What if Anakin Fought Mace Windu

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Explore the untold story of Luke Skywalker's journey after the tragic loss of his sister Leia, as he ventures into the galaxy, finding solace and love in the enigmatic Talon, only to be drawn into a dangerous web of dark side influence. Will he fall into the trap set by the Sith, or find his way back to the light?
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What if Revan wasn't found in stasis until the first year of the clone wars? That would mean that Revan in his prime would be alive and well, and Darth Vitiate's spirit would still be dormant since Revan didn't awake his spirit at Yavin.


Mace clearly never learned force heal. I think I heard somewhere that it was lost or something. How does that happen? Did everybody who knew it die? Did they all collectively agree to not teach it? Did they then destroy all written records on how to learn it?


Can you please create a part2 on What if Anakin Fought Mace Windu Star Wars Kingdom? Thank you so much for your amazing Fan Fiction.


You see this fight happen in the Revenge of the Sith Video game, interesting fact when I first played it Mace Windu was a hard boss for me to beat, along with Dooku and Grievous.

When I went back after getting it on my PS3, I actually beat him on the first try…. Funny enough the only boss to kill me was Nute Gunray.


This was a brilliant talk, it would have been different, could you do what if Anakin left the Jedi after not been granted the rank of master


Here's how to fix Star Wars. Padme is killed by some means of Palpatine but the children are still alive. Anakin having been tormented by the Sith Dreams want's to find this power to bring back Padme and his children and future. THIS is what causes him to go mad with grief and join Sidious to find this power. He would have been scented onto this by a Holocron by Darth Plagueis given to him or "discovered" by him from Palpatine secretly or lately more overtly with a longer message, mirroring A New Hope's "Help Me Obi-Wan Kenobi, You’re My Only Hope." But this is a dark twist as the power is not fully elucidated there is a missing piece. Perhaps that is Jedi's force energy that can be harvested by the dark.


Please do a part 2. This story feels incomplete


Anakin would be able to defeat Mace Windu if he doesn’t start messing up in the duel and Mace Windu only has Vaapad that can be used against dark side users that use aggression and hatred Anakin wasnt fully committed to the dark side so he knew that he would have to be on the defense although Anakin wins if he doesn’t make any mistakes


Once again, you can't trust a Sith. Especially a red twilek with nothing but a metal bra on and a loincloth walking around as if it's normal attire. In the words of Anakin, "The Sith rely on their passion for their strength. They think inwards, only about themselves." Part 2 please🙏🏽


Mace Windu tried to assassinate the Supreme Chancellor , and Anakin saved the legal leader of the galaxy .
Mace Windu was going to murder a unarmed man , but Anakin tried to save him .
Mace Windu had no arrest warrant .
Mace Windu didn't have Senatorial approval .
Anakin followed the orders of the Supreme Chancellor.
So tell me , who was the real bad guy.


What if jocasta nu helped obi wan with anikan training providing texts and knowledge on the force and the original version of the code. Were obi wan can provide training about combat he does not possess knowledge of the higher mysteries which nu does such as force healing which would be useful in attack of clones. Plus it would anakin greater resources for learning and may become a consular or at least a sentinel instead of a guardian. All this could happen because of instead of sending anakin to his room where he just tinkers they send him to work in the library where nu will give him more discipline and may take a maternal interest.


Can you do what if darth vitiate come back right before anakin whet dark? Maybe leading to Anakin training Luke an Leia to beat darth vitiate apprentices


Windu would not gasp in pain in surprise he wouldn't be bale to because he got stabbed in the back


As we know darth vader was a natural engineer and could use mechaguru or whatever so what if he used skill to create nanobots to repair his lungs and burns while also making limbs that could conduct the force to make lightning. This could relate to inquisitor baris as she used nanobots in the bomb and he may remember nanobots and their uses. He could could also conduct experiments diguised as torture to fool sidious, learning to heal wounds, make force sensitive droids/limbs and using nano bots to manipulate mididclorians to strip or enhance the force in individuals.
What I was thinking was that he used nanobots to remove scar tissue especially around the lungs and he would be dipped in bacta or bacta would be applied this would allow him breath which means he can meditate more deeply. And for the limbs, it is possible to make material force sensitive and I was thinking he make limbs skeletal looking like in attack of the clones but would then cover the we either grafed flesh from his body or flesh made from his blood and other ingredients like perhaps kyber crystal this would make the force flow from him easier and perhaps with the sith alchemy in the limbs making his force lightning more powerful. Basically an uber vader who is perhaps stronger than full potential anakin.


Mace would have toyed with him before cutting him down. Why? Because Mace used both sides of the Force without falling out of focus and staying in tune with the light

Ani is and always was unstable mentally. Even though he showed explosive saber skills later, his emotions always got the best of him. He was his own worst enemy


He will lose. Vappad vs Dark side of Anakin ....


What if darth vader went to darthomir to learn. New suit or perhaps more unique powers.
Resurrect talzin maybe.
what if Vokara Che became a mentor to anakin as anakin was being treated for bullying and trauma from being a slave.
What if anakin fell in love with luminara unduli, serra keto or bultar swan.
What if anakin was taught by agen kolar or sasee tin or adi gallia.


What if anakin spirit in the world between worlds saved padme by making her a force ghost or new mother if the ones. She could make him help ben solo and others saying you got to help people who are suffering from your past actions.
What if anakin was piloting before attack of the clones and sensed ventress fall to the darkside as her master died and took his ship to the planet to investigate. Perhaps starting a romance as they are very similar in their stories.
Also what if ahsoka taught ben skywalker as she saw him as history repeating itself.
What if anakin was a jedi watchmen or wayfinder.
What if anakin went with kenobi to face maul and savage instead of adi gallia.
What if anakin fell in love with luminara or your own version of aayla secura romance.

What if oppo rancis trained anakin.
What if anakin met and fell in love with ventress just before the clone wars just after her masters death.
What if anakin became a jedi sentinel like a watchmen or one of those who find younglings.
What if evan piel became a mentor or second master to anakin.
Or anakin became a healer either before or after his mother death could be related to his friendship with offee or alternatively what if he was trained by tra sa who taught windu and actually did not forbid attachment as shown by her relationship with tholme, they could become like a pseudo parents to anakin and train him away from the temple in azati martial arts and from trasa the living force as she is a plant lady so imagine anakin controlling plant life.


What if anakin was found by jedi belonging to another sect like corelia or those nomadic jedi who allow attachment.
What if anakin went to dathomir in revenge of the sith to search for ways to save padme.
What if yoda decided to swap the masters of ferus olin and anakin.
So anakin with siri.
Obi with ferus
What if ahsoka and anakin crash landed on bendu's planet. Also what if darth vader joined thrawn in meeting the bendu and went on a spiritual journey back to the dust ball tatiotene.
What if the whills turned padme into a literal force angel to save vader.


What if grievous was under the control of chips and they were fried when he got captured by the gungans on naboo because of the electricity
