Cries of the Wild ♪

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Music made with Suno #suno

(Verse 1)
In the early dawn, the lion’s roar,
Roar! echoes out, but they want more.
A mighty call, but no reply,
Just like our words that pass us by.

We talk in circles, can't be heard,
Like monkeys shouting every word.
Ooh-ooh, ah-ah!, they scream and play,
But nothing real gets through today.

We’re like cries in the wild, lost in the sound,
Speaking the same, yet no meaning is found.
From the Roar! of the lion to the wolf’s soft Howl,
We’re talking, but it’s just so loud.
The birds, the beasts, the human sea,
All lost in nature’s cacophony.

(Verse 2)
In the night, the wolf will cry,
Awooo! beneath the moonlit sky.
It calls the pack, but does it know,
That words don’t always help us grow?

We’re like elephants, trumpeting loud,
Braaap! trying to stand out in the crowd.
We speak our minds but miss the core,
Just like the wild, we hear but ignore.

We’re like cries in the wild, lost in the sound,
Speaking the same, yet no meaning is found.
From the chirp of a cricket to the eagle’s Screee!,
We talk, but never truly see.
The birds, the beasts, the human sea,
All lost in nature’s cacophony.

We’re ribbit, ribbit frogs in the stream,
Talking, but missing what we mean.
The dolphin’s Click-click! beneath the waves,
Just like us, lost in what we crave.
The owl Hoo-hoo! speaks in the night,
But even we can’t get it right.

(Verse 3)
In the jungle's heart, the tiger growls,
Grrr! yet no one hears the howls.
We shout, we scream, but lose the point,
In the noise, we can’t anoint.

The whale’s deep song, Whoooo!, goes unheard,
Just like our thoughts, no meaning blurred.
We cry for help but stay alone,
In the wild, we’ve set our tone.

We’re like cries in the wild, lost in the sound,
Speaking the same, yet no meaning is found.
From the Bzzzz of the bees to the owl’s soft call,
We’re trying to connect, but we just stall.
The birds, the beasts, the human sea,
All lost in nature’s cacophony.

So listen close, if you can hear,
Through every Roar!, through every fear.
We’re all just trying to make our mark,
But we get lost, howling in the dark.
Cries in the wild, both beast and man,
We talk, but no one understands.
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