ChatGPT Just got Advanced Memory and it's Creepy... but SO COOL!

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In this episode, we delve into the exciting new memory feature of ChatGPT! Discover how this innovative addition transforms interactions, allowing the AI to remember important details across conversations. I'll guide you through how the memory works, its potential benefits, and the ways it can enhance personalized experiences. We'll also discuss privacy aspects and how users can manage what ChatGPT remembers. Join me to uncover how this feature is set to revolutionize our dialogues with AI!

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Now, this is where the real assistance will actually begin.


ChatGPT: I am here to assist you. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask.

Me: Mm. I've been having trouble with your coding advice, so I'm switching to Claude 3 Opus.

*ChatGPT will remember that.*


What's crazy is knowing this is still the early days of LLMs. A year ago they couldn't remember much, now they're on the way to an unlimited context window and memory, and GPT-5 will be even more humanlike.


That memory feature was announced like 3 months ago. Nowadays with models like llama-3 you can run in your own computer and make it to work with your agent setup and with all the knowledge of all your private documents, honestly i find that nobody should need to share their data anymore with a megacorp, much less paying them for that.


"I care about my personal data safety"
"Please take note of my personal life and activities"


From OpenAI: Does memory function with GPTs?

Memory for GPTs will be available when we roll it out more broadly.When it is, builders can enable their GPTs to have a memory. The end-user will need to have Memory on to engage with the GPT. Please note that ChatGPT and GPTs each have their own unique memories based on your interactions with them. Memory is not shared between GPTs and other GPTs or ChatGPT. Memories, like chats, with GPTs are not shared with GPT builders.


9:42 That's wild that it read that line, understood that as an AI that it applied to itself. Then followed the instructions as given!

I'm sure emergent behaviors such as this have no possibility to be abused by bad actors. Nope.


that's so cool that just by saying research a channel it checks the about section and actually does proper research, wonder how long until it's able to watch all videos and store it into memory (really creepy thought for real)


“Memorable” is an adjective that means "worth remembering or easily remembered, especially because of being special or unusual".
Instead, you should have asked ChatGPT to have better “memory retention”


So many thoughts about memory in things like ChatGPT.
One is it is impossible to have a good AGI without the ability to remember things.
Another thought is my mum has alzheimer's disease and having an AI remember if a carer gave my mum her tablets today, would be massive.
There are actually so many things I could use a memory AI tool to help improve my mum's life.
I can also think of bad things about what an AI with memory could do (which I don't want to list, because I don't want to give anybody ideas lol).
Mostly though, I think this could be a good thing if used correctly.


This is going to be incredible for business owners, creators, studying, understanding Ines self & I'm sure lots if other stuff.


I just noticed this feature today and then I discovered your video. I love this feature and had been hoping for it for a long time!


I got my notification last night. So I asked this question..."if im using one of my gpt's. would the memories be specific for each gpt? or is your memory function more of a general memory for the account?"

The answer I got was .."If you're using multiple instances of a GPT model with memory enabled, each instance would have its own separate memory. This means that the memories are specific to each GPT and not shared across different GPTs you might be using. Each GPT would only recall the information you've provided or the interactions you've had with that specific instance. This helps in tailoring the interactions and recommendations according to your conversations with each specific GPT. "

This is Great!, Considering that I have multiple GPT's that I've created and use for client and my work. To keep it separate is awesome! Gotta try it out. Thanks Matt, Great video as always!


I think I will prefer to have different memories for different part of my life. For example I want memories for work only, and maybe an other separate one about my health, psychology, and maybe another one about a research I'm doing. Also the ability to merge memories as needed.


it seems to still be delayed in the EU (as for everything due to regulations). Currently i only have access to the feature solely via VPN


This is where we no longer have to hit the use limit by uploading information or having to ultimately start over just to get the same results you got last time. you can literally go deeper. its becoming more personal by the day. memory gives us access to a function that is important in all great inventions and innovations. its the continuation of a thing that makes its potential unlimited. this is a really cool feature.


Thanks for tour of the new feature. It's value added for sure. Perhaps future memory enhancements will enable memory across custom gpts as well. But yeah... it's definitely progress.


You missed the opportunity to ask it "Are there any new AI updates on other programs that I have not yet covered that would be worth covering" xD. Who knows, it mighta suggested something that is being overlooked or missed entirely by everyone lol. It's neat with what it can do but at same time it may start remembering things users don't want it to. That's why I'm glad it also allows you to erase to alter bits of the memory.


This feature popped up while I was using ChatGPT and had to refresh, I read quickly and thought it was reading across multiple chats, not saving tidbits from them to learn about you in general. Thanks for the quick vid!


An interesting test would be:
"Remember to tell me the time, whenever you see me type the word duck"

Then later on type something like "I saw a duck in the park today" and see if it tells you the current time.
That will let you know if if has access to things like the current time and that it can remember instructions based on text.
