How to install an above ground pool - Start to finish

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I put a 24 foot above ground pool in last year, this is the video of that build. Video of actual build starts at 5:27 and tips are at end of video
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I am left wondering one are all the people that disliked this informative, real life helpful video? Pool installers? Thanks for the help Burbbilly!!!


My husband did our huge oval above ground pool all by himself just about like you did! He used our small tractor mower and he made his own tools as you had the real things. I can’t remember how long it took him, but he did it on days off and during days he worked nights. We had many years of fun in it! Our son was about three and I was on bedrest from hurting my back from working as we had just months earlier moved in our new home and had to do all the unpacking and helping where I could with new lawn and privacy fence before I hurt my back. The pool lasted until our son was about 19 and working and having his own life. We sold it about the time it needed a new liner. Great video. Lot of hard work.


Ok so, 10 months ago, It never happened. However, It's up, done and fully operational now. Thanks to your tips, on leveling, the pre-made pool cove, the extra hands and all that juju, my family and I get to enjoy the summer of 2022 in our new pool. Thank you so much, Burbbilly!


I’m an above ground pool installer and this guy did took the long way on this project but he did it just perfect.


I just saw a video tip about sticking your wet vac between the skimmer hole and the liner. Duct tape around the skimmer hole and leave the vacuum running until you get a few inches of water in there and it really helped with the wrinkles in the liner. I'll put that to use with some of your tips. I'm feeling a little better about doing this ourselves! Thanks for the video


21 years ago we put up a 21x53 ft steel walled pool in our backyard. Our pool held up great until it was hit by a falling tree during a storm last fall. Thankfully only the top rail and wall saw damage, no water loss. Yes the pool was a loss, but covered by homeowners insurance. We used masonry sand for the floor and cove the first time, and will be using it again. The pool salesman said the stick-on cove doesn’t always stick like it should. This can create air pockets between the wall and cove which is bad news. Sometimes sweat and attention to detail will save you in the end. I hope you have many seasons of fun in your pool. Thanks for the video.


Love the clamp rope & stake idea to hold the sides up until the uprights are installed...., brilliant!


I tried for 4 hours to put the wall in the track yesterday. U made that look easy. Im gonna take another stab at it today


i was waiting for the 30 second clip of the man and woman appearing to be yelling at each other and then they walk away and a company takes over, days later.... dang yall are a good couple and work together well! LOL!!!


Great, help tips! Bless you (and your family) for doing such a great job installing the pool. I hope your children appreciate you for all the hard work... Hope you all are enjoying the pool.


I've been running seasonal (intex type) pools for eight years and am upgrading to a hard side pool this year. This is a good review of what to expect. Thanks.


I’ve been putting my pool up all week and took a lot of your advice and it has helped me out tremendously! Thank you!


"oh my sweet Jesus, Lord in heaven." ha ha.
Bro that is how I feel right now. I'm two weeks in to clearing sod, leveling adding sand etc. About to add padding today lord willing the pool will go up this weekend.


Awesome pool. It took me 2 weeks by myself to put up an 18 Round pool. Most of that was prep work. I did my pool a bit different. Same principal with the bottom cloth. I did one better and used Roofing tar paper, then 6 mil plastic, then a bottom cushion. The sides I did with an insulator sheet and also used pool cove for around the bottom. Absolutely nothing grew under that pool. I extended the roofing paper and plastic about a foot past the pool and used rocks for decoration. Well worth the time it took me. Your pool looks fantastic and loved the idea with the clips once you got it in the track....I will try this on my next go round.


Tip for anyone installing their own pool. Put in a bottom drain. It will save you on chemicals and time cleaning. Glad we did.


Just got a pool like this from an aquintance that didn't use it anymore. Waiting until the end of season to take down the intex one we have now. Will def be watching this again in the spring when it's time to put up the new ( to us) pool


Nice work. You don't take shortcuts :-) You should have ended with a shot of everyone relaxing in the pool, enjoying your work!


Oh, sweet Jesus, I am a 63 year old single man and I was going to buy a pool from Costco
this morning, what a HUGE mistake that would have been, I can not thank you enough.


How great your family helped and your children got to see how building something goes.


And this is the reason professionals exist😆 I would gladly pay one for this one. Sometimes in life you just have to know your limits🤓
