5 ways to create a deep emotional connection with a woman

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If you've ever wondered why some men are luckier at building bonds with the women they care about, this video is for you. Jessica OS breaks down the 5 ways to create a deep emotional connection with a woman. Happy viewing


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There is something in your voice, accent (more American than African) and speech flow that makes your videos very engaging. They make what you are delivering palatable and easily digestible. I think you could also be a successful radio reporter. Keep that thing up. Cheers


To be honest, I come to watch your clips to better my speaking English cause you speak better than my ESL teacher. Keep up delivering these kinds of short lectures till I become fluent in English language. Thanks in advance!🙏🏿


“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”~Maya Angelou


Been going through this with a woman naturally. I feel so free with her and this video has everything I've been doing naturally. Damn sis. We've gotten so close. I told her she's my safe place and she told me I'm hers.


“The eyes never forget what the heart has seen.” African Proverb
With love from Uganda.


"Talk less, do more. Listen more, believe less."♥️


1. Ignore her words focus on her actions
2. Don’t chase women become the man that women will pursue
3. Women you previously pursued and got rejected by Will later be interested when they see you have a different woman
4. Women think about marriage as a wedding day and not a lifetime supporting and respecting their man
5. Embrace rejection it will make you stronger
6. Disdain women who rejected you, ignoring them is the best revenge
7. The more attractive she is the harder you have to be, DONT SIMP
8. Stay away from single mothers
9. Prioritise your appearance no matter what’s
10. Never fully commit
11. Don’t share your weaknesses with a woman, seek professional help in a serious rut
12. Women cheat more than men, don’t let her accusations blind you
13. Be low tolerance, be ready to walk away at any given moment
14. Don’t be bitter, accept female nature and adjust
15. Keep playing the game and make it difficult. People come back to difficult games to try and beat it, easy games get played once and put on the


This some of the best advice I've heard. It's not corny and faux soft, and it's not hard and tough garbage. It's about being masculine but being authentic and embracing both parts of self


Awesome quality you have, as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. Unless soneone genuinely share their thoughts, please remember, action speaks louder than voice.


This warrants an upgrade 👌to how I dealt with the female world. And listening to you Jessica is a lot like reading an anthology to living a meaningful life. Thank you sharing your selfless thoughts and wisdom.
Makes me wanna say sorry to them ladies who had the worst of my indiscretions. Well done 👏 for initiating a course to sharing discourses!


That “little hesitation” this is the real point. Thank you Jessica. Regards from Uganda


Your aura is refreshing...And the gems of wisdom you are always imparting are 2nd to none.


Its always a vibe watching your videos. Very resourceful. Thanks


1. The Quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.
2:02 Integrity. Man of a word.
2. 3:47 Authenticity. Being Original. Being who you are.
3.5:18 Vulnerability
Open up with people.
When guys really like a women they're too quick to just drop everything. Talk then pause continue
5. 8:45 Attentive ness.
Like she's said maganda ako sa iba.
Then Sabi mo. Ano nga ba yun. Sabi mo maganda ka sa iba? Tama ba?


I was blown by the topic attentiveness!
Sometimes we take it for granted but I can’t agree any less with Jessy. I think being attentive isn’t enough actually as she said. Showing it creates a huge impression.


You're truly a broadcaster with great and radiating voice.

Most importantly, you are fully relaxed in dishing out your points in a very clearer manner indicating your experience in the subject matter.
Thank you and keep it up consistently.


Honesty counts, respect is a genuine quality.


Completely agree with you . Well said ♥️ These are really required for a stable and loving relationship of any kind . These are the foundation upon which a truly happy relationship is based . ♥️🙏


Great job, Jessy. I am learning a lot things throughout your videos. Keep pushing ahead!
Your English is perfect! Africa wins! Yeah!


Waw thanks Jessica for your great words for us
men .
Ever grateful
Kevin from U. K.
