How to Hide a Folder | Using a {batch file} | Create a batch file | CMD Code Lesson | JM Production

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Simple Code to hide folder:

Hide code -
echo off
attrib +h (Folder Name)

Unhide Code -
echo off
attrib -h (Folder Name)

set password for batch
{unhide Folder} -

@echo off
set input =
set /p input= password(input then press enter) :
if %input%==Anonymous goto YES
if not %input%==Anonymous goto NO
attrib -h hide
goto password


Is batch a programming language?
Batch is a programming language. It is used to create script files executable on Windows operating system. Normally, normally these files have an extension of

Batch file :
A batch file is a script file in DOS, OS/2 and Microsoft Windows. It consists of a series of commands to be executed by the command-line interpreter, stored in a plain text file

What are .bat files used for?
BAT file extension is a batch processing file. It's a plain text file that contains various commands used for repetitive tasks or to run groups of scripts one after another. Software of all types use . BAT files for various purposes—for example, to copy or delete files, run applications, and shut down processes.

What is batch file example?
Batch files are often used to help load programs, run multiple processes at a time, and perform common or repetitive tasks. For example, a batch job could be used to back up files, process log files, run a series of calculations or diagnostics, or any other job that require multiple commands to run.

How do you create a batch file?
Open a text file, such as a Notepad or WordPad document.
Add your commands, starting with @echo [off], followed by, each in a new line, title [title of your batch script], echo [first line], and pause.
Save your file with the file extension BAT, for example, test.

What is @echo off?
That means that every command issued in a batch file (and all of its output) would be echoed to the screen. By issuing, the 'echo off' command, this feature is turned off but as a result of issuing that command, the command itself will still show up on the screen.
Рекомендации по теме

Great video. Keep posting more such stuff.


the real question is how to move a folder
