Awesome Things You Can Build With C# | Why Learn C# ?

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Why should you learn the C# language? Along with .NET, C# is one of the most powerful, flexible tools available. From web development to artificial intelligence - the possibilities are endless!

In this video I'll show you 5 cool things you can build with C# including games, machine learning models and lots more. Hopefully you can find some good ideas for C# projects here!

0:00 Introduction
1:04 Games (2D & 3D)
2:07 Mobile Apps
3:04 Web Apps (Front and back end)
4:05 Machine Learning & AI
5:20 IOT and Robotics
6:22 Conclusion

Unity for 2D/3D Games + more

(“The Heretic” clip used courtesy of Unity Technologies)

Mobile apps

Web Apps

Machine Learning

IOT + Robotics:

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It was nice to know that c# is not dying in the world of JavaScript frameworks & libraries like react, vue and Angular.
Glad to find this video. Really big motivation out there for C# developers..


I am about to lose my mind. I am a second year computer science student. I recently learned Java and some GUI components in java and connected a Database to it as the project. Now, I see that all of the stuff we did is also possible with C#. I tried to learn Web development, HTML, CSS, JS, then at the back-end there were many technologies - Frameworks - like Django in python, NODE.js and many more. Frankly, I see that all of that is possible with C#. On the other hand, I saw another video where a Java expert says all the thing possible in C# is possible with JAVA. I am totally lost, I really don't know my focus point now. Please Let me know, if you have any suggestions where to go from the point onward. OHHH


I tried many things like js, react, python, next js, django, C#. If you want to learn language, start with csharp. It will be so detailed and time consuming. However, you will be very confidnet once you understand oop and so more. Python and js have oop but it is not so much clear. You can build games, console apps and web with C#.You can understand how computer works and why coding makes life easier with c#. Think about that you have a company and you want to give assigments, promotion and control your employees. Object Orientad Programming with C# is like that. You can control everything with logical code system C#.


Thanks, i didn’t know you could do all of these with c#. Now I am even more motivated to learn it. Thanks! Also your channel is great and underrated


Sir i've learned java .. i am learning c# now
I want to be both developer
What u suggest


Web App
Mobile App
ML and AI
Robotics IOT


People always bring up Unity, but never bring up MonoGame, a pure C# framework for building cross-platform 2D games.


This channel is so underrated! ITS AWESOME!


I'm a begginer learning JavaScript, but i wanted to learn a BackEnd language instead of node.js. Is C# a good choice for that?


Great Video, it gave me a lot of Motivation to learn C#


Waw i can make ai and Machine leraning


Sir I have just started to learn c#. I learn trough tutorials till my cours in academy starts in November. I hope that I will have some basics before that. My question is: how much I need to know to get entry in some jobs?


"Roko's Basilisk has entered the chat"


Great video, helped lot. Thanks <3 :)


Correct me if i am wrong but c# and .net does everything but not good as other stacks or languages. For example i cant find evidence that MS use blazor on their website. And most shocking one is that they built Teams and Vscode on electron js framework but not with wpf. And .net updates are so fast and backward compatibility is not great as java.


So is c# good for software engineering sir?


i enrolled with web design and mobile development. I still find it confusing to understand c# fully. Ive done the hello world, and calculator so far. I can follow the activities in class but without that im still lost. any tips? my goal is to become web developer asap, im
studying html as well but that subject will be focused like in 3 more weeks


which one would you recommend for getting into freelancing?


I can't believe I didn't watch this video sooner. It's driving me crazy! Hello, Mr. Robert. I'm a Flutter developer who has predominantly used Java for my backend. I've been considering working at Google, where they mandate proficiency in both Java and C++. However, after watching this video, my perspective has shifted. I'm now wondering why I didn't opt for C# over Java. Maybe it was due to Google's requirements, but I'm not sure. Can I consider using C# instead of C++ and Java when pursuing opportunities with major companies like google and facebook ?


Is there something you can't do in C#? (I mean in programming way, not like, walk a dog)
