission badge for 2024 you need 9 medals in total to max it out


As someone that doesn’t have any skin on lk24, I see this as an absolute W


i dont use the lk24 so im a lil mad I hope the gun will be good andnot bad cuz I've been grinding so hard


Too bad I missed the Kurohana but Already have a Legendary LK


not gonna MISS this TIME, i had missed DRH ones


Me with 8 tokens: waiting game time

BR advice for some players who are struggling with medals or tokens:
ALWAYS play the Alcatraz tournament since it's fast-paced. Fast = faster rank up. If TPP is too difficult for you since TPP is where the sweats usually are, then go with FPP. U rarely come across sweaty MP players in FPP, so getting to top 1 is very easy. You can also play a lot of Sniper Challenge BR games to rank up fast as well. There are so many bots there and getting to top 1 is also very easy. Rank resets every 2 months. So even if you play only on weekends during tournaments, u can climb/creep to legendary rank in time before rank resets. Well, that's for BR at least.

For MP in general, just get good at it since there's no easy rank up there. However, there are strategies to compensate for your lack of skill if you're still not good at MP. For example, you can play as passive as u can in MP to kill those brain dead SMG or BP50 rushers who don't check camping spots. Just make sure to slowly change positions to catch them off guard and listen clearly to them approaching as these brain dead rushers will memorize where u are camping and melee you. Camping is considered a noob's bread and butter. But if legit pro CODM players (not "pro" YouTubers who haven't participated in any World Championships) camp, then why shouldn't you? You're here for the medals to get a free legendary at the end of the year, so no shame in that.

In my experience, I rank up fast by playing only 3 modes; Frontline, TDM, and SnD. U can easily carry the game if you're good enough in those modes. Those modes end fast. Again, fast = faster rank up. Domination and HP, however, no matter how good u are at killing, if your teammates are somewhat dumb, then they won't go for the OBJ and try to kill like u but end up feeding instead. So avoid those 2 modes unless u have a coordinated team or good buddies to play with. In HP and DOM, If you are not good at flanking or being the anchor, and u have teammates who are good at those roles, then play the OBJ and hold while they kill the enemies. U occasionally come across those types of players but in most cases, it's topsy turvy.
No point in having high KD in a match but you still lost cuz of teammates or cuz of u.

Lastly, you don't need to be addicted to the game to rank up quick. Just chill and play on day-offs from work and such. Trust me, you'll rank up pretty quickly. Play chill, but also use ur head. Don't flame allies. And while at times they are to blame, don't even bother typing and trash talking them. Encourage them instead. As the saying goes, don't ridicule but rather educate. As blaming them would just piss you off more and lose games more. Be understanding because this is a game and despite playing ranked games, some people just play for fun to relieve stress. Doesn't make u a better person in real life if u are good at this game. Cheers!


They better buff the ads speed and sprint to fire, because it has good danage and accuracy but its just slow


Better if type19 btw or some weapon with bad iron sigh as default or battle pass of that weapon


I got 6 legendary medals since rank season 2 (3 medals each season) 😂 I missed out on DRH kurohana last year, I won't ever miss out again.


I got my 6 medals just waiting now ❤️ but still codm don't treat us the same as Garena and that's causing alot of players to seek out other fps games 😢


Use to use lk24 & i love using it coz it has no recoil & can beam enemy in distance


I wish they would release an SR next legendary blueprint since there's already 2 AR's
