Everything we Know: Who is J.D. Vance | Trump VP Pick.

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Never thought I’d be going to Meet Kevin for my political commentary, but I gotta say I’m really enjoying your political content lately.


Making it in America isn’t something to criticize. It should be applauded.


Finally...the baton is passed to a new generation of leaders!


How is it possible that I'm getting better political information from Meet Kevin than Tim Pool, Steven Crowder or any other major commentary person on youtube? Bravo Kevin you are seriously a very smart guy and your delivery is spot on.


I grew up in the sticks in Mississippi. Got a full academic scholarship to college in Texas so I left and ended up with more economic opportunities over the last 35 years in Texas than I ever would have had if I’d stayed in Mississippi. I’m not anywhere near Vance’s level but I totally relate to the way he was raised (I had a Mamaw, too!) and I fully support him. If there is one thing I know for sure it’s that we need more people representing us that are from the middle of the country and not the out-of-touch coasts. He may have gone to Yale Law but I guarantee you he has midwestern common sense. #Trump2024


There are no "former" Marines. Once a Marine, always a Marine.


GI BILL paid for his education! Everyone is welcome to enlist and get the same GI BILL to get your education paid for.


He’s definitely from poverty. The dude is sharp. One of the first things he did out of school was Ted talk. He’s got a future.


Fun fact: Vance's second child (son) is named 'Vivek'


Hey Kevin, I don’t know you one bit. This video just popped up on my feed, but I gotta tell you I very much appreciate your objectivity and sincere approach in talking about Vance, as far as raising perfectly reasonable and uniquely insightful questions without coming off biased or pushing a particular side in a manipulative way . I have no idea where your politics are. This is just my first video, but it’s refreshing to just see some true objectivity and get credit where it’s due, and scrutinize the areas where there may be.


Quick Note on his Name Change:
From NYT:

At birth, Mr. Vance was named James Donald Bowman, after his father, Donald Bowman. Mr. Bowman was Mr. Vance’s mother’s second husband — Mr. Vance wrote that they split up when he was a toddler, and that Mr. Bowman gave him up for adoption when he was 6.

After the divorce, Mr. Vance’s mother married Bob Hamel, who became J.D.’s legal father, and she changed her son’s name. James Donald Bowman became James David Hamel, swapping out her ex-husband’s first name for her uncle’s name, David, to preserve the “J.D.” — which by then was Mr. Vance’s established nickname. (“This seemed a bit of a stretch even when I was six, ” Mr. Vance wrote. “Any old D name would have done, so long as it wasn’t Donald.”)


Dude. I get my news from you now. Algorithm found ya during debate. I don’t even know if you’re a lib or rep. That’s how good you’re. Your opinions are always valid and make sense. Maybe don’t agree on everything. But this is the America I want to


Personal experience: I grew up extremely poor in Appalachia. I had no running water in my house aside from a hand pump well at our sink. We used an outhouse. We watched TV by hooking a truck up to a television with bunny ears and catching the free broadcast (like home improvement). My mom was able to go from a sales person at a makeup store to a decent job. By the time i was in elementary school, we had moved into a house and lived in it constantly under construction until I went to college on a full ride. Then grad school. A lot of what he says in his book is very accurate. People can get out of poverty, but it is hard and takes someone really telling you that you can.


I appreciate Kevin for the best politicial commentary that's based, centrist, and not to biased. Best summaries too


Vance used his GI Bill to pay for Yale. It’s a military benefit. He didn’t have some rich donor paying his way.


Read his "Hillbilly Elegy" a few years back - really impressive memoir. I knew he used to be a 'never Trumper' (like myself) - and was irked when he flip flopped. Yet here I am, totally flipped as a 'never Trumper", as well. So I get it. Learn better, do better (and question the mainstream media - lies). Respect.


Semper Fi!
(I was regular Army, regular Coast Guard.... I would never have said "Semper Fi" back then! Haha! Now I do, and I salute him! And I hope to vote for him as President in 2028!


Yay! He's from my stomping grounds in southern Ohio! He has an American apple pie dream come true with his clean life. From rags to riches, and now the VP of the president of the United States. Great pick president Trump! I believe his name is James David, not Donald.


Well, I think JD Vance is well qualified for VP.

The country didn't seem to have a problem in 2008 electing a community organizer with near 0 business or gov experience to be president, so I think we all should be fair to JD.


The lawer I dated who graduated from Stanford often lamented the fact that she didn’t get into Yale. They are the #2 and #1 law schools in the country. Harvard is #3. To get into Stanford you need to at least be a top 1% scorer on the LSAT. At least that’s the way it was.
