When A V8 Detroit Diesel Runs Away So Do You! #diesel #runaway #detroit #willitrun

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In this video we try to fire up an old ford with an 8v92 detroit and as we struggled for it to get any fuel it then ran away. i believe the truck will still run and we will get it running! I hope you enjoy watching. Please subscribe!!

0:00 Intro
1:00 Seeing What We Have
1:22 First Crank In Many Years
5:27 Source Of Fuel
7:42 Lets Try Gravity
8:00 RUN
9:40 One Last Try
11:55 Outro

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Yank the valve covers and make sure the rack moves freely. It only takes one stuck injector to hold them all wide open. Common problem, especially after sitting for a long time


Nothing like 2 people that don't know what there doing!


a comon issue with detroits is when it sits for many years the fuel rail seizes up and when moving the trottle pedal it gets stuck wide open till you pull the valve cover off to free it up


I hate to see a Detroit get destroyed because people are to dumb to check the rack those engines are starting to be hard to find


When you go to start it after a while, take the valve covers off and make sure all 8 of the injectors racks move freely. These work just like the governor on the engine of a lawn mower. They are in full fuel when it's off and then move back to idle or full throttle when running. (Depending on the position of the throttle lever) The injectors can get stuck in full fuel. Leading to a runaway. Even if it's just one injector. If that engine ran like that for say about 5 minutes, it would seize up prematurely or worse, throw something out of the crankcase. So always make sure that the racks are free before starting if it's been sitting for a long time.


When I lower the funnel and hose, the fuel starts coming back up to the funnel. Archimedes got to be laughing at that one. 🤣☮️🇺🇸


Had an old mechanic tell me that after 30 years he never saw a diesel run away. He did see a lot of mechanics run away from one when it took off.


Pull the valve covers, put a pair of vise-grips on the rack so you have control of the rack while starting.
A Detroit of this vintage will have the older style rack (2 screws), even one hung injector will hold all the others at full fuel.
Ditch the ether. Prime the fuel system by filling it thru the top of the secodary fuel filter (gravity) pr by using a small pump.


This is hard to watch. If you don't know what you are doing then DONT!!!! It's common knowledge that if a Detroit Two stroke sits for a while that the injectors may be I is basic common knowledge.


It's a 8V71 and the one or more injectors are stuck causing the fuel rack to not move. When a Detroit shuts down the Gov. goes to full fuel.
Pull the valve cover and free up the rack.
Nice old Ford


Take that can away from her!!! Ya better check that rack. You answered you own problem with the accelerator being stuck


A runaway diesel is nothing to worry about. They usually run at maximum RPM for about 15 minutes then slowly lock up.


Ether has killed more engines than anything else. Watched a fool in Anchorage trying to start a frozen 8-53 mid winter. Used up 3 or 4 cans of ether. When he ran out, he got the cutting torch and blew pure oxygen into the air cleaner. The right cylinder head landed about 100 feet downrange.


i think we need more check the rack comments not enough yet


Most louisville have 8v71N 318hp the old screw knobs on the rocker covers are a give away, 8v92 have circlip on the water pump, 8v71 have bolts on front cover of the water pump 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻


I ran an 8V92 and its always been a great engine! Its always just a little funny when its someone elses engine, sad end for the olf girl!


Holy grail cow that's quite something else, and the cussing Diane was doing with excitement 😊😊


Awesome video. When I was working for a Equipment Co. back in the early 80’s. We got a IH cab over with a 8V92. One day the driver was bringing it in the yard and we was just thought he was showing off in reality it was running away. He had a hard time getting it out of gear with the sloppy linkage and thrust against the gears. We tried putting hard cardboard over the air intake, but there was to many leaks in the piping. Lol!! She finally stopped. We think she was running on the oil buildup in the air box. We tore her down only thing we found was she stretched her conecting rods. Put her back together and she ran good till we sold her!! Good luck with that one!! Thank you for sharing!!


Never start an unknown old diesel without some CO2 gas fire extinguishers that you can empty in the intake!!! (No foam extinguishers and no powder extinguishers!)


Man she's the shit am still laughing 😝😝😝😝😝
