Unhappy After Cataract Surgery? | Common Reasons Why & What To Do About It!

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Are you unhappy after cataract surgery? In this video, we discuss common reasons why you may be disappointed in your results and what you can do about it.

Cataract surgery can and should be an amazing, life-changing experience and is better than the option of gradually losing vision and going blind. This video was made to educate and inform you and not to discourage you from pursuing surgery. Let me know down below if you have any questions down below!


00:00 Introduction
00:38 Reason 1
02:02 Reason 2
03:20 Reason 3
04:03 Reason 4
04:42 Wrap-Up

#cataract #cataracts #cataractsurgery


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Hi! My name is Michele Lee, and I am a board-certified ophthalmologist and fellowship-trained cornea, cataract, and refractive surgeon. Please hit the subscribe button if you like my videos, and thanks for following me on my YouTube journey!

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Tozer Lee Eye Center
9811 N 95th St., Suite 101, Scottsdale, AZ 85258
Phone: 480-947-4493


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I am thrilled with the results of cataract surgery. Have high myopia and wore contact lenses since 1968 (first non-gas permeable and later rigid gas permeable). I did quite a bit of research before cataract surgery and also discussed my expectations with the doctor. Up to 95% of my life is reading books and documents and computer work and I wanted to be able to do that without glasses. I said I would be willing to wear glasses to drive, if necessary. I went with monovision IOL implants with one eye corrected for near and the other for distance. I knew I would have no problems because my contact lenses were fitted that same way and I had worn them for decades. I now have 20/25 OU and I don't need glasses to drive. Every day I wake up and don't have to reach for eyeglasses or insert contact lenses is a blessing. My life now is so much better.


Had cataract surgery 7/12/2024 on left eye. Even though I have 1.4D astigmatism. Never needed distant lenses. Only 1.75 reading glasses. Surgeon promised me I would see clearly again at a distance and be able to drive again at night without the headlight glare. Intraocular lense J&Johnson DC 800 implanted. She decided I did not need Toric for astigmatism. Now vision is at 20/60 without corrective lenses. Everything ghosting, blurry eyes constantly trying to focus. Referred to Lasik surgeon. He wants to wait 3 months to hopefully get rid of astigmatism. I am MISERABLE. Optometrist examined eyes. Prescribed glasses to help with the 1.5 astigmatism that I now suffer with due to the surgery. Hoping that I will be able to even drive again in the daytime and see things at a distance clearly, No one seems to know what went wrong. Make sure your Dr chooses wisely the right cataract lense. I would give anything to be able to go back and get her to put in the Toric. They cannot redo this surgery. Lasik is my only option.


This is a very brave action to allow folks who are unhappy with Cataract surgery to be able to voice their extreme dissatisfaction. Frankly I'm happy with my early diagnosis and since I'm still 20/20 with glasses, I will leave well enough alone. That said, I'm cutting all added sugars and carbs from my diet and have heard so many positive results that includes eye health.

I am upset mostly that the VA Eye Clinic never mentioned anything to help avoid worsening or improving symptoms. This is why we go to YouTube and channels like this one.

A MAJOR thumbs up and of course I subscribed to this channel.


I had my cataracts removed and after consulting with the doctor and making the decision I went with the standard lens that insurance pays. All I wanted was to have good distance vision and I did not mind reading glasses. I got results far better than I ever had as I had extreme far sightedness. At +6.00 in the right eye and a +6.25 with +3.00 on the bifocal to my last exam at 20/20 in the right eye for distance and 20/25 in the left eye at distance I am blown away by the improvement in my life. I have also been rather light sensitive and to degree I am still a bit but nothing a cheap pair of sunglasses won't handle. This is so strange for me as I had glasses since I was 3 years old and at 66 years old to suddenly not need then 90% of the time is just something I never expected. I always figured if the operation could achieve a reduction int he weight of my glasses to a +2.00 to +3, 00 I would have been completely satisfed but to get the clarity and having NO issues with glare at night I have with my rebuilt eyes this is so awesome. When I had the final exam last week and the doctor told me see you next year I was so happy I shook his hand.


I had cataract surgery in 2018 and I'm extremely happy with the result. I was a contact lens wearer from the mid-60s and I'm beside myself to not need glasses to see. I went with the lens' to see in the distance. I had been using readers prior to this and didn't mind still using readers. My vision is nearly 20-20.


When I found out cataract surgery lenses were permanent I decided to get basic uncorrective lenses and do my vision correction with eye glasses just like I've done all my life. I'm pleased with my results. I do have dry eyes now which are easily helped by preservative free OTC eye drops. I was legally blind before the surgery and can now see again. A true miracle for me.


You have a wonderfully honest, natural and clear way of communicating. Thank you.


I just watched your video. I had cataract surgery in 2008. Things went well at first but soon led to a detached retina. Cataract surgery is the leading cause for this not MMA or Cage Fighting. Candidates for the surgery need to know. Thank you for a presentation 😊.


I had cataract surgery 18 months ago. I am very dissatisfied with my vision. I have much difficulty with my ability to read and my distance vision is much less than I had before surgery. My doctor says everything looks fine but I can't see very well. I don't know if it was worth it. So many people say they can see much better. I cannot.


in may 2023 had cataract surgery. my left eye was the worst and was told i was almost blind with the cataracts. both eyes were done about 2 weeks apart. surgery felt as if it was about 15 minutes. i am 71 years old and my vision is just about perfect. nothing hurts at the operation, get it done you will love the results


Appreciate Your channel. I am happy again with my cataract surgery from 2 years ago.. I used a good younger doctor here in Arizona. We did the upgraded Toric lens. Best vision I have had since I was 8 years old. I am 55 now. No longer need glasses for distance or reading which is wonderful. Unfortunately 3 month ago I had a detachment of the Retina. I got another surgeon to fix that with a vitrectomy.
She did a good job.
I have the good post cataract surgery vision once again..


My eyes re adjusting to the light has been the worst part of my surgery, because nothing is consistent. My doctor said that everyone heals differently so I take it day by day. Nothing else I can do.


I saw so many ad experiences on the internet that i didnt want to get my cataracts done. Finally did them on 12/03/23 and couldn't be happier. Just did the basic lens that is covered by Medicare. No issues, other than some wierd flashing the first 4 to 6 weeks from bright light entering from the sides behing my glasses lenses. I did lenses for close and distance with glasses, just like I've been since 3rd grade.


Hi folks, it's a big decision and I'd like to help. I had my surgery 1 day ago and I can see brilliant. Everyone's luck will very, but I did all I could to maximize my chances. I picked the top surgeon in my area, I paid as much extra as he said he wanted for the extra stuff to maximize my chances. I spend may be 100 hours on research, I made them triple check all the measurement's, I figured out exactly what I want from my surgery and triple communicated it to my surgeon. Things can still go wrong, but that's when you want the best surgeon at your side. If everything goes perfect a monkey can do this, but when there's a problem with your eye only a great surgeon will save you. And don't forget about the greatest surgeon of them all watching over you!!! Good luck and I hope your surgery turns out better than mine.


I had my vision corrected for cataracts in July 2022 (multi-focal IOL in both eyes - July 2022), age 50. After cataract surgery my vision was terrible, not clear/crisp at any distance, blurry, full of obstructing floaters (like looking through soup), nighttime halos and starbursts so bad that I cannot drive, and overall not great. I saw better before the surgery while wearing glasses or contacts. It took a year of complaining to my doctor before being assured that Lasik would “correct” my already “corrected” vision, but not he halos and starbursts. After having Lasik, nothing has changed. There is no consistency in my vision, it just sucks all the time. I now have to wear 3 different glasses (prescription distance, readers 1.25 & 3.0) after being told I could "throw my glasses away after cataract surgery." There was no "wow" moment for me. My eyes always feel strained, they burn every night, and I always feel like I'm wearing irritating contacts that I just want to take out...but I can't because this is just my crappy vision now. It has been a frustrating year that has negatively impacted the enjoyment of my life. I feel like I've had some horrible accident or illness that has left me with impaired vision. I regret having the surgeries and I wish I didn't do it. I'm going to other doctors to hopefully fix this disaster. So many promises not fulfilled...I want my money back.


I had cataracts at birth and even though I had surgery at an early age, my brain was never developed and just decided to focus all its power on my good eye and I’ve had perfect vision in that one eye my whole life


I had PanOptix in both eyes about a year ago. I'm very satisfied now, but the first two months were hard and I had days I wish i hadn't done it. I didn't have cataracts, but decided to get the lens exchage so i could just see better without having to have multiple pairs of glasses. My vision today in 20/20 far and near, but it took 10 months to get there. I was testing 20/30 distance after the surgery, but close was already 20/20. I had a negative dysphotopsia in my left eye that took 6 to 7 months to completely clear up. I also had YAG to both eyes at 11 months - it was very easy and helped get that last little bit of distance back. Dry eye was a slight issue as well - i still use Systane drops in the morning and before bed. I still see some halos at night (especially red LEDs), but its gotten much better and doesn't bother me at all now. Best wishes to everyone out there going through the healing process.


I had cataract surgery a couple of years ago and my optomoligist is a totally awesome surgeon. I had him for many years before the surgery so he knew my eyes very well and my surgery was a total success. He is still my optomoligist to this day.


I had cataract surgery in 2017 and I am very happy with the results.

I opted for the multi focal lens. In addition to being nearsighted i also became reliant upon more and more powerful reading glasses.

Prior to the surgery, i already struggled with glare when driving at night. Was especially bad if the road was wet. Part of this may have been the type of cataracts that I had. They were a main cataract surrounded by a ring of other cataractd.
