CAF Story | I am a woman.

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The first openly transgender chaplain in the CAF, Chaplain (Capt) Beatrice Gale from the Royal Military College in Kingston shares her personal story.
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I just can't figure out why this country has a recruitment crisis. It's just a big mystery...


And the CF seriously has the nerve to say they don't know why recruiting is so low, yet post stuff like this, utterly ridiculous.


As a fully trained Sapper looking to reenlist.. This is making me reconsider.


He encourages people to tattle. "I know the general would want to know about any Padres who discriminate against the alphabet."


So this is an official Canadian Armed Forces video?


And he has been suspended... shocking...

"The Department of National Defence confirmed to True North that Capt. Beatrice Gale’s chaplaincy was revoked and the member was found to have violated military rules in a summary hearing because of “an inappropriate comment or request to another individual.” Gale was born a biological man but identifies as a woman."

Millar said the way the military handled the conduct reveals a double standard.

“If a male officer behaved in a similar manner towards a subordinate female, the situation would be dealt with differently, and the offender’s name would be leaked to the press. Unfortunately, there is a lack of equality in how the Canadian Armed Forces handle such allegations, ” said Millar.

When asked why the Canadian Armed Forces didn’t refer the matter to civilian police as the military has done before on other cases where sexual assault or harassment was suspected, DND said that the case was not referred to civilian authorities by the Military Police due to the consideration of the victims’ interests and those of justice.


Recruitment is at an all time low. I wonder why?


This will encourage people to leave the military AND reduce enrollment. Way to go Canada.


This is the kinda stuff that makes me want to vote for the People's Party


Ask any veteran who gave their lives as they knew them to help build this nation what they think of this foolishness. I dare you to make a video where you ask 20 of them what they think of this.


Sun Tzu, weaken your enemies from within 🤔


Just look at the comments. There are a total of 3 commentors who aren't appalled at this


I applied for regular force about a week ago because it was something I've always wanted to do and really looking at a military career for atleast 3 years or longer sounds like a challenge that I would gladly accept. But I am now kind of nervous after seeing this video. If mental health is allowed to go rampant within our military like they have just depicted, well I guess no amount of researching and studying before my BMQ will prepare me for that. What of the outcomes that mental health will have if someone snaps and turns against they're brothers and sisters in arms? The comradery faulters, this military does not seem to hold themselves to a high standard relative to our NATO counterparts. I feel this is more of a risk for my well being more now. I know who I am and what I stand for which is in step with most, if not all Canadians, but my concern lays now within those I will be expected to rely on with my life.


This person needs help You can feel his pain and no one will really respond to the elephant in the room.


Was this member just suspended for sexual misconduct?


What the flip did I just watch? Is this TLC channel?


I love how the taxes that get taken out of my paycheque every week go towards funding this, happy Canadian 😃


As compassionate as we are as Canadians... I validate this person's issues but honestly, visibility like this makes us a laughing stock to other cultures.


I'm surprised that this video has not turned off it's comments not that they should be, but i'm noticing a trend in the comments and you may want to take notice aswell. I want to join the CAF, but the French foreign legion who has not imbraced critical race theroy and gender ideology is lookin a hell of a lot better with their tradional values and their not facing any kind if recruiting problems only a surplus. What a joke.


Ohh great I pay hard earned money as taxes to see Canada get destroyer ships, fighter jets and armoured tanks but rather look at what I'm getting🙄.
