Khadija's conflict with Ali's creditor: Will Khadija's hard days end?

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Khadija stood in the small courtyard of her house with a troubled and worried face. Every day she remembered the days when Ali, her husband, talked enthusiastically about the building materials he bought from the creditor. Back then, life had a different color and flavor and everything seemed good and easy. The creditor, a man with a strong appearance and a deep voice, would come to their door with his truck every time, reminding Khadija of the brighter days. He would carefully load the materials and in return, Ali would give him money and the cycle would continue.

But now, times had changed drastically. Khadija was no longer the cheerful and happy woman she had been. She had recently been thrown out of her home, due to the endless arguments and problems Ali had caused. Now she was alone and had to struggle to survive and survive in this cold and cruel world.

As she remembered the days of the past with longing, she saw the creditor from the corner of her eye, walking towards her with firm steps. His face was filled with anger and a demand that Khadija knew very well. He approached Khadija impatiently and said in a loud and threatening voice: “Khadija! I have come for my money. Ali still owes me and he must pay the money as soon as possible.”

Khadija, who no longer had the energy to continue this argument, said in a trembling and muffled voice: “Ali has thrown me out of the house and I have no money now. Please, tell Ali that you must go to him yourself and get your money from him.”

The creditor looked at her with angry eyes and said: “This has nothing to do with me. You must take responsibility for the debt. If Ali does not pay, I will be forced to do other things.” Then he continued in a threatening tone: “Then be careful, because I will do anything to get my money.”

Khadija, with a heart full of fear and worry, asked him not to disrespect her house, but the creditor only looked at her with a cold and emotionless face and left the yard without even glancing at her. The sound of his footsteps gradually faded into the distance, but fear and worry remained in Khadija’s heart.

In her heart, she knew that the situation would not be resolved so easily. Now she had to think about her future, she had to find a way to get through this crisis. Could she approach Ali and ask him for help? Or should she deal with these problems alone? Unanswered questions that had plunged her into loneliness and confusion. From that day on, she could not be indifferent and had to fight for her life.

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Рекомендации по теме

Шоу продолжается.. Это просто цирк, сценарий что бы зарабатывать деньги.. Сценарий дерьмо, хватит лжи!


Оооох не заканчиваются эти проблемы, Али лишний раз доказал подлость, он знает положение Хадиджи и отправляет людей добивать её,


Пацан, ты давал деньги Али, чего не взял расписку, он обманул хатиджу, не спросив её переписал дом на свою толстую курицу. Требуй деньги от того кому давал


He just wants to feed himself, let him, he makes a big mess, but that’s ok, cute little boy


Kein Wunder dass diese Kanäle nach und nach alle verschwinden.


Что за бред Али взял деньги а жене отдавать . Это что в Иране женщин вобще не во что не ставят. Детей забирают отцы с семи лет а долги отдают женщины сплошной бардак


Khadija look for a house for rent in the village so that you can rest well.The rain water that flows the rock will always come inside your tent. You are always disturb when ever the weather is bad.Have a nice day❤


Оператор хватит придумывать херню грубо говоря и глупость! Одни негативы Подписчики уменьшаются смотреть чушь! Вернёшь Хатидже дом и покажешь как арестуют Али с его коровой нахальной, наглой, вернутся подписчики и даже прибавятся!


Khadija has to make a report and file a complaint against Ali and his creditors, because the law system is very slow when it comes to justice. I think Hojjat is doing a good job, at the end of the day his son is being kicked out by two lazy scum bags that don't like to work.


Bless morning to my two fovorite people on all of you tube channels


Inizio a stancarmi di questi video !!!!😢😢😢😢


Verdadera mente yo lla no quiero ver al estupido Ali en la series junto con Khadija nunca más porfabor


Drăguțul de Merdad este mai cuminte acuma de cand este numai cu mama lui💖
Khadija Dumnezeu să te ajute să-ți rezolvi problema cu casa cât mai repede 💖🙏🙏🙏


Khadija nem lesz nyugalmat mindenki zavarni fog jobb lenne ha el fogadnád a kis házat .❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


Khadeeja, file for a divorce, until now you are not doing anything to take revenge on Ali the traitor


Это что за дурачок пришел сюда. Иди проси кому дал деньги. Пристал тут.Что только не придумают


Ánimo hermosa Dios te bendiga grandemente desde México


Hojiat esta buscando a kafija.Deben irse de alli porque se llevara a tu hijo menrad si no vas con el!
Llevala a la cabaña que ke ofrevierom y podrian comprarla mas adelante


Khaja you' divorce Ali shi bad boy way you pay anything ...khaja you' sty peace full life 🙏🙏🙏❤️


Don’t let yourself let him pay what he owes. He threw you out him and that woman his first wife, so you don’t have anything to do with that go report him on the police with the judge or I don’t know what to call them to leave you alone, you don’t have a home you’re homeless you and your child you should think about him and you and him deal with his doubt, take care you you and your son and I pray to God that you’ll be fine and please people whoever reads this try to help her. She’s a nice girl and a nice mother and she tries everything for her son please I beg of you to help her and may God bless her and her child and I hope she finds a steady home and never let the paper of her steady home to anybody or show them I feel bad about leaving out there and having hunky-dory good time with that fat woman he just wanted to take away what she had earned and her money please please help her. I know there’s some kind people and judges lawyers that can be on her site, and a bank of them with all my heart to help her and may God bless you all and her and her God be with them all the time thank you❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉😢😢
