Danish Design Award 2021 - our application video

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We are proud to take part in the Danish Design Award competition.

We go for the Outstanding service category at Danish Design Award 2020. Our next-generation ANPR camera and our specialized traffic database form an outstanding road traffic monitoring solution to create safer travel / transport, enhanced security, and a healthier environment.

Does such a solution deserve the award? Decide it yourself: watch our application video and send us a like – if you think yes!

Video transcript:

Driving should be fun, safe, and exert only a minimal effect on our surroundings.

As more people share the road,…

…and with an increasing number of distractions…

...accidents and fatalities pile up.

How can we decrease speeding, and the number of traffic violations and irresponsible drivers?

Accurate data about cars, drivers and their behavior is crucial.

But most of today’s solutions to gather such data are awkward, unattractive, and difficult to manage.

Our mission is to create safer roads and more liveable cities by providing a smart traffic monitoring solution that includes well-designed, plug-and-play cameras and a secure database. It all adds up to an outstanding data collection service.

Our solution contains two elements: the Vidar camera for data capture, and GDS, a secure database for data storage and analytics.

Vidar is an intelligent camera comprising numerous sensors in a sleek, meticulously designed housing.

During its design phase, we succeeded in coming up with an unassuming, single-unit design that fits well into the environment, bearing unique features within its class.

The GDS database provides secure data storage, statistics, and alerts. An unlimited number of Vidar units can be connected to it.

Vidar & GDS provide a new level of road traffic management to those bold enough to explore the future: Whether you’re a police force, road administration, municipality, or property owner.

Because road traffic can be safe, efficient and environmentally conscious.

The end product may differ from the prototype product showcased in this video!
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