All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name | lyrics, choir, and orchestra

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Verses 1-3: Edward Perronet 1726-1792
Verse 4: John Rippon 1751-1836
Tune: “Diadem” by James Ellor 1819-1899
Arrangement: Sterling Procter

"Join To Sing the Great Salvation", a worship service involving the graduate conducting recital of Michael Devine for the Luther Seminary/St Olaf College Master of Sacred Music program.
7 May, 2012, Boe Memorial Chapel, St Olaf College, Northfield, MN

Video production: Achillies Buchanan
Рекомендации по теме

This a beautiful song. I'm proud to be a Christian. Hail the power of the name of JESUS!!


Stunning performance, stunning hymn. There is no good service without good hymns. They are a significant way to praise the Only One who deserves glory and honour. Merry Holy Christmas to the whole world ⛪


Revelations5:11-14, I love that piece!!Blessed by this hymn


King of kings and lord of lords
Made willing in the day of his power!


🌹🙏👌✌🇪🇬we used to sing this prayer song in choir in Sunday morning services in our christ church in Delhi


When i lived in MN one of the wonderful memories I had was visiting St Olaf's and hearing the wonderful choir and musicians and organist.
THANK YOU for sharing with the world
Sing unto HIM and give HIM all of our Love and good works.
Sing unto HIM and make a great noise of Glory unto the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY


🌱🌹thanks for sharing and sweet voice and memories


1 Corinthians 15:3-4; Ephesians 1:7; Philippians 4:4


Praise the lord
Pray for me Fynance problem


Tue 3.30.2021

Good morning from a wintry day here in NEPA where snow is in the forecast. When you think of Holy Week, do you really think what it is all about? Oh you know Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday and the saddest day Good Friday and then that wonderful day we call Easter Sunday. I wonder if we had a time machine and could go back to the last year of HIS life, how would you feel, act. Would you listen intently to every word HE spoke? Would you follow HIM knowing you could be arrested, beaten or killed? Would you still follow OUR LORD? Think of Palm Sunday as HE rode into the city HE cried for, Jerusalem. Would you be out in front with the Palms to lie down on the ground for his donkey to pass over, would you be waving Palms shouting HIS name, JESUS, JESUS? Would you beg to be able to serve HIM at the Last Supper? Would you go to Gethsemane and pray with HIM as he prayed to OUR FATHER? What would you do when Judas came and kissed HIM and said Hail Rabbi? Would you stay and be arrested, harmed by the temple guards? Or would you run away as HIS apostles did leaving HIM all alone to the guards and evil doers. Would you slip back in as HE was brought before the high priests to be judged? Would you have the courage to stand up and to say they are lies and give truthful statements in HIS behalf, understanding the high priests will have the guards beat you to death? As they beat HIM, would you cry and shout out HIS name, JESUS I Love You?
Would you go to Pontius Pilot for HIS final human judgment, and when Pilot sends to the crowd Barabbas a criminal and OUR LORD, and the crowd must shout for one of them to be killed, will you be up front yelling JESUS, JESUS, JESUS and save him or would you shout the criminals name Barabbas? Again knowing the people in the crowd were bribed by the high priest and you will be beaten possibly to die, if you said HIS NAME JESUS?
What you feel when you heard OUR LORD is to be Crucified, would you weep tears that could fill a river?

And as they gave HIM the cross to bear to Golgotha, would you follow HIM on this HIS last walk to die for all of our sins. What would you do as the weight of the cross is so much for HIM and HE falls down, and the roman soldiers whip HIM to get up? Would you have the courage to stop the solider, knowing your life would be ended right then and there? Or would you continue to weep and walk behind HIM as HE took up his cross again. What will you do when HE falls the 2nd time? Again the soldiers striking HIM with their whips, cussing HIM to get up. Will you intervene knowing you will die right there for HIM? No you have sorrow but not courage; you will weep and walk again behind HIM as he takes up the cross again.
Then HE falls for the 3rd time and cannot get up HE is in great pain and does not have the strength to carry the cross.
Simon of Cyrene is pressed to take up the cross from OUR LORD, did Simon volunteer no he was pressed to do it by the roman soldiers, but I wonder would you or I have volunteered to take up HIS cross, knowing in a few moments HE would be crucified?
How do you think Simon felt, ordered to take up HIS cross and carry it the rest of the way to Calvary.
As each step Simon took ahead of OUR LORD carrying the weight of the cross, what was Simon thinking? Was he crying, or putting his tears in check to go up the road to HIS crucifixion? Do you think GOD was there to help Simon with the weight of the cross, which represented to some the sins of the world that HE soon would be hung from that cross to gain all of the peoples of the world then and now, forgiveness and join us all to HIM and GOD THE FATHER forever?
Now we come to the place of death, HIS death so that the peoples of the world could be reunited to ALMIGHTY GOD the FATHER.
Do you have the courage being there, seeing them strip HIM of his garments laying HIM down upon the cross? Can you see the roman soldiers holding HIS left hand putting rope around the wrist and then placing the spike in the middle of HIS hand and nailing it through HIS flesh and bone into and thru the cross? And then the soldiers did the same to HIS right hand and then crossing HIS legs, that had only one spike left and nailed HIS two feet with one spike. Legend tells us that a gypsy stole one of the four spikes meant for HIS other foot. All through this torture what are you doing, crying, wailing out loud, do you dare call out HIS name….JESUS….
And then they bring the cross upright between the two criminals.

HE is still barely alive, as they mock him and curse him and gamble for his clothes.
Remember how one of the criminals mocked HIM and said if you are GOD get yourself and us down from here. But the other thief, we believe to be St Dismas the penitent thief, told the other criminal to be quiet they deserve what is happening to them for their crimes, but stood up for HIM and asking HIM for forgiveness. And with just a few minutes of life in HIS body, does HE not turn to him and say verily, verily for today you shall be with me in Paradise. How do you think that criminal, St Dismas felt hearing those words from HIM? How did those words affect you, did it stop your crying, did you feel a great swell in your heart as courage was filling you and so many others.
What did you think when Mary HIS mother came and stood before HIM, weeping and recalling what the holy men and women told her from HIS birth.
And how HE spoke to her and St John to commanded John to take care of Mary.
As the time came an end for HIM to die, HE called out to GOD, my GOD why hast thou forsaken me. How did you think of this comment from HIS mouth.

A few moments and HE said I thirst and a guard put a sponge in some vinegar wine and put it on a spear to put it to HIS lips. HE drank not.
Then a few moments later HE said FATHER, forgive them for they know what they do.
And then HE said it is finished and died.

I like you am crying even now hearing HIM say these HIS last words to the world.
What else could we do?
And HE hung on that cross for all of us, regardless of color, race, creed, even those who did not believe in GOD and HIM.
To hasten the death the custom was to break the legs of the criminals and they did that to the criminals on HIS left and right, but when they came to JESUS, they saw HE was dead and did not break HIS legs, but thrust a spear into HIS side and from that wound came Blood and Water.
Legend has it that a grape vine around the crucifixion site, had been dead for so long, but when HIS blood and water touched the vine, it came to life. The grapes were crushed and the wine is called Lacryma Christi the tears of Christ.

Then we see the moon passing over the sun and the earth was in eclipse.
This scared so many, earthquakes happened, the great hangings in the temple were torn, rabbis and other men, rent their clothes in anguish.
Even the centurion said this was truly the Son of GOD.

What were you feeling at these great wonders happening, were you afraid, were you still crying? Or were you being encouraged by the HOLY SPIRIT, to shout out
Did you stay there praying to GOD asking forgiveness for your lack of courage, for your sins?
Did you feel any better after asking for HIS forgiveness and asking for HIS guidance?
Did you stay until Joseph came to bring HIS body down from the cross?
Did you see HIS broken dead body lying on HIS mother Mary’s lap?
Did you offer to help with caring for the body, to get the cloths to bury HIM in?
Did you stay as they laid HIM in the tomb and rolled the great rock to secure the tomb?
Did you go home or to the temple to pray or just go back to the garden to weep and pray for the loss of HIM Our BLESSED SAVIOR.

No one knows what we would have done then nor now, until we ask HIM for guidance and with the powers of the HOLY SPIRIT, give us the courage to help HIM and others.

Each one of us is born and each of us will die, by what means and what minute of death no one knows except HIM.
That is why every minute we are alive we must strive to do good works in HIS name. HE asks only for all of us to always Love and Honor GOD and to do good works for all.

If we truly can do this I do believe our lives will be made better and when we all do this to help end prejudice, hatred, jealousy and so many other sins, we can change not just ourselves and all around us, but we can change the world in HIS name.
May all of you find some comfort knowing that HE loves all of us, and wants us to help one another humans and animals alike, to be loving and caring now and until the day HE returns.

“…For lo…..I…..shall be with you even unto the end of the world (time)…”
+Pax et bonum
Thomas C Ambrosia
Feel free to pass this on with proper acknowledgement
©29March2021 Thomas C Ambrosia//
