C++ Programming All-in-One Tutorial Series (10 HOURS!)

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00:00 - Introduction
09:31 - Installing g++
15:37 - C++ Concepts
22:31 - More C++ Concepts
30:48 - Using Directive and Declaration
37:33 - Variable Declaration and Initialization
40:40 - Using Variables with cout
44:46 - User Input with cin
47:57 - Conventions and Style Guides
56:23 - Intro to Functions
1:01:28 - Intro to Creating Custom Functions
1:09:05 - Pow Function
1:13:13 - Creating Custom Functions
1:22:20 - Creating Void Functions
1:29:11 - Intro to C++ Data Types
1:37:17 - Integral Data Types and Signed vs Unsigned
1:44:38 - Integral Data Types, sizeof, limit
1:49:35 - char Data Type
1:56:52 - Escape Sequences
2:02:21 - bool Data Type
2:06:54 - Floating Point Numbers
2:15:00 - Constant const, macro, and enum
2:21:00 - Numeric Functions
2:28:37 - String Class and C Strings
2:37:47 - get line for Strings
2:40:52 - String Modifier Methods
2:47:56 - String Operation Methods
2:54:36 - Literals
2:59:42 - Hex and Octal
3:04:06 - Operator Precedence and Associativity
3:11:53 - Reviewing Key Concepts
3:17:54 - Control Flow
3:27:32 - If Statement Practice
3:32:33 - Logical and Comparison Operators
3:42:27 - Switch Statement and Enum
3:51:00 - Intro to Loops
3:58:01 - For Loops (How to Calculate Factorial)
4:05:06 - While Loop and Factorial Calculator
4:12:29 - Do While Loop
4:20:04 - Break and Continue
4:25:14 - Conditional Operator
4:29:04 - Intro to Our App
4:33:00 - Creating a Menu
4:38:11 - Creating a Guessing Game
4:45:27 - Intro to Arrays and Vectors
4:54:15 - Working with Arrays
5:04:21 - Passing Arrays to Functions
5:11:11 - Fill Array from Input
5:20:42 - Using and Array to Keep Track of Guessing
5:25:55 - Intro to Vectors
5:33:00 - Creating a Vector
5:36:39 - Passing Vectors to Functions
5:39:55 - Refactor Guessing Game to Use Vectors
5:43:47 - STL Array
5:47:47 - STL Arrays in Practice
5:51:45 - Refactor Guessing Game to Use Templatized Array
5:55:13 - Array vs Vector vs STL Array
6:01:49 - Range Based for Loop
6:07:03 - Intro to IO Streams
6:15:45 - Writing to Files with ofstream
6:24:43 - Readings from Files with ifstream
6:31:13 - Saving High Scores to File
6:39:46 - Functions and Constructors
6:47:53 - Refactoring IO to Function Call and Testing
6:54:31 - Multidimensional Arrays and Nested Vectors
6:59:29 - Const Modifier
7:04:33 - Pass by Reference and Pass By Value
7:11:41 - Swap Function with Pass by Reference
7:14:27 - Intro to Function Overloading
7:19:35 - Function Overloading Examples
7:26:22 - Default Arguments
7:33:24 - Intro to Multifile Compilation
7:40:56 - Multifile Compilation
7:48:15 - Makefiles
7:54:44 - Creating a Simple Makefile
8:01:30 - Intro to Namespaces
8:05:33 - Creating a Namespace
8:10:24 - Intro to Function Templates
8:15:24 - Creating a Function Template
8:18:40 - Overloading Function Templates
8:23:18 - Intro to Object Oriented Programming
8:30:39 - Intro to Structs
8:35:59 - Creating a Struct
8:41:48 - Classes and Object
8:49:58 - Creating a Class
8:52:45 - Working with Objects
9:00:11 - Intro to Constructors
9:05:18 - Constructors and Destructors
9:09:53 - Encapsulation
9:15:40 - Getters and Setters
9:22:47 - Static Data Members
9:29:59 - Intro to Operator Overloading
9:34:07 - Operator Overloading == and +
9:41:13 - Overloading Insert and Extraction Operators
9:49:07 - Friend Functions and Operator Overloading
9:56:14 - Class Across Files
10:03:31 - Inheritance and Polymorphism
10:08:49 - Base Classes and Subclasses Inheritance
10:16:54 - Polymorphism
10:23:15 - Conclusion

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CONNECT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Рекомендации по теме

1:09 - Intro
9:31 - Installing g++
15:37 - C++ Concepts
22:31 - More C++ Concepts
30:48 - Using Directive and Declaration
37:33 - Variable Declaration and Initialization
40:40 - Using Variables with cout
44:46 - User Input with cin
47:57 - Conventions and Style Guides
56:23 - Intro to Functions
1:01:28 - Intro to Creating Custom Functions
1:09:05 - Pow Function
1:13:13 - Creating Custom Functions
1:22:20 - Creating Void Functions
1:29:11 - Intro to C++ Data Types
1:37:17 - Integral Data Types and Signed vs Unsigned
1:44:38 - Integral Data Types, sizeof, limit
1:49:35 - char Data Type
1:56:52 - Escape Sequences
2:02:21 - bool Data Type
2:06:54 - Floating Point Numbers
2:15:00 - Constant const, macro, and enum
2:21:00 - Numeric Functions
2:28:37 - String Class and C Strings
2:37:47 - get line for Strings
2:40:52 - String Modifier Methods
2:47:56 - String Operation Methods
2:54:36 - Literals
2:59:42 - Hex and Octal
3:04:06 - Operator Precedence and Associativity
3:11:53 - Reviewing Key Concepts
3:17:54 - Control Flow
3:27:32 - If Statement Practice
3:32:33 - Logical and Comparison Operators
3:42:27 - Switch Statement and Enum
3:51:00 - Intro to Loops
3:58:01 - For Loops (How to Calculate Factorial)
4:05:06 - While Loop and Factorial Calculator
4:12:29 - Do While Loop
4:20:04 - Break and Continue
4:25:14 - Conditional Operator
4:29:04 - Intro to Our App
4:33:00 - Creating a Menu
4:38:11 - Creating a Guessing Game
4:45:27 - Intro to Arrays and Vectors
4:54:15 - Working with Arrays
5:04:21 - Passing Arrays to Functions
5:11:11 - Fill Array from Input
5:20:42 - Using and Array to Keep Track of Guessing
5:25:55 - Intro to Vectors
5:33:00 - Creating a Vector
5:36:39 - Passing Vectors to Functions
5:39:55 - Refactor Guessing Game to Use Vectors
5:43:47 - STL Array
5:47:47 - STL Arrays in Practice
5:51:45 - Refactor Guessing Game to Use Templatized Array
5:55:13 - Array vs Vector vs STL Array
6:01:49 - Range Based for Loop
6:07:03 - Intro to IO Streams
6:15:45 - Writing to Files with ofstream
6:24:43 - Readings from Files with ifstream
6:31:13 - Saving High Scores to File
6:39:46 - Functions and Constructors
6:47:53 - Refactoring IO to Function Call and Testing
6:54:31 - Multidimensional Arrays and Nested Vectors
6:59:29 - Const Modifier
7:04:33 - Pass by Reference and Pass By Value
7:11:41 - Swap Function with Pass by Reference
7:14:27 - Intro to Function Overloading
7:19:35 - Function Overloading Examples
7:26:22 - Default Arguments
7:33:24 - Intro to Multifile Compilation
7:40:56 - Multifile Compilation
7:48:15 - Makefiles
7:54:44 - Creating a Simple Makefile
8:01:30 - Intro to Namespaces
8:05:33 - Creating a Namespace
8:10:24 - Intro to Function Templates
8:15:24 - Creating a Function Template
8:18:40 - Overloading Function Templates
8:23:18 - Intro to Object Oriented Programming
8:30:39 - Intro to Structs
8:35:59 - Creating a Struct
8:41:48 - Classes and Object
8:49:58 - Creating a Class
8:52:45 - Working with Objects
9:00:11 - Intro to Constructors
9:05:18 - Constructors and Destructors
9:09:53 - Encapsulation
9:15:40 - Getters and Setters
9:22:47 - Static Data Members
9:29:59 - Intro to Operator Overloading
9:34:07 - Operator Overloading == and +
9:41:13 - Overloading Insert and Extraction Operators
9:49:07 - Friend Functions and Operator Overloading
9:56:14 - Class Across Files
10:03:31 - Inheritance and Polymorphism
10:08:49 - Base Classes and Subclasses Inheritance
10:16:54 - Polymorphism
10:23:15 - Conclusion


I'm 8 hours into the video with 30 hours of learning c++ so far(just two hours after work everyday)
What's been helping me to learn:
1.If the video isn't showing something new, pause it, write the code first, then watch and see if mine's any different
2.If I see a blackboard, take out a notebook asap.
3.Every-time a new concept is mentioned, read the Geeks for Geeks article on it, even if the series doesn't cover it.
4.After each day of learning, find some leaked intro to CS homework online to complete on top of it.
5.After every week, take a day on the weekend and make up a coding project that can be completed in a day
6.Go through all of Caleb's intro to computer science 5 hour video after going through the first 1/3rd here
Adding on this other stuff, it's felt no different than taking a real class at a university.


finally a tutorial which touches almost every corner of c++, otherwise I go crazy when I see something and I can't understand. Thanks for hardwork


I haven't finished this course yet, but thank you so much for producing content like this. Committing yourself to code is one thing, but to then produce a 10 hour video teaching other people is an incredible feat. Thank you!


"So, what are you up to this weekend?"

"C++ and chill."


// CHAPTER 1 - VIDEO - Intro to C++ - 1:11
// CHAPTER 2 - Installing g++ and Getting Started - 9:32
// CHAPTER 3 - VIDEO - C++ Concepts Explained - 15:39
// CHAPTER 4 - VIDEO - More C++ Concepts - 22:33
// CHAPTER 5 - Using Directive and Declaration - 30:50
// CHAPTER 6 - Variable Declaration and Initialization - 37:36
// CHAPTER 7 - Using Variables with cout - 40:42
// CHAPTER 8 - User Input with cin - 44:48
// CHAPTER 9 - Conventions and Style Guides - 47:57
// CHAPTER 10 - VIDEO - Intro to Functions - 56:25
// CHAPTER 11 - VIDEO - Intro to Creating Custom Functions - 1:01:40
// CHAPTER 12 - Using Functions (pow functions) - 1:09:08
// CHAPTER 13 - Creating Custom Functions - 1:13:15
// CHAPTER 14 - Creating Void Functions - 1:22:23
// CHAPTER 15 - VIDEO - Intro to C++ Data Types - 1:29:12
// CHAPTER 16 - VIDEO - Integral Data Types and Signed vs Unsigned - 1:37:22
// CHAPTER 17 - Integral Data Types, sizeof, climit - 1:44:41
// CHAPTER 18 - char Data Type - 1:49:36
// CHAPTER 19 - Escape Sequence - 1:56:50
// CHAPTER 20 - bool Data Type - 2:02:22
// CHAPTER 21 - Floating Point Numbers - 2:06:57
// CHAPTER 22 - Constant const, macro, and enum - 2:15:02
// CHAPTER 23 - Numeric Functions - 2:21:03
// CHAPTER 24 - String Class and C Strings - 2:28:39
// CHAPTER 25 - getline for Strings - 2:37:50
// CHAPTER 26 - String Modifier Methods - 2:40:54
// CHAPTER 27 - String Operation Methods - 2:47:58
// CHAPTER 28 - Literals - 2:54:38
// CHAPTER 29 - Hex and Octal - 2:59:46
// CHAPTER 30 - Operator Precedence and Associativity - 3:04:07
// CHAPTER 31 - VIDEO - Reviewing Key Concepts - 3:11:55
// CHAPTER 32 - VIDEO - Control Flow - 3:17:56
// CHAPTER 33 - If Statement Practice - 3:27:35
// CHAPTER 34 - Logical and comparison operators -- 3:32:35
// CHAPTER 35 - Switch statements and Enum -- 3:42:30
// CHAPTER 36 - VIDEO - Intro to loops -- 3:51:02
// CHAPTER 37 - For Loops (How to Calculate Factorial) - 3:58:03
// CHAPTER 38 - While Loops and factorial calculator -- 4:05:08
// CHAPTER 39 - Do While Loop - 4:12:30
// CHAPTER 40 - Break and Continue - 4:20:08
// CHAPTER 41 - Conditional Operators (Ternary Operator) - 4:25:16
// CHAPTER 42 - Intro to OUR APP - 4:29:06
// CHAPTER 43 - Creating a menu - 4:33:01
// CHAPTER 44 - Creating a guessing game - 4:38:14
// CHAPTER 45 - Video - Intro to Arrays and Vectors - 4:45:29
// CHAPTER 46 - Working with Arrays - 4:54:17
// CHAPTER 47 - Passing Arrays to Function and sizeof Operator - 5:04:23
// CHAPTER 48 - Fill Array from Input - 5:11:13
// CHAPTER 49 - Using an Array to keep track of guessing - 5:20:44
// CHAPTER 50 - VIDEO - Intro to Vectors - 5:25:56
// CHAPTER 51 - Creating a Vector - 5:33:00
// CHAPTER 52 - Passing Vectors to Functions - 5:36:40
// CHAPTER 53 - Refactor guessing game to use Vectors - 5:39:55
// CHAPTER 54 - VIDEO - Standard Templatized Array (STL) - 5:43:49
// CHAPTER 55 - STL Arrays in Practice - 5:47:48
// CHAPTER 56 - Refactor Guessing Game to use Templatized Array - 5:51:46
// CHAPTER 57 - Arrays Vs STL Arrays Vs Vectors - 5:58:00
// CHAPTER 58 - Range Based for Loops - 6:01:50
// CHAPTER 59 - VIDEO - Intro to IO Streams - 6:07:05
// CHAPTER 60 - Writing to Files with ofstream - 6:15:47
// CHAPTER 61 - Reading from Files with ifstream - 6:24:45
// CHAPTER 62 - Saving High Scores to File - 6:31:15
// CHAPTER 63 - VIDEO - Functions and Constructions - 6:39:47
// CHAPTER 64 - Refactoring IO to Function Call and Testing - 6:47:57
// CHAPTER 65 - Multidimensional Arrays and Nested Vectors - 6:54:33
// CHAPTER 66 - Const Modifier - 6:59:31
// CHAPTER 67 - VIDEO - Pass by Reference and Pass by Value - 7:04:35
// CHAPTER 68 - Swap Function with Pass by Reference - 7:11:42
// CHAPTER 69 - VIDEO - Intro to Function Overloading - 7:14:29
// CHAPTER 70 - Function Overloading Examples - 7:19:37
// CHAPTER 71 - Default Arguments - 7:26:24
// CHAPTER 72 - VIDEO - Intro to Multifile Compilation - 7:33:26
// CHAPTER 73 - Multifile Compilation - 7:40:57
// CHAPTER 74 - VIDEO - Makefiles - 7:48:17
// CHAPTER 75 - VIDEO - Creating a Simple Makefiles - 7:54:46
// CHAPTER 76 - VIDEO - Intro to Namespaces - 8:01:32
// CHAPTER 77 - Creating a Namespace - 8:05:35
// CHAPTER 78 - VIDEO - Intro to Function Templates - 8:10:26
// CHAPTER 79 - Creating a Function Templates - 8:15:25
// CHAPTER 80 - Overloading Function Templates - 8:18:40
// CHAPTER 81 - VIDEO - Intro to Object Oriented Programming (OOP) - 8:23:20
// CHAPTER 82 - VIDEO - Intro to Structs - 8:30:40
// CHAPTER 83 - Creating a Struct - 8:36:00
// CHAPTER 84 - VIDEO - Classes and Objects - 8:41:49
// CHAPTER 85 - Creating a Class - 8:50:00
// CHAPTER 86 - Working with Objects - 8:52:47
// CHAPTER 87 - VIDEO - Intro to Constructors - 9:00:12
// CHAPTER 88 - Constructors and Destructors - 9:05:19
// CHAPTER 89 - VIDEO - Encapsulation - 9:00:55
// CHAPTER 90 - Getters and Setters - 9:15:42
// CHAPTER 91 - Static Data Members - 9:22:49
// CHAPTER 92 - VIDEO - Intro to Operator Overloading - 9:30:00
// CHAPTER 93 - Operator Overloading == and + - 9:34:08
// CHAPTER 94 - Overloading Insert and Extraction Operators - 9:41:15
// CHAPTER 95 - Friend Functions and Operator Overloading- 9:49:08
// CHAPTER 96 - Class Across Files - 9:54:16
// CHAPTER 97 - VIDEO - Inheritance and Polymorphism - 10:03:33
// CHAPTER 98 - Base Classes and Subclasses inheritance - 10:08:50
// CHAPTER 99 - Polymorphism - 10:16:55
// CHAPTER 100 - VIDEO - Conclusion | cout << "By an absolute legend!" - 10:23:16
// I just want to say a HUGE thank you to Caleb for this incredible C++ insight.
// I started out with next to NO knowledge and now, with over 2500 lines of code later, I have... KNOWLEDGE!!
// Thanks dude! You're awesome, humorous, methodical and teach in a way that is easily understood. It's given me a wonderful foundation to build upon.
// Thanks again!!!
// And, coincidentally, today has been exactly a month since I started the video!

Edit: I've tweaked the times to match but if any are out of line, let me know and I'll amend! Thanks


I've been a software engineer for 10 years and over that time done countless courses and tutorials for different concepts... even though there's a lot of conceptual stuff that things that I know, the fact that you don't assume anything is good...
I am over an hour into the series and I'm enjoying it so far I would have to say one of the best I've ever done


I've watched two times: Once for learning, second without Adblock to support your hard work. Thanks <3


i really admire the fact that you dont edit out the small errors you make while developing the programs. This shows that even the best of us can make silly errors from time to time. Really love your videos. It has definitely helped me a lot.


Great videos thanks Caleb! I am a research scientist and have worked with different languages for data calculations that are somewhat close to c++ like R or Arduino programming but I never took the time to learn C++. I have worked a lot developping computer models in Fortran but i'm looking into recoding them into C++ and your videos are a super great help


Today I had my OOP C++ Exam... for the 3rd Time in the span of a year... failing again and again... I literally watched every second, and I am pretty sure that today I passed, I finally see the horizon of ending my C++ horror :) Hopefully I passed and even if not... I CAN'T THANK YOU ENOUGH! Finally, the light dawned on me in C++!


One of the best C++ tutorials on Youtube


i really do appreciate the people who spend their time make full tutorials.


I am a 3rd year Electrical Engineer undergrad student at Georgia Tech. Coding is never my cup of tea. I am going through a lot of stuff in my life right now plus the pandemic, I was on a path of failing my C++ class in this semester. Thanks to this video, I am on track of finishing homework and projects. It is kind of unclogging my foggy mind. Thank you so much Caleb!


CAN'T BELIEVE I'VE FINISHED WATCHING THE WHOLE VIDEO!!! It's actually the 1st programming tutorial that I've finished wzo skipping any second !!! For those who haven't started yet and tend to save it for later, this tutorial not only explains the concepts but also includes tons of examples! It takes me around 10 hours to learn the concepts, but it definitely takes more hours for Curry to write the script and edit the videos. Really appreciate it :D It would be great to see more videos abt pointers cause I always get confused by how to implement pointers in classes.


Omg he is a pefect blend of a teenager mind and a good programming teacher :)


I really really wanna binge watch this like an anime


Caleb, not sure if you'll see this, but if you do I just wanna give a really heartfelt thank you to you for all the hard work you put into making this series and releasing it for free. After over 9 months of trying to watch this video, take notes, and make practice programs whenever I can manage to find the free time, I've finally finished it. If I had tried learning through a textbook, I don't know if I would've had the attention span or motivation to stick with it this long, but your videos struck a perfect balance for me of being engaging while not sacrificing informativeness. Again, thank you so so much.


I just finished this over the span of 3 days and I have to say this was great. I'm glad that I kind of caught on to the concepts and only really had to learn about syntax and implementation across multiple files. You got yourself a new subscriber. Thank you so much!


Thank you Caleb for putting this together! I've been programming for years, but have neglected to venture into the world of C++. I finally need to learn it for school so I've been watching this over the past couple days on 1.25 speed...it's great! I will definitely recommend this to my classmates.
