Nikon D5 - Five inspired professional photographers with the D5

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INSPIRED, a film by Nikon Ambassador Corey Rich, explores what drives today’s most diverse and interesting professional photographers and filmmakers in their relentless pursuit to capture perfect images and truly meaningful stories.

Designed to transcend boundaries, the Nikon D5 is a powerhouse that lets you capture images no other camera can and express your creativity in exactly the way you imagined. Designed with a new generation autofocus (AF) system with 153 focus points and 99 cross-type sensors, shoot in any situation with a new level of precision. No matter how fast the action, capture it all with the D5 that shoots up to 12 frames per second (fps) with AE/ AF tracking or at up to 14 fps with mirror up.
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To take good picture is easy, to take amazing moments and capturing them, it's hard. Times I feel like quitting but time to time, I come to realize stopping won't make me better, after seeing this video I was inspired to never quit and continue the passion I have for photography. Thanks Nikon♥️


Im a canon user and i have to say nikon put a tons of time into these very meaningful videos, which canon never does


When I'm feeling sad or being mad or don't have any ideas for pictures, this is the video that inspires me to take pictures again


Promoting your product is one thing, but this video, Man! What an inspiring video. Just feel like dropping everything I do and grab my camera and hit the road.


This is the one thing I like about these videos. It’s not always about their product but the passion in creating these amazing pictures. It’s precious.


After I bought my first nikon camera (D800) my life have slowly started to change for the better,
now after 3 years with it I have finally shot my first wedding, an 18th century themed ball.
but after seeing these guys in action I have started to realise how far of I actually am in both skill/dedication and passion, it is saddening and natural I guess.
some people are chasing their dream, while others are stuck with it as an hobby.


Nikon never disappoints me when it comes to these inspirational, motivational videos..!! I still remember the "Nikon - WHY" video, that inspired me to the core..!! I have been a Nikon user since 2012-2013, my Nikon D7000 works so so so well after almost 8 years, all the lenses as well, and now I am a proud owner of Nikon Z5 with 24-700 lens..!! Thank you Nikon..!!


This film about photographers deserves another one about the videographer !!


Very inspiring indeed. Today I picked up my camera out of my bag and kissed it. I've been so busy that I forgot how much joy I got out of shooting and I motivated myself to get back into it. I love every moment of it.


I am a Nikon lover from India, everytime some other company releases a new product I never feel low. I just open my Nikon collection and feel proud that I have a larger choice of lenses to use, iconic history to admire, unique results to produce. All the Nikons I bought still are with me. Like childhood buddys. Never regretted having less money, but feel proud when friends awe at my collection.


I don't own a DSLR or have even had a Nikon or Cannon in my hand ...but I could understand each one in the video so very well! Photography is life!:)


As a Nikon D5 user. I can say I truly love this video and how they portray photographers. And the seriousness they put into their work. It was very well done


This 10 minutes video is a massive motivation for me! I watch it at least twice a day. Inspires me to keep working hard and one day to work with Nikon! Great job Corey and the team!


This is one of the best works as a film to showcase the way these 5 photographers think. You can actually feel like living each of their respective lives.
Great work Corey Rich.


I am Nikonian, and i think every photographer should respect mother nature, photography ethics, and they should earn respect as a photographer as well.


Ok... Are we going to ignore the fact that the model during the fashion shoot is ABSOLUTELY STUNNING ?!!


I don't know why everyone's commenting that they are nikon user or a canon user. All that matters is photography and it's inspiring :)


And THIS is why I became a photographer. Just being able to go around and take pictures of anything and tell a story, yenno? I love it. I may be a Canon user (for now) but I do plan on switching to Nikon soon and this just made me want to do it even more.


This is why i love Nikon and i am proud to be a Nikon user.Such an amazing views :) really inspiring


Great respect to everybody on their photography road and who follow their heart!
