Low Carb BAGEL BATTLE - The BEST Keto Bagels Recipe!

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Low Carb Bagel Recipe - Keto Bagel Recipe Battle!

Join us for an epic Low Carb Bagel Battle, as we search for the best keto bagel recipe on the internet! This week, we test and review the best low carb and keto bagel recipes. From nut-free bagels made with coconut flour to regular fathead dough bagels made from almond flour, you’ll find a favorite here somewhere. Be sure to check out the links to the two fantastic recipes we tested below!



Low Carb Bagels - Coconut Flour Fat Head Dough
by Low Carb Yum

Keto Low Carb Bagels Recipe With Fathead Dough - Gluten Free
by Wholesome Yum





Email Inquiries: wes (at) highfalutinlowcarb (dot) com
Рекомендации по теме

Thanks so much for testing out my coconut flour Fathead dough bagels. I'm so glad you enjoyed them!!! The dough also make the best low carb cinnamon rolls as well.


I have very few GOTO Youtubers, that I rely on for GOOD recipes. YOU are one of them, and videos like this one is why! Thankyou!


Honestly, the best thing about this channel is your personality and facial expressions. You're frickin I wish you were my low carb drinking buddy!


I tried these today; definitely a keeper recipe. I did the coconut flour recipe, and I added a packet of yeast, but I could not smell the yeast smell in them. Next time I am going to alter it according to what another lady, Kimberly, said: "I dropped the 2 TBSP of baking powder to just 1, added 1 tsp of baking soda and about 3/4 tsp xanthan gum and 1 TBSP of almond flour." These just taste really good and do satisfy the "bread hunger" that many of us feel. Thanks for working these things out for us.


Biscuits are for transporting gravy into my mouth. Bagels are for transporting cream cheese into my mouth :P Love your face!


My 6 yr old son is an ADD kid and I have been trying to do keto with him bc I’ve read that it helps other organic brain diseases and even though he’s not 100% keto he’s as close as I can get a 6 yr old, and he’s much more balanced as far as his moods and his “twitchyness” when I restrict his carbs. Problem is he LOVES HIM SOME BREAD. And I think trying a bagel recipe on him might satisfy that bread need he has. Definitely gonna bust out that coconut flour tomorrow and whip up a batch. Thanks Wes—u totally rock. Love Love Love your channel!


hey bud, keep doing what your are doing. You are a really genuine person and it shines through in your personality and presentation. I look forward to your new videos, keep them coming!


Being a Jewish kid from Long Island, NY, giving up traditional bagels has got to be one of the most challenging keto sacrifices I've made! Suffice it to say: I'll be trying these recipes. Thanks for the testing!


Whew! This is another long one, folks. Sorry about that! Guess I just had a lot to say!

There is tons of information in the video description above, but so many people seem to have difficulty finding the Video Description box that I thought it might be wise to include the most important links here in the comments as well.


Low Carb Bagels - Coconut Flour Fat Head Dough
by Low Carb Yum

Keto Low Carb Bagels Recipe With Fathead Dough - Gluten Free
by Wholesome Yum



Just made the coconut flour recipe and it was a total success! They're excellent with cream cheese, smoked salmon, and a slice of tomato. Thanks so much for bringing this recipe to my attention!


I normally skip parts of cooking videos because I'm super impatient, but I watch your videos in their entirety because I don't want to miss out on all of your crazy and funny commentary hah! And helpful insight, of course. This channel deserves a million followers, easily. Found you when I clicked on your alternative sweetener experiment, and am loving this battle series. Thank you for putting so much time and effort in your videos, looking forward to many more!


Doughnuts or Bagels are easier to make by rolling a ball of dough in your hands after cutting equal portions off a long sausage shape. You can then push a finger through the middle of the ball and then two fingers to make the hole bigger, very carefully. My Mum made doughnuts like this for 50 years. Pico from Australia.


Gosh I wish you were my neighbor! I have only recently discovered your channel and yes I am subscribed. I have already been inspired and learned so much. I am fairly new to Keto - started Sept 8 - so I have a lot to learn. Love your channel, love your style. love your honesty.


My favorite part of your videos is how you react when you taste the final product! It is just SO HONEST. 💜


Great recipe battle! I love seeing your reaction when you take a taste, I get such a big smile going.


“Sesame seeds are the glitter of the culinary world” is officially my new mantra.


I love the look on your face when you tried the coconut flour one with cream cheese and smoked salmon. 😁 Thanks for the smile!


I am new to keto lifestyle, and I almost never comment of people’s channels but I have to say I love watching your channel. You are very entertaining, honest and fun to watch. 👍🏻👍🏻


The time is great! I love your videos and I respect the time, work, and effort you put into them. Just keep on keeping on, please! Thank you from Northwest Alabama!


I'm new to low carb and was very worried about not being able to have a sandwich... I tried other breads and they tasted very eggy.... Yuck. My good friend turned me on to your channel and I watched the bagel test.... I had all of the ingredients on hand for both coconut and almond flour .. of course i had to make the coconut recipe and baked 19 minutes... They were so good and I am almost in tears because they will be my staple! Thank you sooo much for doing what you do!
