Frans Sengers: Interview on age-friendly housing

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Frans Sengers is engaged researcher with a broad interest in topics related to green innovation and the transition to a sustainable society. He investigates major technological and societal change processes related to various topics, including recently on age-friendly housing as member of the Homes4Life consortium. He explores how change makers imagine the future, how social networks form around innovations, and how stakeholders learn throughout the innovation journey.

We asked Franse the following questions:
1) What do you think are the key characteristics of age-friendly housing?
Could more age-friendly housing help decrease demand for residential care, such as care homes etc.?
2) What would you recommend to municipalities and state in order to support “ageing in place”?
3) Could you share some examples of age-friendly housing projects, initiatives or policies which could be inspiring especially for central European countries?
4) Do you see any differences between European countries in approach to housing for older people?

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Video bylo natočeno pro konferenci “Age-friendly bydlení: Dobrá praxe v podpoře seniorům přátelského bydlení”

Konference se uskutečnila díky finanční podpoře Ministerstva práce a sociálních věcí z dotačního programu Podpora veřejně účelných aktivit seniorských a proseniorských organizací s celostátní působností v rámci projektu „Podpora výměny dobré praxe v oblasti seniorského bydlení“.
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