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the kids might not remember this day when they're older.. but i will forever :)
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I belum habis pun tengok the whole vlog tapi mata ni dah start banjir. Im so proud of you Syah. Dalam rezeki kita mesti ada rezeki orang lain. Before you spent thousands for your mom and now for anak2 yatim. I want to do what you do one day. Thank you for being an inspiration. Not to forget Nana and Nawal sbb banyak bersabar layan anak2 tu semua. Korang mudahkan urusan orang, Allah akan mudahkan urusan korang. Love love love~


You can choose the easiest way to make a donation but instead, you do the hustle and bustle to bring all the kids down to the mall and choose things they desire. Hats off to you, Nana & Nawal... .


i was in the kids' shoe before, now i am 22 and studying and i stilll remember all those times when people brought us out for shopping raya. thank you so much aisyah for making these anak syurga happy. it really means a lot to them, and for me too. i instantly cried watching your video aisyah seeing how generous you are. you're such an inspiration to everyone. i hope i could be like you one day, being able help the people in need too. sending love to you all the way from germany & selamat hari raya aisyah <3


not until i read aisyah's description box "the kids might not remember this when they're older but i will forever". damnn terus laju nangis weh😭😭


thank you baby for giving back to society.. this is really inspiring for us to be like you!!! AAAA SAYA NANGISSSS


teruskan bersedekah syah… terharu nya tengok budak2 comel tu dapat makan sedap2, shopping, dlm bulan ramadan pula tu. spread love ❤❤❤❤


This is officially THE MOST WHOLESOME THING IVE EVER WATCHED ON THE INTERNET!! They’re so adorable 😭😭 may god bless you all 😭🤍


this is so wholesome, u couldve just donated the money but u rented a bus, brought the kids to mall and let them choose their clothes & toys by themselves! this wasnt easy to do as I myself did participate in this kind of event before, handling kids wasnt easy 😹 thank you aisyah, nana and nawal for making this! hope u guys being rewarded for your good deeds in this holy month <3


Terharu bila tengok adik2 ni happy bila dibawa shopping raya. Goodjob Aisyah and Nana. Keep doing a good things. Semoga korg dimurahkan rezeki. You always inspiring me. I hope suatu hari nnti sy pun mampu berbagi seperti ini. 😊


not even big vendors, celebrities or any other influencers can do such big things like 3 of you just did. i am beyond grateful to see someone like 3 of you doing this. very inspiring. kudos to all of you. May allah swt pay you multiple rezeki for what u guys just did in the future. amin ya rabb 😊😊


Tahniah Ibu Bapa Aisyah kerana telah mendidik Aisyah menjadi anak yang sangat pemurah. Aisyah sangat bertuah dikelilingi dengan kawan2 yg sangat baik. Semoga Allah sentiasa melindungi, merahmati dan menyayangi Aisyah, family n kawan2.


Your parents raise u guys so well!! Thank you for treating this anak soleh, inshaAllah rezeki u akan melimpah ruah lagi after this amiin yra!


masyaAllah . Alhamdulillah. antara org2 yg dekat dgn baginda rasulullah adalah org2 yg menyantuni anak yatim. 🥹🥹 thanks aisyah Nana. i sendiri x terfikir utk buat mcm u alls buat. Semoga Allah murahkan rezeki yg luas, kebahagian dunia akhirat .. hidup dlm redha Allah swt 🤲 love sgt content ni


comelnya semua!❤❤❤ Thank You So Much and Well Done Aisyah, Nana and Nawal for making all of them super happy during this holy month of Ramadan, semoga korang and family terus dimurahkan rezeki selalu so that boleh share dgn mereka yang memerlukan 🥰❤️ Seeing them smile is very precious, MashaAllah🤍😭 Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir dan Batin jugak korang❤❤❤ Rest well Aisyah lepas ni and take care of your health tau❤❤❤


i dont know, but i smile for the whole vlog. so much love, kindness, family, hardwork, caring, pure, sincere, happiness in this vlog. Thank you aisyah for spending your time with the kids 😍. Thanks to nana and nawal also for helping a lot to taking care of the kids 🤣 (part kejar2 tu i mmg laugh out loud) Hahaha


Thats why i love her. She is so pure and kind. Aisyah is so inspiring. I hope i can do the same one day. I shaAllah aminn.


Daripada start video one thing stuck on my head ‘ya Allah kecik2 diaorang dah jadi anak yatim😢’ and till the end of the video i cannot stop saying ‘ALHAMDULILLAH’ happy sangat2 tengok semua anak2 yatim, semua cikgu happy and senyum je through the end of the video, mesti you rasa lega kan syahh sebab dapat buat ni, semoga satu hari nanti i pon dapat buat benda yang sama berkongsi rezeki dengan orang yang memerlukan, thankyou aisyah, nana and nawal for making this video, may Allah bless you guys, semoga setiap langkah korang diberkati digandakan lagi rezeki yang korang hulurkan kepada mereka, happy tak terkata tengok diorang lega walaupon sendiri punya hajat belum tercapai in sya Allah satu hari nanti🤍


I cryyyy! Semoga Allah luaskan rezeki aisyah, nana & nawal sebab happykan anak2 yatim ni. Semoga korang semua berjodoh dengan org yg baik2 sebaik korang jugak ❤️❤️❤️


SO PROUD OF YOU GUYSSS!!! semoga allah permudahkan urusan you guys dan semoga anak anak tu jadi anak yang berjaya satu hari nanti aamin ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ SUKA SANGAT TENGOK VIDEO AISYAHHHH NI


This video deserve 100million thumbs ups. You have moved me since you give your mother cash dalam kotak tu.. so funy yet moving.. And this video gaves me the same impact, but greater. Keep on doing great things CA, and keep this kind soul of yours. The world need it.❤
