20 Years of Business Knowledge in 53 Minutes

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For the first time, I’m taking you behind the scenes of my 20-year business and I’m going to tell you what it takes to build something that’s profitable and lets you live a Rich Life.




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*Amazing video, you work for 40yrs to have $1M in your retirement, meanwhile some people are putting just $10K into trading from just few months ago and now they are multimillionaires*


The key actionable points from the video

1. Define what success means to you personally, not just what others say it should be.

2. Write down your goals and what you want to achieve with your business.

3. Be willing to say "no" to opportunities that don't align with your goals.

4. Choose customers you enjoy working with and who value your work.

5. Invest money from your business into personal savings and investments.

6. Be honest with yourself about the quality of your work and always try to improve.

7. Apologize when you make mistakes and take responsibility for them.

8. Stand up for what you believe is right, even if it might cost you some business.

9. Surround yourself with positive, successful people who inspire you.

10. Learn technical skills that set you apart from competitors.

11. Consider both practical and emotional aspects when solving problems.

12. Develop a unique point of view that makes you stand out.

13. Get media training to improve how you present yourself and your ideas.

14. Take care of your own happiness and motivation to keep your business healthy.

15. Celebrate your achievements and enjoy the present moment.

16. Consider living in a big city when you're young to gain diverse experiences.

17. Choose the right audience for your business, not just whoever will give you likes.

18. Keep reading customer feedback to stay connected with your audience.


This is one of the most useful videos I’ve ever seen on YouTube


I'd been following you since 2007, bought your book the day it came out, and even bought a course. All of that has helped me do a great job with my finances. But when you started talking about your political views a few years ago, I breathed a sigh of relief and began openly endorsing you to my friends and family. Thank you.


It seems like so many wealthy people are politically conservative . It's great to hear someone successful in business talk about how great the economy is and guide people towards areas of investing that will lead to compounding wealth. You are the first finfluencer who has been truthful about buying a house. I appreciate your honest opinions.


I don’t even remember how I discovered you but I’m so glad I did. There are very few people who discuss money psychology so it was refreshing to find your content. Thank you for this video and especially for talking about politics. I agree - wish more people of influence would speak up. With power comes great responsibility and kudos to you for being responsible.


Hi Ramit, I've been following you for a long time now. This is by far, one if not my top, favorite video from you. Thank you so much!!! I can relate to this video and so many things you share in here. Not only was I a marketing professional and, later a PR support person and customer advocate, with emphasis on social media... but also someone who now lives their rich life everyday, according to your advice and principles. Been retired since age 36, with focus now on being a mom and volunteering at her public school daily, as I can financially now... was not always the case. Husband still works but only because he is passionate about doing so/likes his job/wants to. He will retire earlier than is the normal as well someday. You and your principles have helped us in many ways to make that happen. Anyway, I hope others can take great things from this video, too. Big fan of your team and philosophy here. I hope you, your team and your family are having a great day. Cheers.


I started following you the person who introduced me to your videos is my daughter. I am so happy because I never thought I could invest and have made progress since. I am traveling and living my rich life as you taught me. The only thing I need to do is have more self-control over spending. I will let you know when I hit my target this Dec 2024. No one has explained and put so much emphasis on investing and living the dream life at the same time as you did. Thank you so much.


Loved your take on politics and that you will always be true to yourself regardless of how much money you stand to lose or gain. Just bought my first target date fund on Vanguard yesterday thanks to your book. Thank you for making all your guidance easy to digest for people that are still learning like I am Ramit


Netflix was game changer! I discovered you there 😊❤️thanks for what you do !!! I am trying to get my mum to know you … but African mum very very difficult…


Can you please bring on couples that are in their 50s-60s and are middle class? I get your principles are very good when you have great incomes & have time for investing, but what about those that didn’t do it early & now don’t know what to really do to retire as they didn’t invest early? I’ve watched tons of your videos but never see this important scenario discussed or addressed. Thanks!!


I will add to the chorus of thank you! for speaking up for your beliefs and what’s right, so many do not because they don’t want to offend anyone. Much appreciated ❤


This is the kind of talk I would pay money to hear at a conference. Thank you for sharing this, Ramit - you really are showing up with the most for us here. Proud to be one of those customers you’re passionate about helping.


You copied me! If you guys are gonna copy our thumb nail 100% and our title concept at least give us credit. Ps. Big fan! X


Hi Ramit congratulations 🎉! I have been with you for the ride since the beginnings. I still remember your blog designed by yourself and the great content. Combining skills and strategic mindset helped me a lot in my life. Thank you ❤


Everything you mention here resonates with me. Currently on my journey as a small business owner. 5 years full time and going strong. Thanks for the great content. Well put together.


Loved the fact that you admit ironing is something you do because it relaxes you, not to all of us 😂 but I do get it.
Great episode, so important to take it personally what it is really important for each one of us.
Accepting help and being humble to trust and delegate.
I do enjoy you showing your emotions, whatever they are, even seeing you get truly frustrated and angry. 🎉 you rock.
I have learn so much from your book, emails, podcast in the last year. Thank you


Hey Ramith, I hope you read this, because I want to sat Thank you for your book and your teachings.
I discover your book from a random comment in youtube and this rabbit hole has been amazing. Thanks from the bottom of my heart.
Also, this video was truly magnificent. Almost one hour of pure and concise info about everything in running a business like yours. Amazing.


This was fantastic. I have no desire to be an entrepreneur or own my own business (in fact I am on the path to 'retirement') and I feel like this video has given me inspiration on living a full life. I love your perspective and approach to integrating your values.


One more comment.. I used to wary of you. I didn't understand your personality. But in time, I've come to really respect you. You're like a brother I never had, a silly friend, and also you speak the lessons I wish my parents did. Really respect you standing up for your principles. It should be done more.
