People were always saved by FAITH only - HEBREWS 11 is all about that.
Haha we were laughing along with you! I said the sin nature is dead...really meant the flesh is dead...that sin still rears its ugly head and it's me. 😂 Thankful God does not hold my sin against me! Interesting that you've heard many go this way. Just recently is the first time I have ever heard of it! See how the truth can get convoluted in the tiniest ways.
Not only are they in denial of the presence of sin but on the other hand they're also focused on sin because they're still trying to find a way to stop the sin or get it under control with positive thinking. I've heard them say and Andrew Farley say that when you do sin..want to sin...or think bad thoughts you tell yourself... I'm dead to that speak mantras of Truth over yourself and that's supposed to keep you from sinning because you have reminded yourself of who you really are. It reminds me of the movies when someone's about to do something really bad and everyone says to them..."No Bob, this isn't who you really are.. don't do this." Lol It also seems they have rebranded the law by saying to "walk in the spirit" and don't try to walk in the flesh and you do this by believing or's something you have to strive seems... To me it really just seems like a new way to say be good and don't be bad but you're finding a supposedly better way of doing it... supposedly a way that will give you power to do it.
I was talking to a lady.. just your basic average Christian lady, who said she encouraged people to develop separate individual relationships with the Father, the son and the Holy Spirit. 😳