7 3 6 Gospel Progressions |THREE DIFFERENT WAYS

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In this episode you will learn the 736 gospel progression, an essential progression for gospel music. In addition you will learn 3 separate approaches to playing the progression. It's important to understand the progression so you can play it creatively.

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6 Ways To Play 736 Gospel Progression

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Props to you for actually showing your mistakes and your thought process behind your movements! That’s called being real.


Played this in mid altar call, the singer got lost and the pastor gave me that raised eyebrow look


I'm not christian, I'm not religious. But these progressions really touched my heart.tyeyre nice and beautiful. And you are very skilled and talented.


depending on the melody of a song i also play those 7 - 3 - 6 progressions ;

B7(#5#9) - E7(#5#9) - Am9
Bm7 - E7(#9) - Am7
Bm7b5 - E7b9 - Am7
Bm7 - Abmaj7b5/Bb - Am7 (tritone sub)
B7 - Bb9b5 - Am7


I am Iduini from Nigeria. We have gospel praise songs with only few tutorials about it. But I love Western and would love to apply it during worship sessions to raise people's spirits.


I am a piano teacher myself and I like the way you teach. You teach in small understandable bits on youtube. Great job! Thanks!


Im Bruce 19 years old kenyan.been playing the piano for a while.but id really love to advance in it.thanks for the lesson💜💯


Really respect you showing us your experimentation process, takes a lot of guts to show the viewers, most channels always give us a perfect version. Its great encouragement because it also gives us learners the courage to experiement with the tools you have given us. Great Work, your channel is due to blow up soon!


I've been playing contemporary for a while and I've been feeling bored with just playing 6-4-1-5 this will help me a lot thank you so much


6-4-1-5. 7-3-6. These progressions are SO extremely gorgeous...I mean...oh my gosh!! Even for the kick of it...Jammin in my living room 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


A lot of people would edit the mistakes out but I actually learned more in adapting it to a specific song. I've struggled with making melodic fills like that. Really appreciate the video.


Thanks for taking time to teach us beginners. I'm just learning to play chord charts and still struggle to think in terms of the number system. The 7 3 6 has a great sound, but when you begin to alter those chords, it gets even more challenging and hard to keep up with you. Thanks again


1:00 1-6-4-5 Chord Progression
1:46 1-6-4-5 Explanation

2:16 Why use degrees?
3:25 7-3-6 Progression Demo: 7half-dim → 3Dom7 → 6min7
_On the 3, he altered it a little to give it flavor, with a #9 and #5, but 3Dom7 works, too (although the ornaments are better)_
4:03 Application

5:25 A different way:
_(Honestly, this is where the guy lost me because while the chords still favored 7-3-6, the explanation was using all of the other chords of the major scale, and thus kind of made it difficult to digest. Basically though, it was just upwards chromatic movement into each of the main chords of the 7-3-6 progression up until the last two chords, which resolved to an A9sus4, which has a different flavor than plain old Amin7 (and, honestly, Amin7, with these chords, doesn't feel like a proper resolution, either.)._

_So, with the chords he used to explain it:_ Dbmin → Dmin/B, Bhalf-dim/G tritone → CMaj/Ab tritone, CMaj (Amin7) → GMaj/A (A9sus4)
_In degrees:_ #1 → 2/7, 7/5 → 1/#5, 6min7 → 69sus4 _(@~@)_

_In terms of 7-3-6:_ #1 → 2/7, b3Dom7 → 3Dom7, 6min7 → 69sus4 _(which is, in no way, less complicated)_
_And it's not completely accurate, since he voiced the 3 chords very differently, putting the 3rd and 7th of the chord in the left hand_

6:13 Application

6:48 Sixth-interval walk-ups/downs with resolving chords (specifically 7dim → 1min9)

10:48: Sixth-interval Chromatic walk-down with 7dim → 1 resolution, using extra ornaments on both hunh...think you can just sneak another quick tip on the end without me noticing, huh?)_


Always fun playing in CCM churches and throwing in some flavour and seeing the reaction to something "new".


So intuitive, brother! So precious is this method... I liked a lot. God bless you. Greetings from Brazil 🇧🇷


I am a swedish 19 year old who is studying gospel music in a school called "folkhögskola" (peoples school). I am currently going through a difficult time because i have tendonitis in my supraspinatus (schoulder). And therefore I can't really play so much as I would like to. Would love a lesson from you! Have learnt so much from your videos!


I didnt know there were more 7 3 6s. I always felt like I overused it, still very beautiful and powerful when used sparingly.


So I have been watching your tutorial videos for about 6 months, you have really made a difference in my playing ability. Learning different progression has really expanded my creative thoughts. Keep doing what you do and I will keep watching and learning. 3/10/2024


I truly admire your playing I hope that one day I can be even half as good as you are. I'm just starting out but don't have a teacher yet so thanks for the content you put out
