CitSciCon with NASA: Save Our World With Citizen Science

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0:00 CitSciCon Interstitial Video
7:40 Welcome - Tara Cox, SciStarter
11:08 Welcome - Lydia Collins, PhD student
16:30 Introduction to Thomas Stanley, Landslide Reporter
22:21 Introduction to Tamlin Pavelsky, Lake Observations by Citizen Scientists
33:23 Introduction to Prakash Doraiswamy, Air Quality Citizen Science
42:59 Q&A

Save Our World With Citizen Science

This event is part of CitSciCon, a first-of-its-kind online event series that invites everyone, everywhere to discover fun and important ways to help NASA do authentic research with citizen science projects. A dozen sessions provide recipes to prepare for, participate in, and expand engagement in authentic NASA science.

Saturday, May 22 3:15 pm ET - 4:15 pm ET
Open to all
Event moderator: Lydia Collins, PhD student
So you want to help save the world? This event showcases a handful of NASA projects that are addressing climate change, natural disasters, and air and water quality issues. Scientists need more data to track our changing planet, but there’s not enough researchers to reach field sites all over the world. In this session, you’ll learn about ways you can get out in the world and help researchers study what you find.

Featured projects and scientists include:

Landslide Reporter
Scientist: Thomas Stanley

Lake Observations by Citizen Scientists
Scientist: Tamlin Pavelsky

Air Quality Citizen Science
Scientist: Prakash Doraiswamy CitSciCon with NASA

Do real science with NASA.
Watch the session via this livestreamed recording.
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