I had the most chilling night in Chengdu's Incredibly lively night market 🇨🇳

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I was so excited to recommend this night market to you guys!
Before heading to Chengdu, I did a lot of researches.
It has so many night markets and I want you guys to have the best experience!
This one is truly a surprise! I spent an amazing night here!
Watch and feel the vibe with me!
Btw, at the end of the video, I have a small question.
Whose answer gets most likes, I will send you a gift~❤️
#china #chineselife #food #foryou #travel #travelchina #chengdu
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2:53 super chill 😎

I like any sort of river walk, waterfront of a city. bonus points if there’s a craft fair or carnival there


What I like most about discovering a new city is eat eat eat like you just did. 😋😋😋
Thank you for your videos! I can feel your positive energy through the screen. Keep up the great work Day!


Day you’re so cute….thank you for a great video….I’m jealous you ate all those delicious food 😢😢😢


Nice video. I like the 4k. I like to see historical site especially statues and monuments. I've always wanted to see the statue on orange isle in Changsha. Maybe someday...


"My stomach is about 60% full'

Ha! I just knew that girls had some sort of digital measuring system 😆


I think the most interesting part of any city is the landmarks and authentic cultural food 😅.


The local food always the most attractive, thanks for sharing ❤


Such a cute accent, personality.❤👏🇨🇳👍🥰


Did anyone say you look like the actresses fan bingbing ❤


The most interesting parts of any city are the culturally richest ones, like temples, villages, parks... places that represent the authentic way of life of the city's population, and see their festivals and native cultural events. Te amo


Chengdu is one of my favorite cities to visit in China. Such a chill and friendly place. Even the crowded areas have many friendly people.

If I'm in a new city I like to mix it up - see what it's famous for and also some of the history. The giant Buddha at LeShan near Chengdu blew my mind. It depends on what the city is famous for and its special characteristics. These night market walks are interesting too.


That place is pretty crowded. The panda bags are so cute. Such good variety of food and items there, looks like fun to walk and do a food run. The little girl is the boss of an entire business wow. This is a very chill video, thank you for showing us around.


Hi Ms Day, when I am in new city, the 1st thing I do is visit their morning market or night market, observe what the people buy, eat or drink, then I will try the same too, especially fruits or food/desert that I never seen or eat before.


Wow the food is so cheap and looks so good! In London it would be about 5 times more.


When in new countries or cities I always seek daily cultural activities:

- Local music venues
- Arcades, boardgame stores that host, video game cafes, or spaces where people play local games (billiards, carrom, mahjong, etc.)
- Art galleries and performance arts spaces
- Stand-up comedy clubs (which is interesting when watching in languages I don't speak well lol)
- Karaoke-entertainment centers
- Somewhere to watch or play popular sports
- Clubs and places to go dancing
- Parks and anything with local exercise activities and/or nature

Wherever people go for fun and enrichment after they clock out of work - I wanna go there!

I'd absolutely love to visit Sichuan one day. I've heard Chengdu is a hot spot for fashion, no? Maybe visit that street where people show off their local street fashion.

Great video as always, Day. Keep it up!


I like local food places, parks, any places that let me enjoy what the locals enjoy. I try to stay away from too many tourist areas when I travel. I love that night market, Day. Thanks for giving us a local experience. I saw the prices of the steaks on that one stall. Amazing. I wish I could get steak for such a low price in Canada. I told my fiancee about your videos, especially these in Chengdu. We will go there together when I get to China. Thanks for all your hard work finding good places for us to experience.


Where is that night market? I will be in Chengdu in September and really want to try it. I think my favorite park is the Peoples Park in Chengdu.


I always try local food places in any new city, like Dallas/Austin BBQ.

Of all the food in this video, I think I'm most interested in the BBQ lotus. I love lotus root!


So funny, you really enjoy food everywhere. The best part was when you said”not too spicy” then you choked. 😂😂 because I do the same, love spicy food but always makes me choke..Once again, enjoyed and love your video


You recommend it, if you recommend it, it must be good based on you're own experience!
